Chapter 6

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"I'm being stalked by a fucking psychopath!"



The bullpen fell silent and I processed what I finally pulled out the truth from her. Five minutes later and I was floundering for a response. Finally, the news register in my mind and I felt my blood boil, as I replied,

"AND YOU DIDN'T FEEL THAT I NEEDED TO KNOW THIS!" I rounded my desk and got closer to her, which in turn made her back up.

"You're part of my team! MY TEAM! The FBI comes in and tells you that they need you because their psychopath has his eyes set on you!" I continued, backing her into her desk and finishing,

"THIS KEPLER IS STALKING YOU AND YOU KEPT THIS TO YOURSELF?!" By this time, (F/N) was pressed against her desk and her hands were against my chest, to keep me from getting any closer to her. I was so close to her that I could feel her breath against my face, the feelings that I've been harboring for the better part of five years coming to the surface. Her face was beet red and I realized how intimate our position was.

"Gibbs." She whispered, catching my attention and I caught her eyes, leaning forward. Kissing her, I pressed her against her more and she grabbed my shirt, pulling me into her more. Grabbing her thighs, I lifted her onto her desk and ran my tongue along the seam of her lips, asking for entrance.

Reader's Point of View

When Gibbs asked for entrance, I opened my mouth and his tongue ran against my own, as his hands pushed my shirt up. One of my hands went into his hair and pulled gently, making him groan into my mouth. As my other hand went to pull his shirt out of his slacks, my phone started ringing and we were pulled back into reality.

Realizing what just happened and what it was leading to, I fixed my shirt. Grabbing my phone, I answered,

"(Last Name)."

"We have eyes on Joesph Kepler." Micheal answered, as I walked up to Vance's office ignoring Gibbs calling my name.


"The cafe outside of the Navy Yard. He asked for you..."


"Vance is with him."


"What're we going to do?"

"I'm coming, now."

Hanging up, I started changing into sweatpants and a sweatshirt, running out. As I got into the bullpen, Gibbs grabbed my wrist and asked,

"What's happening?"

"I've a meeting with the FBI."



"I'm coming."

"Gibbs, I think we shouldn't do that. I'll keep you updated."


"Gibbs, I get it. Heat of the moment. Things happen, we can just pretend this didn't happen. I know your rules and all. But we can talk about it after."

"Wait! (F/N). (F/N)!"

Ignoring him, I used the stairs and got to the cafe in record time. The moment I saw Vance, I rushed in without a side arm and as soon as Kepler saw me, he stood up.

"(F/N), you came!" He started, making me falter and I looked to Vance before replying,

"Yeah. My best friend is here. Of course I came." Kepler looked to Vance and nodded, so Vance replied,

"I'm fine. Come sit." Going to sit next to Vance, I checked him over and there were no signs of any injuries. Some stress left me and as I sat down, Kepler started,

"You look lovely, (F/N). Even in pajamas."

"Thank you, Joesph." I whispered, trying to regain my composure. In another life, if he wasn't a murder, I could be attracted to him. He had jet black hair, blue eyes that could rival even Gibbs', and he was over all a good looking man. However, this isn't another life and this man is dangerous.

"I've wanted to talk to you for a long time, (F/N)." Kepler continued, his smile never leaving his face and I maintained eye contact with him, as I asked,


"Because you're the first woman to be able to get this close to catching me. You and I are in this endless dance. I just want you to know that you will be mine one day soon."


"Don't look so shocked. However, I must say...Seeing you kiss another man. Well, that makes me mad."


"Oh, this."

He showed me a video from the security cameras at NCIS of what had just transpired between Gibbs and myself. Feeling the color drain from my face, he frowned and asked,

"Do I have to get rid of him?"

"No!" I shouted, before composing myself and whispering,

"No...He doesn't want me like that. It was a heat of the moment decision on his part and a mistake he won't make again. Trust me."

"...I do trust you. But he must be something special to get a reaction like that out of you."

"If you touch him or even contact him. You'll never get me. I'd rather die than let you hurt anyone in my life. Deal?"

"...Alright. I won't touch him. I have to go now. But I'll see you again soon."

As he got up, Gibbs came into the cafe and when his eyes set on Kepler, he tensed. Unlike me, he had his side arm and he pulled it out, pointing it at him.

"Gibbs, stand down." Vance said calmly, making Gibbs flinch and ask,


"Stand down. We have nothing on him."



Kepler chuckled and asked,

"Leroy Jethro Gibbs?"


"Wow. How underwhelming. If you can't see the prize in front of you, you'll never get to me."

As Kepler walked past Gibbs, he called over his shoulder,

"I'll be seeing you very soon indeed...Dear (F/N)." This made Gibbs tense greatly and Kepler left, making me realize the situation I put everyone in. Tears streamed down my face and Vance rubbed my back, whispering,

"Calm down, calm down. It's okay."

"This is my fault."

"No, it isn't." Gibbs sat down and he was desperate to catch my eyes. Refusing to meet his eyes, I looked to Vance and told him,

"Until the gala, I'll be with the FBI on this case."

"If that's what you want."

"It is."

"No way in hell." Gibbs butted him, temper flaring up and glaring at Vance, pointedly.

"It's not your decision, Gibbs. I'm going." I defended myself, standing up and leaving.

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