Chapter 35

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When we got home, I put the twins in their room and Jethro stayed in the living room, just looking around. There was a mat in the middle of the floor for the twins to crawl around on, two walkers, two jumpers, and a double size play pen. There was a lot of new toys and I had a new picture of Jethro out for them. His back was to me when I came back down and I walked over to him, touching his shoulder gently. Jethro grabbed my wrist, roughly, and when his eyes met mine, he let go. 

"Sorry." He whispered, looking away from me. 

Jethro's Point of View

"Sorry." I whispered, looking away from (F/N). She sighed, grabbing my hand, and bringing me upstairs. When we got to our room, she unbuttoned the jumpsuit I was in and eased the top of it off my shoulders. Seeing the bruises, her eyes wandered and I lifted her chin, pressing a soft kiss to her mouth. Pulling away, she walked into our bathroom and I followed her, slowly. She was moving around, taking out my shaving cream and razor and starting a bath. When the water was at the right temperature and high enough, she turned to me and I undressed, fully. Sinking into the tub, I stopped (F/N) as she went to leave,

"Stay." She smiled at me and began undressing, slowly. Before she got into the tub, she put her hair into a messy bun. She got into the tub, sitting between my legs and reaching over to lather my beard. Staying quiet, I let her angle my face and she rinsed her hands. When she flipped open the razor, she held it out to me and I looked at her, nodding. Slowly, (F/N) began to shave my beard and took care at my jawline, Adam's-apple, and neck. When she finished, she closed the razor and put it on the sink. Wrapping her arms around my neck, she sighed and whispered,

"There you are." Pulling her closer, I slid her onto my lap and rested my hands on her waist, silently. Leaning down, I pressed a hard kiss to her mouth and (F/N)'s fingers laced through my hair, cupping the back of my head. Her legs wrapped around my waist and I reached over, pulling the plug. Pulling away, (F/N)'s eyes searched my face and just as she went to lean back in, one of the twins started to cry. Sighing, she stood up and dried herself off, then pulled on a robe. Watching her leave, I felt my heart clench and I grabbed a towel, drying off myself. Going into our shared room, I pulled on some boxers and sweatpants. I could hear (F/N) talking to the twins, softly, sniffling every now and then. Walking across the hall, I leaned in the doorway and watched her bounce Jackson. 

"Daddy's home now." (F/N) whispered, her voice catching and Jackson's eyes looked over her shoulder to me, immediately.

"Ma...Ma." Jackson cooed, softly, making my own breathing stop and (F/N)'s voice called, over her shoulder,

"It's not really a word. Just something he picked up on while you were away." 

"And Ann?" I asked, walking over to Ann's crib and watching her sleep, quietly.

"Nothing yet. She liked that picture of you. Basically refused to let it go, unless she was asleep." (F/N) finished, putting Jackson back in his crib and looking at me, quietly. Turning to her, I stayed quiet and she looked down at Jackson, tucking him in. 

"Shh. Sweet boy." (F/N) whispered, as he started fussing and when she brushed some of his brown hair out of his face, he nuzzled into her hand. Something I often did when I was missing her touch. She began to hum and I wrapped my arms around her waist, watching as Jackson fell back asleep. 

Leaving them, we went back into our room and (F/N) changed into one of my button downs, it was huge on her. Sitting on the bed, I watched her pull on some underwear and when she turned back to me, she sighed. Sliding into my lap, her arms wrapped around my neck and I wrapped an arm around her waist, silently. Burying my face in her neck, I laid back and pulled her with me, groaning softly. 

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