Chapter 17

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The rest of the day, we lounged around in the kitchen and (F/N) kept groaning about how bored she was, she wanted to go to the Navy Yard. 

"(F/N), you can't go to the Navy Yard."

"Not even just to visit?"


"Pleaseeeee." Huffing, I turned back to the TV and (F/N) scooted closer to me, resting her head on my shoulder. Glancing down at her, she was looking at me with her puppy dog eyes on full and I rolled my eyes, sighing,

"We can call them." 

"I want-"

"Well, this is a compromise. Take it or leave it." 

"Finee. I'll FaceTime Bishop."

"Facewhat?" (F/N) giggled and grabbed her laptop, pulling up a video chat. She clicked on Bishop's name and it rang three times before Bishop answered, loudly,


"Ellie!" (F/N) greeted back, making me glare at her for yelling in my ear.

"How is it being with Gibbs? Is he grumpy like always?" 

"I'd like to think I'm not being grumpy." I replied, making Ellie's face drop and (F/N) chuckled, turning the camera to me. I waved and Ellie waved back, nervously. McGee walked into the camera and smiled, greeting,

"Hey, Boss! How's (F/N)?" Looking to (F/N), she smiled and replied,

"I'm okay. Ready to be healed and back at work." McGee chuckled and shook his head, walking back to his desk. (F/N) yawned and rested her head on my shoulder, as I asked,

"Any cases?"

"No, Boss. I think the Director is trying to keep our case load lower because we're down two people." 

"That sounds about accurate." I replied, looking down at (F/N) and she was looking at me, smiling. DiNozzo came behind her and greeted,

"Boss! (F/N)! You two look cozy!" 


With out even finishing my sentence, she smacked the back of DiNozzoz's head and he flinched, replying,

"Sorry, Boss. I'll go get the Director." (F/N) perked up at that and I smiled, as her and Bishop spoke excitedly. About twenty minutes later, Leon was in the camera and he teased,

"You two look cozy." (F/N) chuckled and I huffed, rolling my eyes. Her and Leon talked for about thirty minutes and he left for a meeting. 

"We should go too, (F/N)." I muttered, making her huff and pout, but Bishop chuckled as she replied,

"I understand. We might come visit after work. If that's okay." Looking to (F/N), she smiled and replied,

"Yes, that's perfectly fine." 

"Great, I'll see you guys later!" 


We hung up and (F/N) grabbed her crutches, going to the kitchen. I followed her and she asked,

"What do you want for lunch? Not takeout." 

"I can make a mean lasagna." I replied, as I looked in her fridge and saw some ground meat, remembering that she was talking about making one for the team. 

"I can help." 

"Nope, you can sit yourself down right there." I countered, helping her sit at the island in her kitchen. Thirty minutes later, we were eating and (F/N) was more quiet than usual. As I touched her hand, she flinched and I pulled away, but she grabbed my hand. She was with me, again, her eyes bright and she was hiding how she was really feeling. Moving to her side, I held her hand and kneeled in front of her, asking,

"How're you feeling?"

"I'm okay."

"C'mon (F/N), tell me the truth."

"..." As we sat in silence, (F/N)'s eyes filled with tears and she wrapped her arms around my neck, sobbing. She couldn't speak because she was crying so hard, but I didn't push her. Arms around her waist, I made sure I didn't irritate her injuries and when she calmed down, she pulled away. Her breath was on my face and before she could press her mouth to mine, I backed my head up. 

"Talk to me...Please." 

"Jethro, not now. Later, okay?" 


"I promise. Can I have a kiss now?" 

Nodding, I pressed my mouth to her own and she kissed back, her hand went to the back of my neck. Caressing her face, I pulled away and looked into her eyes, searching. Resting my forehead against hers, I closed my eyes and when I opened them again, she was crying. Standing up, I grabbed her crutches and brought them into the living room, before going back to get her. Picking her up, I moved her to the couch and whispered,

"I've to go clean the kitchen up. Try to get some rest. I'll be back." (F/N) nodded and laid down, wincing when her back pulled against the couch. Pulling the throw blanket over her, I pressed a kiss to her forehead and went clean up. 

(F/N) woke up around five and an hour later, Bishop and Leon came to visit. They stayed for around two hours and brought dinner with them, making sure we didn't have to worry about that. Leon updated me on some paperwork with the Kepler case and he told me Kepler's condition was critical. Apparently, his gun shot got infected and he's refusing treatment, upset that his masterpiece was ruined. 

"If he dies before he's tried, I'll ruin that Doctor's world. Fix him, so that I can drag him to prison."   I replied, making Leon chuckle and agree,

"I couldn't have said it better myself. I already talked to his doctor. They're starting treatment in an hour." 


Not long after that, they left and (F/N) started getting ready for bed, as I fixed the living room. When (F/N) was in her room, later, I was watching Tv and again she started screaming, in her sleep. Rushing into her room, I woke her up and when she started crying, I had my arms around her again. 

"Why me, Jethro?"

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