Chapter 20

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"Oh, there won't be a trial." We all turned to the door and there stood SECDEF and SECNAV with McGee. 

"Sir, my client has the right to-"

"We have video proof of your client's actions. There is no need for a trial." SECDEF interrupted the lawyer, his glare hard and pointed. Kepler's face went pale and he muttered,


"Oh. This...This is the server you downloaded (F/N)'s video and the rest of your videos on." McGee answered, holding up a flash drive and Kepler's lawyer looked down, replying,

"Yes, sir. I understand." Kepler was taken out of the room, he was angry and yelling,

"You ruined my art! MY ART! How fucking dare you?! (F/N)! (F/N), this isn't over! (F/N)!!" When it was just the team and the two Secretaries left in the room, tears were rolling down my cheeks. Wrapping my arms around Jethro's neck, he picked me up and sat in my chair, placing me on his lap. He was rubbing my back, trying to calm me down, and when I did calm down, SECNAV called out,

"Agent (Last Name)." Looking over to him, I wiped my face and sat up straight, replying,

"Yes, sir?" 

"I apologize for the trauma you've suffered. You take all the time you need to heal and get better. The Navy is behind you all the way." He informed me, holding out his hand to me and when I shook it, he smiled. SECDEF ran a hand through his hair and added,

"Trauma is putting it lightly. Agent (L/N), you are strong for braving through this. Get better." 

"Thank you." I replied, bowing my head a little and Jethro pressed a kiss to my temple, thanking them both quietly. When they left, I turned to Leon and he came over, bringing me into a hug. 

Later that day, the whole team went out for lunch and Tony started,

"So, Boss..." Jethro looked at him and waited, patiently. Ellie giggled and Tim sighed, rubbing his temple. 

"What, DiNozzo?" 

"Are you and (F/N) a thing now?" All eyes were on us now and Jethro huffed, rolling his eyes. Tim glared at Tony and asked,

"Seriously, Tony?"

"What? It's a legitimate question!" 

Gibbs' Point of View

"What? It's a legitimate question!" DiNozzo defended, poking at his food and making (F/N) laugh at his childish behavior. 

"Just drop it, Tony." Bishop replied, smiling at us and we continued with lunch, talking about other things. (F/N)'s health, the paperwork at the office, DiNozzo's new "girlfriend", and McGee's new computer thing. Leon seemed to be relieved that (F/N) was okay more than anything else and the fact of the matter was, so was everybody sitting at the table. 

When we were all leaving, I helped (F/N) stand and when she was stabilizing herself, unconsciously she leaned into my chest. One of my hands went to her waist the the other pushed in her chair, as Bishop handed (F/N) her crutches. Before (F/N) could pull away from me, though, someone took a picture of us. Thinking it was one of my team members, I frowned and went to fuss, but upon looking up. It was Leon, who had a shit-eating grin on his face and I huffed, replying to DiNozzo's earlier question,

"Yes, DiNozzo. We are a thing, now." My answer seemed to shock (F/N), her head whipped up towards and when I looked down at her, she raised a brow.

"What about rule twelve, Boss?" McGee asked, catching my attention and making me smile, softly. 

"Well, Tim, some rules are meant to be broken...Sometimes." I replied, as (F/N) put her crutches under her arms and got ready to move. On the way back to (F/N)'s house, she was quiet, but not upset. She had a smile smile on and her demeanor was happier than before. 

"Hey." I called, catching her attention and when she looked over, I continued,

"What's going on? You're real quiet." 

"Just thinking." 


"Stop. It's nothing bad. But..." 

We pulled into her parking space, making her pause for a little while longer and I went around to her side, helping her out of my truck. When we got into her living room, I closed the door behind us and locked it, as she plopped down onto the couch. Going sit next to her, I turned my full attention to her and asked,


"Oh...We're a thing now?" She finished, making me smile and lean towards her, replying softly,

"I'd say so." Pressing my mouth to her own, I rested on hand on her cheek and the other tugged her hip, pulling her closer to me. One of her hands cupped the back of my head, threading her fingers through my hair, and the other curled into the fabric of my shirt. Tilting my head, I ran my tongue along her bottom lip and, almost immediately, (F/N) opened her mouth. Not being able to help myself, I lifted (F/N) into my lap and rested my hands on her hips, squeezing every so often. When she pulled away, I went to follow her and she stopped me by resting her hands on my chest, making me huff. However, I let my gaze run down her neck and I leaned forward, again. 

Wrapping my arms around her waist, I brought her low enough to where I could press kisses up her neck and when my lips grazed her pulse point, she inhaled sharply. Smiling against her neck,  I pulled away and looked up, taking in her appearance. Her face was red, she was panting and her lips were swollen. 

Having her straddling me was taking it's own effect on me and it took every ounce of control I had to contain myself. 

"Jethro~" (F/N) called, catching my attention and if her grinding down into me didn't break that control, her next word threw that control out of the window,


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