Chapter 22

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**Warning: Sexual Content Ahead**

"Three hours, (F/N)."

"I know, Jethro."

"The party lasted three hours!"

"I know. At least everyone picked up after themselves." 

"Yeah, there is that." 

(F/N) and I were in her room, watching a movie. Her boot was next to her side of the bed and she was curled into my side, leg thrown over my hip and head on my chest. Leaning down, my movement caught her attention and she lifted her head, as I pressed a hard kiss to her mouth. Running my tongue along her bottom lip, I pulled her into my lap and rolled my hips up into hers, making her moan against my mouth. Taking advantage of the opportunity, I pressed my tongue against her own and tasted the beer she was drinking earlier. (F/N) tilted her head and deepened the kiss more, threading her fingers through my hair. 

"Jethro~" (F/N) moaned, her hands going under my shirt and grabbing my waist, making me smirk. Pulling my shirt over my head, I pressed a kiss to her mouth and pulled away, pulling her shirt over her head. Sitting up, I pushed her onto her back and leaned down, trailing kisses up her neck. Sucking on her pulse point, I rolled my hips into hers and smiled as she moaned into my ear. Going down, I reached behind her and unclipped her bra, throwing it to the side. Kissing between the valley of her breasts, I nipped at the skin and moved on, going down her stomach. (F/N) was getting impatient, the hand on my head pushing me down and I chuckled, doing what she wanted. Pulling her shorts off, I kissed along her inner thighs and pressed a finger against her, through her panties. As I got closer to her core, I left at least two marks and (F/N)'s fingers tightened in my hair, as she panted out,

"Please, Jethro." Pulling her panties to the side, I licked a stripe up her slit and her other hand went up to her mouth, muffling her moans. My pants were unbelievably tight, but I wanted to get her to cum once before I did anything else. Pushing a finger into her, I took her clit into my mouth and sucked, moving my finger in and out slowly. 

"Hmm. You taste good, baby girl." I purred, adding a second finger and doing a scissor motion, making her moan out. Sucking her clit into my mouth, I rolled it between my teeth and moving my fingers faster, (F/N)'s thighs went to close around my head. Grabbing one of her thighs, I pushed my tongue into her core and began to eat her out, my fingers continuing to move. 

"Oh, god! Jethro, don't stop~" (F/N) moaned, pushing my head between her thighs more and I sped up, wanting nothing more than for her to cum on my face. I got my wish after five minutes, when (F/N)'s back arched off the bed and she screamed out my name. Slurping up everything I could, I moaned against her and she whimpered, for over stimulation. Pulling my fingers out, I sat up and pressing my fingers to her mouth. As she sucked on my fingers, I reached down and undid my pants, with one hand. Her tongue circled around my digits, coating them with her saliva and tasting herself. Pulling my fingers out of her mouth, I took her panties off and threw them across the room, my jeans and underwear following soon after. 

Spreading her legs, I positioned myself between her thighs and rubbed the head of my cock against her clit, groaning at the sensation. Looking into her eyes for conformation, I waited, but when she curled one of her legs around my hip and pushed my cock into her by an inch, I got my confirmation. Thrusting into and out of her, slowly, I stretched her out and groaned, when I finally did bottom out. 

"You're fuckin' tight, (F/N)." I groaned, rocking my hips and feeling the pleasure shoot up my spine, immediately. Bracing myself against the bed on either side of her head, I sped up and she tightened, arms going around my neck. Pulling me into a sloppy kiss, she panted against my mouth and I reached between us, rubbing her clit in tight circles. 


"You wanna cum, baby girl?"


Speeding up my thrusts, the headboard started thumping against the wall and (F/N)'s back arched off the bed, as she tightened around me again. Groaning, I slowed down and held (F/N)'s hips, keeping her close as she came down from her high. Pulling out, I laid on my back and tugged on (F/N)'s thigh, saying,

"Come on." (F/N) bit her bottom lip and threw her leg over my hip, straddling me. Holding her hips, I groaned as she lined my cock up with her entrance and sunk down onto me. 

"Oh, God~" (F/N) moaned, resting her hands on my chest and rocking her hips, softly. Guiding her up and down, (F/N)'s moans grew and I pressed my head back into her pillows, moaning out,

"Fuck~" (F/N) started moving faster and harder, the sound of skin hitting skin filling the room. As (F/N) began to tighten, I groaned and began to jerk my hips, meeting her halfway. 

"I'm gonna cum!" I warned, sitting up and thrusting up into her, roughly. (F/N) wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into a sloppy kiss, as she started cumming. She moaned into my mouth and I stopped moving, filling her. 

We were now panting and (F/N) was looking over my face, silently. Leaning over, I laid her down and went to get up, as she asked,

"Where you goin'?" 

"Start on a bath." I replied, smirking at her and she nodded, letting me go. I could feel her eyes on me and ten minutes later, I was carrying her into the bathroom. 

"You'll join me right?" She asked, as I put her into the tub and I chuckled, replying,

"You want me to?"


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