Chapter 19

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Two weeks after that, (F/N)'s skin graft had healed nicely and there was little scar tissue from where they grafted the skin, she was really pleased. All of her bruises were, basically, gone and the cuts were now scars that didn't need redressing every four hours. (F/N)'s nightmares had stopped, but when I didn't lay with her, she ended up sleeping with me wherever I was anyway. 

One morning, I woke up on the couch with a pleasant weight on top of my chest and when I looked down, (F/N) was there. Arms around my neck, knees on either side of my hips and head nuzzled into my neck. Another morning, I woke up with (F/N) squished beside me in her recliner and a throw blanket over both of us. Both of those mornings, I tried to get up and (F/N) stirred, making me sigh. However, I did tease her when she woke up about her ankle and she pouted at me, replying,

"I couldn't sleep." 

Today, (F/N) and I were headed to the Navy Yard at Leon's request because Kepler got a lawyer, who demanded proof for the "allegations" against his client. I wanted to choke the lawyer out when I met him, but (F/N) agreed to meet with the lawyer if he got Kepler to confess. Unbeknownst to them, McGee was working a side project on cleaning up the video that was streamed to our flatscreen and my computer, to nail Kepler without any shadow of a doubt. 

When we got to the Navy Yard, (F/N) and I made our way to the conference room, (F/N) asked,

"Do you think he'll get away with it?"

"Over my dead body." (F/N) smiled at me and shook her head as I helped her sit down, asking,


"You're over the top sometimes, Jethro." 

"I'd rather die than let him walk." 

"Well then. We'll just have to make sure that doesn't happen." She was leaning towards me and I smiled, leaning down. Pressing a kiss to her mouth, I went to pull away and she laced her fingers through my hair, pulling me back down. Smiling, I placed my right hand on her cheek and braced myself with my left hand on the table, kissing back. Without realizing, the kiss deepened and (F/N)'s fingers tightened in my hair, pulling me closer to her. 

"Gibbs, Kepler's - Oh! I'm sorry!" When I pulled away from (F/N), she whined and I looked over Bishop was standing in the doorway, face beet red. She looked like a deer caught in headlights and I raised a brow at her, asking,

"Kepler's lawyer on the way up?" 

"Well, yes. But-" 

"(F/N)! There was an addition to the agreement this morning, we need to stop this." Leon came in, cutting Bishop off and (F/N) tilted her head, as Leon finished,

"If you agree to this meeting, you have to talk to Kepler."

"What?!" I growled, standing up and blocking (F/N) from view, as Leon explained,

"The lawyer brought a new edit of the agreement and got it approved by a federal judge. If she agrees to meeting with the lawyer, she has to have a meeting with Kepler." 


"I'll do it." (F/N) interjected, turning all eyes to her and I kneeled in front of her, speaking quietly, 

"(F/N), I can't let you be alone with him."

"You'll be on the other side of the glass-"

"I can't, (F/N)!" 


"Please, (F/N)." (F/N) turned to Leon,

"I'll do it-"

"I can't do that either, (F/N)." Leon started, making (F/N) huff and reply,

"If you would let me finish!"


"I'll do it. If you and Jethro can be there with me. Not in observation, but in the room." Leon sighed and nodded, leaving to go with Kepler. Helping (F/N) up, I held her for a little longer than necessary and she smiled, whispering,

"I'll be fine." Nodding, we went down to interrogation together and when Kepler saw (F/N) he smiled, standing up. Blocking his view of (F/N), she rested against my back and I warned,

"Sit down." Leon was leaning against the back wall, glaring at Kepler and Kepler frowned, plopping back down in the chair, grumbling,

"This wasn't the agreement." 

"It's the agreement now." Leon replied, pointedly. Helping (F/N) to sit down, she scooted as far away from Kepler as possible and I stood next to her, maintaining my composure. 

"Director, this wasn't the agreement." Kepler's lawyer agreed with Kepler, making the Director point his glare at him and reply,

"This is the new agreement. If you don't like it, we can go talk to that judge of yours together." 

"This is fine, Anton." Kepler interjected, his gaze on (F/N) and she was, physically, uncomfortable. Kneeling next to her, I brought her chin down and when her eyes met mine, I smiled softly. 

Reader's Point of View 

Jethro leaned up to me and his lips brushed against the shell of my ear, whispering,

"I'm here for you and he won't touch you. I promise." When he pulled away from me, his eyes met mine and I smiled back at him, nodding. Without thinking, I leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his mouth, only realizing my mistake when I heard a chair scrap loudly against the floor. Then the door bursting open, as Kepler was kept away from Jethro and myself, as he yelled,

"That's my masterpiece! Get your hands off her!" His yelling made me tense and Jethro stood up, turning his attention to the lawyer,

"Are we done now?" His lawyer looked like a deer caught in headlights and when Jethro asked, again. He seemed to snap back into reality and when Kepler calmed down, as his lawyer said,

"Yes, we're done. We'll be seeing you at the trial." 

"Oh, there won't be a trial." A voice said, cutting off what was going on and catching everyone's attention.

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