Chapter 24

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Gibbs' Point of View


When her head hit her desk, I rushed over and shook her lightly,

"(F/N)? (F/N)! Damnit. McGee call 911. Bishop, get Leon. DiNozzo you're in charge until we get back." Picking her up, I took the stairs and got to the lobby as the ambulance arrived.

"What happened?"

"She just fainted."

"She's unresponsive. Let's get her to the hospital."

Getting into the ambulance, I watched as he took her vitals and began to worry that she wasn't as healthy as she seemed to be. When they took (F/N) into the hospital, I was forced to wait again and Leon was waiting with me, for about three hours.

"Agent (L/N)?" Standing up, her doctor smiled at me and looked to Leon, informing us,

"She is physically healthy. Her ankle is fine, thankfully she was sitting down. We have a theory that her medicine has taken a toll on her."

"Theory?" I asked, quickly.

"Well, she...she hasn't woken up."

"She hasn't...What do you mean she hasn't woken up?!"

"Calm down, Jethro." Leon interjected, stepping between us and placing a hand on my shoulder, helping me to calm down.

"What does it mean that she hasn't woken up?" I asked, calmer and turning my attention back to her doctor, who smiled sadly.

"She's in a coma. Has she been under stress?"

"No, no. We've kept her on cold cases. She hasn't been out in the field. We practically live together, she hasn't been stressed. Not that she's told me." I replied, feeling stressed myself and sitting down as her doctor finished,

"We're monitoring her brain activity, watching her vitals. She's been dreaming since we started monitoring her. You both can go visit her, but I assume you'll be staying with her."

"Yeah, yeah. As long as you're okay with that, Leon."

"Yeah, just use (F/N)'s laptop to do your paperwork."


When we got to (F/N)'s room, I felt my heart sink and Leon looked like he felt the same, sinking down in the chair next to her bed.

"Talking to her helps. She can hear you." Her doctor informed, leaving us and we talked to her about a lot of things, leaving out work. Leon left after two hours and time ticked on slowly.

A week later, I was still here and (F/N) was still asleep, making everyone worry. The team was in and out, visiting and talking to us both. Leon was here everyday, he even brought Kayla and Jared one day.

A month later, I was sitting with (F/N) and Tobias came in with Emily, telling us about Emily's school work.

Two months...Two long, grueling months. I was alone now and I rested my hip on the edge of her bed, holding her hand. Without realizing it, I started crying and I whispered,

"(F/N)...Please." Leaning over, I pressed my face into her neck and begged,

"Please, wake up. Two months is a long time, baby. I just want to hear your voice."

Reader's point of View

Jethro and I were walking in the park next to the Navy Yard, he was smiling and holding my hand happily.

"(F/N)...Please." He spoke, catching my attention and when I looked to him, he was crying.

"What's wrong, Jethro?" I asked, stopping and he fell to his knees, continuing,

"Please, wake up. Two months is a long time, baby. I just want to hear your voice."

"Two months?" I asked, confused as the world began to spin around me. When the world stopped spinning, I heard faint beeping and Jethro's voice,

"Wake up, (F/N). I'm officially begging you. Wake up." The world was dark and I felt a wet spot on my shoulder, hearing soft crying in my ear. There was a warmth on my right side, a weight on me and a hand holding mine.

"Hn?" I groaned, making the weight disappear and Jethro's voice called,

"(F/N)?" Trying to open my eyes, the light was bright and I shielded my eyes, huffing. Closing my eyes, again, I tried again and Jethro was in my sight, tear streaks down his face. He was holding my hand and I used my other hand to card my fingers through his hair, asking,

"What're you crying about?" Not realizing how dry my throat was, I coughed and Jethro rushed to get me a cup of water. After I took a sip of water, Jethro sat next to me and explained,

"You've been in a coma for two months."

"What? No, but I-"

"-You've been dreaming, baby. Were you...Were you stressed? Were you upset? What happened?"

"I...I was fine, Jethro."

"Baby...Please, please talk to me."

"Jethro, of course I'm stressed. It not uncommon with our work, but I was fine. I swear, I was fine."

"Did you take any new medicine?"


"Doubled up on medicine?"

"Jesus Christ, Jethro. No, I didn't. We basically lived together, you'd have noticed that!"

"Then, what? Why did your mind just shut down for two months?!"

"I was depressed!"

"Why didn't you talk to me?"

"Jethro, we were together for barely a month. I couldn't come to you and tell you I was drowning, expecting you to save me."

"I would have, though. Or I'd have found someone to help you, even though I couldn't."

"You wouldn't have left?"

"No...we'll get you the help you need. If you feel you need it."

"Will you be with me through it?"


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