Chapter 9

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Tobias, Gibbs, and myself left for the Navy Yard immediately. Gibbs was livid by the time he came into the bullpen, shouting,

"Someone in the FBI is good buddies with your dear Kepler, Tobias!"

"Jethro, you need to calm down. We don't know that someone in the agency helped  him." Tobias tried to reason, but Gibbs glared at him and pulled off his bowtie, arguing back,

"Like fuck we don't! Someone on the inside would have to know the layout to be able to get her out that quickly!"

"No one on my team would have done that, Jethro!"

"The only team in NCIS that knew about it was mine! And there is no way in hell that they would've aided in the fucking kidnapping of one of their own team members!"

"Well, it's possible that Kepler did it by himself. You know that Jethro!"

"No, fucking, way!"

"Gibbs, calm down." I interjected, stepping between the arguing men and trying to keep my cool. Sighing, I ran my hand over my face and started listing off what happened, what we already know,

"(F/N) was taken and we have no clue where he's taking her. We have to keep our heads to find her. Gibbs call in the rest of your team, get started. Fornell go back to the FBI and get us all the files you have on Kepler."

"I can get them off of (F/N)'s computer right now."

Reader's Point of View

When the power went out, Kepler threatened my entire team and my family if I didn't go with him. So, of course I went with him and when we got outside, into a vehicle, Kepler asked for my phone. Handing him my phone, he threw it out of the window and turned to me, handing me a blindfold.

"Put it on." Kepler said, simply. Hesitating, I looked at him and he frowned, repeating,

"Put. It. On. Now." Swallowing, thickly, I put the blindfold on and the fact that I could no longer see where I was being taken. The drive lasted about three hours, which was three hours of Kepler talking and talking and talking. I zoned out until he said,

"You are going to be my masterpiece, (F/N)." Flinching, I felt my blood run cold and Kepler laughed, placing a hand on my throat. Without a second thought, his hand tightened and I couldn't breathe. Going to grab his wrist, his other hand took hold of both of my wrists and I passed out.

I don't know how long passed after that, but when I woke up, I was stringed up in a basement. A camera was in front of me and my dress had been replaced with a white t-shirt and black shorts, like every other victim. My makeup had been removed and my hair was down, making me shudder. Trying to look around, I noticed the whole wall in front of me was a mirror and the wall to my right was full of the knifes, torture devices, and things that will just devastate me. In the mirror I could see a bed close behind me to my right. On my left ankle, there was a shackle and when I finally looked at my neck, I saw it. His hand print from where he grabbed me.

"You're awake, (F/N)!" Kepler's voice called, making me jump and the camera turned on. He came into my line of sight, he was still in his white button down and black slacks. The top two buttons of his shirt were undone and his hair was in disarray.

"What's with the camera?" I asked, voice hoarse and it hurt to speak. He chuckled and came grab my chin, replying,

"I always record my art works, yours will be a little special."


"I'll be letting your dear Leroy Jethro Gibbs in on my art."

"No...Kepler, wait. Please!"

Gibbs' Point of View

McGee was working on trying to find out where the outage originated in the building, Bishop is going through the files, DiNozzo is working with Fornell's team to find the person who helped Kepler. Abby, Ducky, and Jimmy were going over the physical evidence from the other murders. Vance was in a meeting with the Director of the FBI and I was trying to follow the connection (F/N) left with Vance and me.

However, the flatscreen began streaming a video that made my heart drop.

"What's with the camera?"

"I always record my art works, yours will be a little special."


"I'll be letting your dear Leroy Jethro Gibbs in on my art."

"No...Kepler, wait. Please!"

Hearing (F/N)'s voice made my heart clench, the bruise on her neck was a deep purple and I clenched my coffee cup so hard, I crushed it.

"Damn it!" I growled, standing up abruptly and trying to shake my coffee off of my hands.

"Oh, God. That's-"

"I know, Bishop! Go get Vance and get McGee up here!"

As she took off, I watched as Kepler walked out of the camera to grab something and (F/N) struggled against her restraints.

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