Chapter 38

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The next day, (F/N) and I were on the way to the Navy Yard. The twins were with us and (F/N) was extremely quiet, as she looked out of the window. 

"You aren't going today." I muttered, making her look at me and set a glare at the side of my head, replying,

"We aren't talking about this here." 

"It's not a conversation, (F/N). It's an order." I countered, parking and (F/N) got out of the car, quietly. She took Ann out and when I put Jackson on the ground, he ran around to (F/N)'s side. (F/N) rested her hand on his head and Ann held (F/N)'s other hand, turning to look at me. 

When we got up to the squad room, (F/N) situated the twins at her desk and set up cartoons on the plasma. Finishing with that, she went to walk past me and I grabbed her wrist, asking,

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Talk to Leon. Is that allowed, sir?" 

Sighing, I nodded and let her go, watching her walk up the stairs. 

Twenty minutes later, when she wasn't back down I began to worry, but knowing how she was I didn't put a lot of stock in it. However, when another forty minutes passed...I got worried. Standing up, I looked at McGee and walked over to him, whispering,

"Watch the twins." He nodded and I walked upstairs, barging into Leon's office. He looked up from his paperwork and raised a brow, as I looked around.

"Where's (F/N)?"

"I don't know. I haven't see her all morning." Feeling my heart sink, I ran out of the office and Leon called after me,

"Gibbs? Gibbs! Jethro?" When he caught up to me, I was at my desk and he stepped in my way, asking quietly,

"What is going on?"

"(F/N)'s gone to see Kepler...Alone." 

"!! I'm calling her." 

Reader's Point of View

I was half-way to the prison when my phone started ringing and looking at my phone, I ignored Leon's call. Turning off my phone, I drove the rest of the way there in silence and when I got there, I paused. 

Twenty minutes later, I was in a room with a table in it and a window, which I was standing by. The buzzer went off and a guard brought in Kepler, making me tense. When he saw me, he smiled and greeted me,

"My darling, (F/N). I knew you'd come see me. Eventually."

"Well, you take a shot at me in my own home. I tend to take it personally." I replied, crossing my arms and leaning on the wall, as he sat down.

"How could I be involved? I've been here for the past two years." 

"Yeah, we intercepted an email you sent. Seems you have friends."

"I have many friends. How is Special Agent Gibbs? He still as protective over you as before?" 

My wedding band wasn't visible because it was tucked under my right bicep and Kepler didn't seem to notice it when he walked into the room, but Jethro shouting from the other side of the bars caught both of our attention, 


"Ah! Agent Gib- You got married." Jethro's left hand fingers were wrapped around one of the bars and Kepler turned his gaze back to me, continuing,

"Show me your left hand, (F/N)!" Just as Kepler went to get up, the guards came open the gate for Jethro and Jethro placed his hands on the table, growling,

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