Chapter 14

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"McGee finally tracked down Kepler's contact and we got a location for (F/N) from Ava Miller. She has a house still in her name being paid for. FBI will take the contact, NCIS will take the house. SWAT will assist in both locations. Let's go!" I briefed Fornell, Leon, and the team. Leon was adamant about coming and I couldn't agree with him more. (F/N) would need her best friend there to support her and to stop me from killing Kepler.

Reader's Point of View

It was day five and I was waiting to be strung up in front of the camera again. But several minutes passed and I heard nothing, there were no footsteps. Nothing. Then, Kepler bursts into the room and pulls me up by the arm, a gun to my back.

"Joesph Kepler! Federal agents! Drop your weapon." A voice yelled, making its way into the room and I recognized that voice.

"Leon..." I muttered, trying to pull away from Kepler so that I can give them a clear shot. However, Kepler tightened his grip and growled,

"I'll shoot you, then Leon, and finally-"


"The great Leroy Jethro Gibbs! He's the one I would shoot last!" Kepler exclaimed, pulling me flush against his chest and digging the gun into my back.

"Let her go." Jethro growled, trying to get a shot on Kepler and failing due to how tight I was to him.

"Jethro..." I called hoarse, catching his eyes and Leon took over trying to get an angle, but got distracted at my next words,

"Shoot me."


"Shoot! Me!"

"What the fuck are you talking about?!?"

"It'll go through me-"

"It'll kill you!"

"Jethro, just listen-"

"You shoot her and mess us my masterpiece, I will haunt you from the fucking dead!" Kepler growled, loosening his grip on me and giving Leon a shot in his shoulder. Jethro put his Sig away and made his way made his way to my side, grabbing me before I could hit the ground.

"Oh, (F/N)..." Jethro whispered, laying my head in his lap and taking off his jacket to cover my bare body.

Gibbs' Point of View

"The key Leon." I told him, as he approached Kepler who was shouting,

"You fucking shot me!"

"Lucky it wasn't Gibbs, it would've been through the head." Leon muttered back, searching his pockets and shaking his head at me, making me huff.

"DiNozzo, find the key!" I shouted, trying to keep (Y/N) off her ankle and mostly covered.

"I'll tell you where it is for a deal." Kepler tried, smirking and I glared at him, growling,

"Fuck yourself, Kepler." (F/N)'s fingers tugged on my shirt, catching my attention and she whispered,

"Wall of knifes or the wall of mirrors. They have seams."

"Okay, alright." I replied, going to get up and McGee announced,

"Ambulance is almost here, Boss."

"Don't leave me, Jethro." (F/N) requested, making me freeze and I looked to Bishop,

"Check the walls."

"Yes, Boss." Bishop replied, going to the walls and Leon had Kepler in cuffs, handing him over to DiNozzo. When he came over, (F/N) reached out towards him and he kneeled next to me, concern in his eyes.

"Found it!" Bishop shouted, running over and I took it from her, handing it to Leon. When he unlocked her ankle, I wanted to dislocate Kepler's fucking ankle that badly. Handing me the key, I unlocked her hands and turned back to Bishop, who walked over to McGee,


"Yeah?" She replied, turning back to me and I held the key out to her,

"Thank you."

"Of course, Gibbs."

"Boss, the ambulance is here. But the EMT's can't get the gurney down here." McGee informed, making me huff and looking down at (F/N), I fixed my jacket so that she could be carried.

"(F/N), I'm going to pick you up. Okay?" (F/N) didn't answer and I saw that she had passed out, making me panic.

"Fuck." I muttered, checking her pulse and upon feeling a barely there pulse, I panicked,

"We gotta get her out of here, Leon. Like now."

"Okay. Okay. Let's go." He replied, helping to get her into my arms and watching her head and ankle, as we went through the house. When we got to the EMT's, they got her onto the gurney and started checking her. She had oxygen on and before I could leave to go over to Leon, she woke up.

"Jethro?" When (F/N) called me, I looked over to Leon and he pulled off his vest, saying,

"Go on. I'll book him. I have to call Fornell anyway." Nodding, I got into the ambulance and held (F/N)'s hand as we headed to the hospital. She looked so pale, littered in bruises, cuts, and a dislocated if not severely broken ankle.

"Agent Gibbs?" The EMT called, making me look at him as he told me what he though of her condition,

"She's lost a lot of blood, her ankle doesn't look good, and her pulse is thready."

"Will she be okay?"

"I can't give you anything concrete, bu-" As he was trying to explain, (F/N)'s blood pressure started to drop and he got to work trying to save her. When we got to the hospital, she was rushed into surgery and now all I could do was wait.

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