Chapter 3

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Four hours later, I was changing into my work clothes. A white button down, black slacks, and black combat boots. Pulling my hair back into a messy bun, I grabbed my makeup bag and put my clothes bag behind Vance's desk in the corner where no one would see it.

As I headed into the women's bathroom, I ran into Vance and greeted him,

"Good morning, Director!" He smiled at me and asked,

"How'd you sleep?"

"Good, actually."

"I'm glad. How're you feeling?"

When the elevator dinged, I saw that salt and pepper hair and put a finger over my lips, whispering,

"Let's keep my sleeping arrangements between us. Mind if I do my makeup in your office? It won't take long and I'll be out of your hair soon."

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go." As we walked back to his office, I could feel Gibbs' eyes on us and I fought the urge to look back at him. When we got to his office, I turned off his TV and used it as a mirror to do my makeup, quickly. When I was finished, I put my makeup bag away and put my sidearm on, grabbing my badge.

"Okay, I'll see you later Director. Any meetings I should know about?"

"No, but there will be a gala held for all the federal agencies this weekend. Everyone is required to go."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll go dress shopping with Ellie today."

"Also, lunch today?"

"Sure thing."

Walking downstairs, I noticed that Bishop and McGee were in the bullpen, talking animatedly. Before I could make it to my desk, I felt fingers circle my wrist and pull me into the elevator. Looking at my boss, he stayed silent and waited for the elevator to start to move. When it did, he pulled the emergency stop and stared at me, intensely.


"You have to tell me what's going on?"

"Nothing, Boss."

"Don't lie. You were here well before me, whispering with the Director. Does he know something that I don't?" Sighing, I placed a hand on his bicep and replied,

"It's just because of the Kepler case. Everything is fine. Promise." He still looked skeptical, but he let it go for now.

"Also, is it okay if Ellie and I leave early to go dress shopping for that stupid gala this weekend?"

"Yeah, sure. As long as there isn't a case. Shouldn't be a problem."


As I got off the elevator, I smiled at Gibbs and called,

"I can't wait to see you all decked out, Gibbs!"

Gibbs' Point of View

"I can't wait to see you all decked out, Gibbs!" (F/N) smiled and called out to me, as she left the elevator. Smiling to myself, I looked away from her as the doors close, but the smile went away as I thought about my conversation with Vance last night;

"Jethro?" Vance called, coming down into my basement and catching my attention. Looking away from the newest boat, I sat up and asked,

"Leon, what's going on?"

"Nothing, just checking on you."

"Right. Because I was asking about (F/N) and Kepler."


"So, what is that story?"

"Nothing. She was just asked to assist."

"Right. So, the fact that she isn't staying at her house or at her hotel tonight has nothing to do with that? And don't sit there and tell me it's a coincidence."

"They aren't connected."

"Okay and I have the feeling that you know exactly what's going on. Yet, I'm being kept out of the loop concerning someone on my team."

"It's an FBI matter. Don't worry yourself."

"When I went to her house tonight, she had her sidearm on. She is worried about something, so I should be worried."

"It's fine, Jethro."

"Leon, if something happens to her...I'm going to blame you."

"She'll be fine."

"For all of our sakes, I hope you're right."

As the doors open, I walk into Abby's lab and Abby's music was lower than normal. When I saw Abby, she was looking at some dresses on her computer.

"You too?" I asked, catching her attention and she smiled, replying,

"Well, yeah! We're all going dress shopping at three. So, (F/N) and the Director are going to lunch early. Then, we only will have two hours of work left." Freezing, I tried to keep control of my facial expression as I asked, tightly,

"(F/N) and Leon are going to lunch?"

"Well, yeah. It's Wednesday. They go to lunch together every Wednesday unless we have a case or he has meetings." She replied, leaning against her counter and I cleared my throat, making her tease me,

"Oh? Are you jealous Gibbs?"

"What? No!" I replied, crossing my arms and glaring at her. Abby laughed and shook her head, turning back to her computer.

Two hours later, I was back in the bullpen and (F/N) was getting up, pulling on her jacket. At the same time, Vance was walking down the stairs. (F/N) met him by the elevators and Vance said something to her, making her laugh. I felt something akin to rage stir within me and I couldn't stop myself. Standing up, I walked over to the elevators and got on with both of them.

"Gibbs, you going to lunch too?" (F/N) asked, the teasing tone in her voice making me forget why I was even mad. Smiling down at her, I rolled my eyes and replied,

"No, just going get some more coffee." Now, it was her turn to roll her eyes and Vance chuckled, commenting,

"I can't believe you didn't know that already, (F/N)." (F/N) chuckled and shrugged, not replying. When the elevator doors opened, they walked out together and Vance placed his hand on the small of her back, guiding her to his car. Walking to the coffee cart, that unfamiliar anger stirred again, and I tried to push it down. But the sight of them together just made it worse.

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