Chapter 28

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Jethro's Point of View

Two weeks later, we were in the office and (F/N) was with Leon, working on an op that was soon to be underway. I wasn't allowed to know what the op was and it was making me anxious, though I wouldn't tell anyone else that.

When we were home, (F/N) was always working on it and when she wasn't, she was on the phone with Leon about smaller details. She either left before or after me every morning, we were seeing less and less of each other.

Hearing the click of her heels, I looked up and my heart stopped for a moment. She was in black heels, a red dress that hugged her curves, her hair was up in a neat bun, and she had on light makeup that accentuated her features. Standing up, I met her at the front of the desk and blocked her path, making her look up at me. When our eyes met, she raised a brow and I asked, quietly,

"Now, where do you think you're goin' dressed like that?"

"Out." She replied, going to step around me and I grabbed her wrist, gently.

"(F/N), I thought we agreed to no secrets."

"Agent Gibbs, Agent (L/N) is on assignment from me." Leon's voice called, turning my attention to the stairs and making me frown. (F/N) looked over to Leon and sighed, motioning to the elevator. Leon followed behind us and when the doors closed, (F/N) flipped the emergency switch.

"Jethro, there has been word that a senator has been leaking information to a homegrown terrorist cell." (F/N) started, catching my attention and I started linking together what that meant, turning my glare to Leon.

"No way in hell." I growled out, arm going to (F/N)'s waist and pulling her flush against my side, protectively. Leon sighed and replied,

"This is why we didn't tell you anything about this."

"She's not going undercover when terrorists are involved!"

"It's not your choice, Jethro. I volunteered for this assignment. I'm going to have federal agents around me and Leon is coming with me." (F/N) interjected, pulling away from me and pointing a glare at me.

"I don't give a damn who is gonna be there! These are terrorists we're talking about here!" I replied, leveling my glare at her and she huffed, countering,

"I'm an agent, Jethro. This is my job!"

"But-- I-- (F/N)!" I exclaimed, exasperated and she sighed, finishing,

"Jethro, I'm gonna be fine. It's just a party. I'm not even technically going under. I'm just going to a party with Leon on the hill."

"To sniff out a potential leak. (F/N)--"

"Leon, give us a minute. I'll meet you out front." When he started the elevator, got off, and we walked into the lobby. Going to a corner, (F/N) turned to me and linked her fingers at the back on my neck, calling,

"Jethro?" Looking into her eyes, I didn't respond and she smiled, softly as she asked,

"Do you trust me?" Resting my forehead against her own, I closed my eyes and breathed,

"With my life."

"Do you love me?"

"More than I can explain."

"Then trust me to do my job. The job where I met the man I fell in love with. Okay?"


"I'll be home by 2200, if not earlier. We'll be able to have dinner tonight."

"Steak sound good?"

She smiled and nodded, replying,

"Sounds perfect." Sighing, I pulled her into me and kissed her, softly. When she pulled away, I let her go and as she went to walk away, I called,

"Be safe!" Pausing, she looked back over her shoulder and smiled, replying,

"Always am."

Reader's Point of View

About an hour later, we got to the party and Leon escorted me towards the building. When Leon and I got into the building, eyes were already on us and I leaned to him, whispering,

"They're watching us."

"I know, I can feel it too. I'm gonna say it's because I have a good piece of arm candy and they're jealous." Leon teased, making me snort and nudge him, as we walked around the room. There were agents every where and I could feel my team's gaze on me.

"I'll be damned. He doesn't know how to follow orders." Leon huffed, eyes across the room and following his gaze, I saw Jethro. He was in a red fitted button down, black slacks, shoes, and jacket. The first two buttons of his shirt were undone and he looked good, making me forget my train of thought.

"(F/N)." Leon called, catching my attention and making me, sigh,

"I'll go talk to him." Walking over to him, I caught his attention and when he looked down at me, he flashed me that crooked smile.

"Don't give me that grin." I hissed, grabbing his arm and dragging him to a secluded corner.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I heard that the rest of my team was on the assignment. Only felt it right to be here myself. Plus, McGee may or may not have given me this to hand over to you." He replied, holding out the bug that I would take to put on the Secretary. Grabbing the bug, I held it in my hand and huff, replying,

"Fine. Just don't bring attention to yourself."


Walking back over to Leon, he was talking to our suspect on the hill and he brought attention to me,

"And here she is. My lovely date for the night. Secretary Ronald, this is (F/N)." When Ronald turned to me, he smiled and replied,

"You got lucky, Leon. Nice to meet you, Miss (F/N)."

"It's my pleasure, Mr. Secretary." I replied, shaking his hand and handing the bug to Leon, as I took his hand. Leon pulled me into his side and slipped the bug back into my hand, as he concluded,

"We'll be seeing you."

"Oh, I hope so." Ronald replied, smiling when I walked close enough to slip the bug into his pocket and eyeing me. When we walked over to Jethro and Tony, Leon set a glare at Jethro and seethed,

"One order and you can't follow it."

"Not when it involves (F/N)." Jethro replied, eyes going to me and smiling softly.

When we got home two hours later, I had my heels in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other hand. When we got to the door, Jethro stopped and turned to me, making me arch a brow as I asked,


"..." Without answering, he opened the door and turned back to me, picking me up bridal style. Carrying me into the house, he kicked the door closed and walked through to the living room. Setting me down on the couch, I laughed and started,

"I could've walked, ya know?"

"What's the fun in that?"

"Okay. So, steak?"


When we were sitting at the dining room table, Jethro looked up at me and when I noticed him staring, I asked,

"What's up?"

"(F/N)...I'm not good with words and sometimes even actions fail..."


"I...I bought you a promise ring. Would you wear it?"

"!! Jethro, you didn't have to do this. Of course I'll wear it." When he showed me the ring, it was a slim silver band with a heart engraved on the outside and his initials on the inside. Slipping the ring onto my right hand ring finger, I stood up and slipped into his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I love you, Jethro." I whispered, brushing my lips against his own and prompting him to kiss back, harder. Standing up, he took me upstairs and we left the plates forgotten until the next morning.

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