Chapter 30

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For the next few months, Jethro was doting over me and treating me like porcelain doll. Leon wasn't much better, if it was possible, he was worse. At work I was placed on desk duty and I wasn't even showing yet. The team knew and they tried to sneak me out as often as possible. Coffee runs. Lunch pick-ups. Etcetera. 

Now, we were at the office seven months into my pregnancy and Jethro was off on a lead with McGee. As I was going over financial records, my phone rang and when I looked it was McGee.

"Tim, wha-"

"(F/N), Gibbs was shot." 

"Gibbs was what?! Where are you guys?!" 

When he told me what hospital they were at, I got Bishop to drive me and Tony stayed behind to run point. Walking into the hospital, I walked to the front desk and asked the nurse, 

"What room is Agent Gibbs in?" 

"Are you family, ma'am?" The nurse replied, not even looking up at me and I placed a hand on my stomach, about to argue when I heard Tim call,

"(F/N)! He's in here." Following him, I walked into a room and Jethro was sitting on the bed, sling on to support his left arm. A butterfly bandage was above his right eyebrow and he glared at Tim, growling,

"I told you not to call her."

"If she'd have seen you with a sling, she'd have killed me." Tim replied, meekly and left us alone. Approaching him, I placed my hand on his cheek and he rested his available hand on my hip, sighing,

"I'm fine. It was a graze."

"Yet, here you are with a sling on and a cut on your face." I replied, angling his face to look at the cut. When he turned back to gaze into my eyes, those brilliant blue orbs searching my eyes for comfort. 

"The graze was from a big gun. I, also, may have fell and have a hairline fracture on my collarbone." He joked, flashing that crooked grin and I sighed, resting my forehead against his own. 

"Looks like I'll be cooking for awhile, huh?" I mumbled, making him scoff and retort,

"No way in hell." 

We we got home that night, Jethro sat on the couch and sighed, taking off his coat. When he threw it to the side, I grabbed it and put it on the arm of the couch before sitting next to him. When I went to open a book, Jethro leaned into me and nudged my cheek with his nose, quietly. Turning to him, I raised a brow and he closed the small gap between us, pressing a soft kiss to my mouth. 

Kissing back, I rested a hand on his cheek and when he pulled away, he leaned down. His head was now in my lap and he turned to my belly, pressing a kiss there. 

"Jethro, you'll hurt your shoulder if you lay like that too long." I teased, running my fingers through his hair and he hummed, not replying. Just staring at my belly and lightly touching me before he started whispering,

"Two months is a long time." 

"Yeah, they are beating me up." I replied, without thinking and Jethro sat up, nearly head butting me. 


"Oh. I forgot you missed our last appointment." 

"You said they?" 

"We're having twins."

"Twins? Like two?"

"Yes, Jethro. From what the doctor told me, a boy and a girl." 

A month later I was in the office, working on 'The Calling' and Jethro was overseas with Tony and CIA officer Joanna Teague. They were in Iraq trying to find Luke and the main base of operations. I was working on trying to get leverage on Sadiq Samar, but my phone started ringing. 

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