Chapter 7

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For the rest of the week, I was in the FBI working on the Kepler case with Fornell's team. Vance called for updates, Ellie called to make sure I was okay, Tim called to see if I needed any tech help, and Tony called to tell me about the hell Gibbs was putting him through, basically begging me to come back early. 

Gibbs called me everyday and everyday, I didn't answer. I couldn't bring myself to. However, he also called Fornell everyday and Fornell has to deal with Gibbs' increasing irritation everyday. 

It's Friday today and the daily Gibbs call went straight to Fornell. As his phone rang, Fornell sighed and showed me the caller ID, laughing quietly.

"Jethro." He greeted, putting him on speakerphone because I was the only one in his office.

"Fornell, is (F/N) safe?"

"Yeah, I just sent her down the hall to give a file to Johnson."

"Are you any closer to catching Kepler?"

"Nothing solid."

"Why the fuck not?!" 

"These things take time."

"It's been over six years! How long do you-"

"Boss?" I interrupted, pretending like I hadn't heard the whole beginning of the conversation. 

"(F/N)...Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Boss. The FBI are treating me well. Thinking about coming back here." I joked, but even without seeing him I could see the panic in his face,


"I'm kidding, Boss."

"Oh, okay." 

"I'll be back after lunch today. I've a meeting with the Director." 

"Okay. Can we get lunch together?"

"I...I don't think that's a good idea, Boss."

"(F/N), I really need a word with you."

"Maybe after the meeting, Boss. I really have to get going."

"Wait! Ah...She's already gone isn't she?"

I left the room and didn't finish hearing the conversation. Until lunch, I was trying to make connections between Kepler and any of the other victims. With no luck, I huffed and went back to Fornell's office, knocking before entering. 

"Hey, I'm heading out." I let Fornell know, poking my into his office and he looked over his glasses at me, asking,

"Heading out already?" 

"Well, yeah. It's noon already and my meeting with Leon is at two." I replied, chuckling and letting him know what I found or rather didn't find.

"Well, I'll see you at the gala tomorrow. Can't wait to see you all spiffy, Tobias." I teased, making him smile and nod, waving me away. Leaving the building, I grabbed lunch at the diner and Ellie met me, excited to see me. 

"(F/N), I've missed you!" She greeted, hugging me and I chuckled, replying,

"I've missed you guys, too!" 

"Except for Gibbs?"


"You've been avoiding his calls." 

"It's complicated." 

"I bet it is. Gibbs told us briefly about what is going on. We've been working the case too." 

"He told you what?"

"Nothing specific. Just that you're working on a case and need the help." 

"Well, he didn't tell you the reason."


"The man we're after is stalking me."

"Kepler is stalking you?!" 

"Shh. Yes."

"What the fuck?" 

"I have you guys, I'm not worried." 

I tried to reassure her and it seemed to work, as we got through lunch in peace. We headed back to the Navy Yard, together. When I got to the bullpen, Gibbs wasn't there and I was relieved because that meant I could get a break from him. Or so I thought. When I got into Vance's office, Gibbs was there and his gaze was on me, immediately. 

"(F/N), welcome back!" Leon greeted, hugging me and I chuckled, asking,

"Missed me?"

"We all have." Gibbs replied, a small smile on his face and I looked over to him, but not for long. Sitting at the table, Vance sat next to me and Gibbs sat across from me as I began to tell them what the FBI was trying to work on. 

"We were trying to connect the victims to Kepler." I informed, putting the information onto the flatscreen and explaining,

"He picked up all of the women at a popular nightclub on Saturday nights."

"A busy night to make it hard to pinpoint when they disappeared?" Vance asked.

"Exactly. Also, he's a smooth talker. As we've discovered. He talked them into going home with him, even the women who are married. He tries not to stand out, he doesn't drink or dance." 

"Always has to be in control." Gibbs commented, eyes never leaving me and I nodded, pulling the next bit of information up,

"He doesn't have a second property in his name and that makes us think that he has an alias that he's using. We can't find anything to connect him to one, however." 

The meeting went smoothly and by the time it was over, we were allowed to go home. Seeing as we had to get ready for the gala tomorrow. 

Gibbs tried to get me to stay to speak with him, but I was car pooling with Ellie and I didn't want to make her wait. 

The next day, we were up early to get ready. Abby, Ellie, and I split at Ellie's apartment so that we could sleep in for a little while longer. So, we didn't get up until around ten and the girls were excited to get started. Putting an old t-shirt on, I started on my makeup and the girls did the same. 

"Oh, (F/N)!" Abby called, catching my attention and I hummed,


"I got you both masks to match your dresses!" 

"Oh, Abbs! You didn't have to do that. Thank you! Lemme see!" Ellie replied, excitedly. Abby handed Ellie a blue and silver mask, her own mask was purple and gold. Both were classic masquerade masks, they were beautiful. My own mask was black and silver, it covered most of my face and it was much more elegant than the other two. 

"Wow, Abby. Thank you!" I exclaimed, pulling her into a short hug. 

Two hours later, we were finished with our makeup and decided to get lunch. At around three in the afternoon, we started on our hair. We had around three hours to finish getting ready. When we finished with our hair, we had about an hour until it was time to go. So, we lounged around for awhile. 

When we had ten minutes, we finished getting dressed and got into the car excitedly. 

When we got to the venue, we all put on our masks and got out.

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