Chapter 41 (Final)

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The next day, I woke up after (F/N) and she was making breakfast, humming quietly. Sitting up, I watched her and admired her body, selfishly.

"Keep staring like that, Jethro, and I won't be able to control what happens next." (F/N) teased, finishing up and bringing me a plate, before sitting on my lap.

"I was just admiring the view. Like seeing you in my clothes. I can't eat like this, though."

"Hm. Want me to feed you?"

"No. C'mon, move." (F/N) chuckled and moved to sit next to me, pressing a kiss to my cheek. We ate in silence and before she was finished, I took her plate from her hands. Placing it to the side, she raised a brow and fussed,

"I wasn't finished with that." Leaning down, I brushed my lips against her own and growled out,

"Finish it after."

An hour later, we were panting and covered in sweat, laying side by side. (F/N) rested her head on my chest and had her legs intertwined with mine, sighing,

"I don't think I could ever get enough of this."

"Oh, yeah. I know. I'm irresistible."

"Oh, Jethro!"

Chuckling, I kissed her forehead and sat up, throwing the blanket aside. (F/N) turned onto her side and watched me get dressed, eyes watching my every move.

"C'mon. Get dressed. We're going hiking."

"Now? It's barely eight."

"Yeah, now. We're losing daylight." Sighing, she got up and I started packing our packs, watching her as much as possible. When I finished, I turned and (F/N) was wiggling into some jeans, slowly. As she finished, I walked behind her and smacked her ass, making her jump. She turned to me, glaring, and buttoning the jeans. Smirking at her, I grabbed our packs and placed them on the bed, as she pulled on her socks and boots.

Standing up, she grabbed her pack and pulled it on, then grabbed her sun glasses. Pulling on a hat, I grabbed my pack and placed a hand on the small of her back, guiding her out of the cabin.

"You know where we're going, Jethro?" (F/N) asked, grabbing my hand and lacing our fingers, smiling. Nodding, I leaned down and kissed her, softly. Kissing back, she placed a hand on my cheek and when she pulled away, asked,

"You gonna tell me?"

"Nope. It's a surprise. Let's go."

(F/N) let go of my hand and I lead the way, opening the map.

Reader's Point of View

Jethro opened the map and started walking, leading the way. Jethro's head was down and my eyes went to his ass immediately. His jeans hugged his hips, nicely, and Jethro called over his shoulder,

"Stop staring at my ass, (F/N). Let's go!"

"What? I'm not!"

"Don't lie. C'mon. Let's go." Jethro waited for me and placed a hand on the small of my back, gently guiding me. We walked in silence and took a break at this stream an hour later. Jethro watched me. I was sitting on the edge of the water and Jethro was leaning against a tree behind me, silently. Standing up, I stretched and turned to Jethro, asking,

"Ready to go?" Jethro walked over to me and placed a hand on the side of my neck, pulling me into a soft kiss. Pulling away from the kiss, I looked into those startling blue eyes and he whispered,

"I love you." Smiling, I pressed a kiss to his mouth and pulled away, replying,

"I love you too, Jethro." 

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