Chapter 33

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A month later, Leon called me and asked me to come back to work. As I was getting ready that morning, (F/N) was taking care of the twins. Ann was "talking" and Jackson was silently watching us. When I was ready to go, I swept down and kissed the twins' foreheads twice, each. (F/N) walked me to the door and I turned to her, making her whisper,

"Be safe."

"Always am." I replied, leaning down and pressing a, soft, kiss to her mouth. When I pulled away, I sighed and leaned down giving her another four or five kisses, before whispering,

"I love you, (F/N)."

"I love you, too...Jethro. Keep me updated."  

"Of course." Opening the door, I turned to her one last time and held her face between my hand, kissing her harder than before. Her fingers laced through my hair and I deepened the kiss for a moment, before pulling away slightly. 

"I love you." (F/N) scanned my face and nodded, pressing one more soft kiss to my cheek. Going to my truck, (F/N) closed the door and locked it, going back over to the twins. 

Reader's Point of View

When Jethro left, I finished breakfast and Ann was "talking" rather loudly, Jackson was looking at her with a mini-Gibbs glare. Chuckling, I fixed myself a plate and teased, softly,

"Stop that, Jack. You'll get bad habits from your father. Can't start getting them at three months old." Jackson turned his little glare to me and I laughed, grabbing my phone. Taking a picture of him, I sent it to Gibbs and McGee because of Jethro's classic phone. 

Two hours later, I had just set the twins down for a nap and I could hear my phone ringing downstairs. Heading downstairs, I answered my phone,


"Hey, (F/N). How are you today?"

"I'm good. I know that isn't why you called me though. What's going on?" 

"Well, Gibbs went on a walk today."

"Uh-Huh. Let me guess. Matthew Rousseau?" 

"Yeah, yeah. He visited him and stabbed him with his pen." 

"How much trouble is he in?" 

"Well, Rousseau was found hung by his bedsheet. So, we'll find out." 

"How's Tony doing?"

"He blames himself. He's taking it pretty hard." 

"Give everyone my regards."

"Of course. One more thing, (F/N)."


"That favor you called about. Does next month on the eighth work for you?"

"Sounds perfect. Please keep me updated and keep Jethro out of trouble."

"Keeping in touch, I can do. That second thing...Well, that's a lot harder." 

"Good luck, Leon."

"I'll need it, (F/N). Bye."


When Jethro got home, I was sitting with the twins and he smiled at us, picking up Ann. He leaned over to me and pressed a kiss to my mouth, firmly. Pulling away, he sat down next to me and bounced Ann, gently. 

"I hear you visited Rousseau today." I whispered, adjusting Jackson and feeling his body tense up next to me. Turning to look at him, he sighed and met my eyes, replying,

"Yeah. Well, he was murdered. So, no deal." 

"Hm. You talk to Tony?" 


"How does he sound?"

"Well, he told me "Rule 45" when we hung up. So, my guess? Blaming himself."

"But you told him it wasn't his fault."



"Didn't get the chance. Besides, he'll be home tomorrow."


"The Calling is over. Budd is dead." 

Placing Jackson on the ground, on their blanket, I took Ann and placed her next to him, gently. They began cooing back and forth, flailing their arms around and kicking their feet. Jethro raised  a brow and I flag myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck. 

"Oh!" Jethro grunted, wrapping his arms around my waist and burying his face in my neck, silently. Pulling back enough to look at his face, I moved my hands to cup his cheeks and ask,

"Are you sure? It's really over?"


Not answering him, I felt tears roll down my cheeks and he moved a hand to my cheek, brushing the tears away with his thumb.

"Don't cry."

"Sorry. Sorry. I just...I'm happy." When I pulled fully away from him, I moved to the floor and began to play with the twins. Ann laughed and Jackson just gave a little smile, making her chuckle. Turning to Jethro, he smiled and then a realization crossed his face, making me ask,


"I got a surprise for ya." 


"Yeah. Look." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a new smart phone, making me gasp. Grabbing the phone, I saw the lock screen and felt my heart leap. It was a picture of all of us. Jethro was holding Jackson and I was holding Ann, I was smiling at the camera, but Jethro was looking at me. Opening the phone, the Home Screen made me have a whole different reaction and I felt my face heat up. It was a picture that I wasn't aware Jethro had took of me. 

"When did you take this?" I asked, showing him the phone and he smirked, leaning towards my face. 

"Well, you remember that weekend off we had about a year ago. We spent all day in bed, in the shower, basement. Ya know?" 

"Yeah, about three months before I found out I was pregnant." 

"Well, one time when we weren't naked together. I was coming out of the bathroom and couldn't help myself. You had left your phone in the bathroom." 

The picture was of me laying in the bed, nothing but his shirt and some panties on. I had my hair pulled back into a messy bun, the sun was framing me, my legs were crossed, and I had on Jethro's glasses to read a book. 

"Who else knows this picture exists?" I asked, knowing he couldn't have-

"Well, McGee asked me to pick out two pictures. One I wouldn't mind everyone seeing and one that I wanted for me when I opened my phone. Felt right." 

"Jethro, you gotta change it!"

"Oh, not a chance in hell. I like that reaction from you." 

"Oh. You're infuriating!"

Jethro smirked at me and I handed him back the phone, glaring at him. Jackson started laughing and I turned to the twins, asking,

"Seriously? You laugh at that?" 

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