Chapter 12

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**Warning: Forced kissing, mentions of sexual assault**

Reader's Point of View

As day two came to an end, Kepler was wrapping my cuts and he was talking to me, as though he didn't do it to me. When he finished, I didn't realize how close he was until I felt his mouth on mine and I froze, my blood running cold. 

With my lack of reaction, he pushed his tongue into my mouth and that spurred me into action, biting down on his tongue. 

"Damn!" Kepler growled out, pulling away and shoving me onto the bed, as I spit his blood out of my mouth. Kepler came back to me in seconds and grabbed my hair, growling out,

"You won't be getting off so easy soon." 

The back of his hand came in contact with my face and I whimpered, trying to hide in the bed. He left the room and slammed the door behind him, making me flinch. For the first time in two days, I cried and my cuts were throbbing. When I finished crying, I passed out and when I woke up, it was the same way. Strung up in the air as though I was a piece of meat on display. Kepler came into the room and skipped the water, immediately going to the knife wall. 

Kepler picked the same knife as yesterday and commented,

"We're going to make that smooth skin on your stomach, a beautiful piece of art. Hip first." He went from my right hip first and up to my belly button, making me flinch hard. This movement made him frown, deeply, and he grabbed my throat, growling,

"Do that again and you're going to mess up my masterpiece. This is your only warning. Understand?" His fingers were constantly tightening and I thought he was going to kill me, but he let go at the last moment to repeat,


"Yes." I croaked out, taking in as much air as I could and trying to stay as still as possible while he worked on my stomach. I was past the point of keeping my noises back and I whimpered. 

'Jethro...' I thought, as my eyes rolled to the back of my head and I passed out. Not for long though, because Kepler pressed one of his fingers against one of the cuts on my thigh and I was jolted back into reality. 

"Do you need to be kept awake?" I wasn't able to reply and he took that as a yes. The next feeling was a hard jerk on my ankle and that caused me to wake up, again. The next thing I felt was a kick to my stomach and then a fist to my face...Another beating.

Gibbs' Point of View

Fornell had finally picked up a trace of Johnson and was following it. I was, now, checking in with McGee to see if he and Abby had any luck. 

"McGee, Abbs! Update?" I called, walking into Abby's lab and McGee turned in his chair, starting,

"Boss, we've picked up on a pattern. Nothing yet, but I think if one of these patterns is used again. We can track them."

"You think, McGee?" I asked, trying to keep my cool and he sighed, replying,

"Boss, whoever he has will be able to see when we start tracking them. It'll be a race. With Abby here, I think we can do it. However, they've only used these three patterns twice each. Mostly, it's random." 

"Gibbs! Gibbs! Gibbs!" Abby called, catching my attention and I looked to her, replying,

"Yeah. Go Abbs." 

"So, we found-"

"Patterns yeah. Anything else?"

"Yes. There was a trace of DNA left on one of the victims."


"Yeah. We need something to match it to, but that would nail him. Right?"

"Yeah. Uh...Where did you find the DNA on a victim from five to six years ago?"

"I was hoping you wouldn't ask that." 



"What is it Abby?"

"The DNA was left inside the victim."


"Where at inside?"



"Don't freak out!"

"No way in hell." I growled out, running down to autopsy and surprising Jimmy, who was by himself. Slowing down, I approached him and called,


"Uh...Agent Gibbs!"

"Were there signs of sexual assault on this victim?"



"Jethro?" Ducky asked, coming into autopsy himself and looking to Jimmy for more information. Turning to Ducky, I repeated,

"The victim you just finished with."


"Were there signs of sexual assault?"


"I just want a yes or fucking no!" 

"Yes, there were signs of sexual assault multiple times." 


"On the older victims, there was no DNA. But on the last four victims-"

"The ones that could've been (F/N)'s twins?"

"Yes. There were multiple DNA samples." 


Running upstairs, I went up to Vance's office and when I stormed into his office, asking,

"You have the original FBI report on the Kepler case when the victims changed?"

"Yes. Why?" He replied, handing me the file and as I read it, I felt my blood boil. 

"Fucking Johnson. I'll kill him." 

"What's going on?"

"The last four victims were sexually assaulted."

"What?! Why isn't-"

"Johnson had access to the evidence, to the files! He erased that part. That important, significant fucking part!" 

"Johnson was our liaison. It's my fault." 

"Leon, he would've gotten to hear either way." As we were talking, Bishop texted me that they had an update in the bullpen and we went down to see them. When we did get down there Bishop muttered,

"Fucking timing."


"Fornell has Johnson with him. Also, he says the black eye isn't his fault." 

"Okay. So, what's wrong with timing?"


"Jethro..." Leon called, his attention on the flatscreen and I looked, feeling my heart sink. (F/N)'s stomach was littered with cuts and Kepler was bandaging her, her shorts were low on her thighs. However, in an instant, (Y/N) growled out,

"Get your fucking hands off of me." Kepler slapped her and then yanked her shorts off, ripping the fabric to shreds.

"When Fornell gets here with Johnson, I want that interrogation." I told Vance, barely stopping myself from exploding. 

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