Chapter 10

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Reader's Point of View

Kepler walked over to the left side and grabbed a hose, making me struggle against my chains. This made his smile grow and as he turned on the hose, pointing it at me. The pressure of the water was painful and it made me whimper, but I regained composure of myself. When I regained control, I stopped whimpering and took it, barely. 

"Aw. Why'd you stop? I enjoy your noises. They're music to my ears." Kepler teased, pouting and turning the water off. Glaring at him, I grabbed the chains at my wrists and replied,

"I'm a federal agent. You don't scare me." Kepler laughed and walked over to the other side of the room, grabbing a serrated knife. When he got close enough, I pulled myself up and kicked him, square in the chest. Even though I did hit him, the chain at my ankle was tightened and my ankle popped, making me cry out,

"Fuck!" Kepler did hit the ground, but he was solid muscle and he got up, chuckling. 

"Good kick, but you won't get another hit like that." He growled out, coming back in front of me and continuing,

"Did you really think I didn't prepare this room for a federal agent?" Setting him with another glare, I didn't respond and he pouted, but soon enough he had another smile on his face. Soon enough, I knew why. His fist made contact with my cheek and my lip busted, making blood fill my mouth. Cringing, I swallowed down the blood in my mouth and Kepler laughed, asking,

"Come onnnn! No noises?" I didn't raise my eyes to my again because the pain in my ankle was killing me and my cheek was throbbing. The next thing I felt was the knife pressing against my outer thigh. When he added more pressure, I felt the blood trail down my leg and I bit my tongue, softly. 

"Oh, dear (F/N). The more you hold back you noises, the worse this is going to get for you." Kepler advised, pushing the knife in deeper and tearing it down, through part of my muscle. I could stop myself from crying out and Kepler smiled, excitedly. 

'That muscle is going to be fucked. God. Please. Leon, Jethro. Please Find me.' I thought, beginning to get light headed and as I went to black out, I was jolted back into reality by an unbearable burning sensation. 

"Can't have you bleeding out before I'm done. The other girls I didn't care for, but you. I want you for a while longer. I made a brand specifically for you. Look at it." Kepler said, grabbing my chin and pointing my face towards the mirror. The brand was like a cattle iron with Kepler's initials and I felt horror struck. 

"Don't worry, (F/N). When I get to your back, I want your scars to hear as they are and I don't another brand for the rest of you, just bandages. I only need my initials on you once." Kepler whispered, smiling and bringing my face back towards him. Kepler threw the serrated knife onto the floor and my blood trailed a line for a while. Kepler let go of my face and went back over to the wall to grab something else. 

"Don't faint on me, now...Dear (F/N)." Kepler said, coming back over and stopping as he finished,

"The fun's just begun." He was hearing brass knuckles and I knew this was going to be painful, even before the first blow hit me.

Gibbs' Point of View

I had to look away when Kepler started beating (F/N), but I count drown out the sound. The flatscreen was being controlled from an out of building server, now, and McGee was having a hard time tracking it. Every time he would get close, there would be a shift in the server it was coming from. 

"Fuck!" I growled out, shoving (F/N)'s files off of my desk. 


Turning around, I saw DiNozzo and he looked like he had something, but when he saw what was going on on the flatscreen he faltered. 

"DiNozzo!" I called, getting his attention and he snapped back to attention, stuttering out,

"I-I wasn't expecting- W-Well, I think-"

"Spit it out!"

"An agent hasn't been at work for the last twenty-four hours."

"Who? One of Fornell's?"

"No, one of Micheal Johnson's."

"Get Johnson in here now." 

"On it, Boss!"

As he ran out of the bullpen, bypassing the elevator and using the stairs. Vance and Bishop came down the stairs an hour after I sent her up there, but he was in a SCIF meeting. So, as much as I wanted to be angry, I couldn't be. When Leon saw the flatscreen, his fists clenched so hard he drew blood and I had to grab his shoulder, to make him realize. Handing him a tissue from my desk, he held it to his hand and asked,

"Is McGee on this?" 

"Yes, but whoever he has with him. Whatever connects he has is stonewalling him." 

"I'm calling Fornell. Now."

"No need. I'm here." Fornell's voice called, as he walked into the bullpen and I glared at him, stating,

"Micheal Johnson."


"Can we trust him?"

"I wouldn't trust Johnson as far as I can throw him."

"So, it's possible his team is the mole for Kepler."

"Very possible."

"I'm bringing them in."

"With pleasure. He's a smart ass that I've had my eye on for six years."

"Six years?"


"Since Kepler disappeared?"


As I went to as another question, my phone started ringing and when I answered, DiNozzo was panicked as he informed me,

"Johnson's entire team is gone, Boss."

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