Chapter 5

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"Why?" Gibbs asked, making my heart clench and I had no response for him. He tugged me towards him, one of his hands going to my face. The other remaining on my wrist as he searched my eyes for something. Pulling away from him, I averted my gaze and whispered,

"Why what?"

"Why won't you tell me what's going on with you and Kepler?"

"Boss, it's not something you need to worry about." I replied, going to walk past him and his grip on my wrist tightened to stop me.

"(F/N), you are part of my team. If something is going on, I do need to worry about it." He whispered, making me realize that I wasn't anything special for him and my heart sank as this dawned on me. Pulling my wrist free, gently, I didn't meet his eye and I choked out,

"Boss, I'm fine. I have a meeting with Vance. I really have to go."

"I can wait for you, if you-"

"No, no. I'll be fine."


Going through the bullpen and up the stairs, I could feel his gaze on me and it was no longer fiery, it was desperate.

As I got into Vance's office, tears were flowing down my face and Vance stood up, upon seeing the state I was in.

"What happened?" He asked, urgently, coming around his desk to me. I went to his couch and sat down, trying to calm myself down. He followed, trying to do the same by reminding me to keep my breathing steady. When I finally did calm down, I chuckled and Vance asked, again,

"What happened?" Huffing, I shook my head and replied, softly,

"Nothing relevant to our debriefing."

"Hey. Fuck the debriefing. You're my best friend, I want to know what I can do to help." He replied, gaining eye contact with me and placing a hand on my cheek, comfortingly.

"Just something with Gibbs."

"Do I have to kick his ass?"

"Heh. No, no. I just realized that I'm nothing special to him."


"It's fine, I knew that already. I guess I was just a little hopeful. I'm okay, let's get the debriefing done so that I can shower and you can go home."

Vance stayed quiet, but nodded anyway and I started,

"Kepler has been quiet since their meeting with him. He left them with a warning and me with a note. He is stalking me, apparently. At lunch he was there and when I was dress shopping I could feel someone watching us, me more specifically."

"Did you see him while shopping?"

"No, but I know the feeling on his gaze better than I know anyone else's."

"Alright. What we do next is keep you safe."

"Leon, I may have to let him have me to catch him."


"Leon, we may not-"

"It's not happening, (F/N)."

"Look, just listen. I trust my team to find me. I know Gibbs will find me. You will find me. It would be fine, I would be fine."

"And if you aren't fine?!"

"I'll have to deal with those consequences."

"That's only a last resort. Deal?"

"Deal. Now, I'm going shower. I want you to be gone by the time I could back. Go home to Jared and Kayla. Give them a hug from Aunt (F/N)."

"Okay...Hey, no moves on Kepler without letting me know."

"Of course."

When I went to take a shower, Gibbs was at his desk and he looked up at me, tilting his head. Sighing, I walked down into the bullpen and through to the elevators to go down to take a shower. Before the doors could close, Gibbs came into the elevator with me and stared until the elevator began to move. Stopping the elevator, he turned me and pushed harder,

"Tell me what's going on, now." Sighing, I rubbed my temples and replied,

"It's fine, Boss."

"(F/N), you were freaked out about something that happened at lunch today. I need to know what's going on!"

"Gibbs! It's my problem! Don't worry about it. Please!" I begged, turning the elevator back on and willing the elevator to move faster. Gibbs stayed quiet as the doors opened on my floor and I got out, leaving me alone for now.

As I headed back up to the bullpen, Vance sent me a text message,

'Gibbs is still here. Heads up.' Sighing, the elevator doors opened and I sent back a quick reply,

'He's relentless. Thanks for letting me know. Have a good night, Leon!'

'Of course. Good night, (F/N).' As I walked back into the bullpen, barefoot, I saw Gibbs' salt and pepper hair, groaning internally. Walking through, I stopped in front of his desk and he looked up at me.

Gibbs' Point of View

When I heard the elevator doors ding open, I was aware of (F/N)'s presence, but I wasn't quite prepared for her appearance. When she was stopped in front of my desk, I looked up and saw her, making me speechless. Her hair was damp, some of her skin was still glistening with water, she was barefoot, and her clothes didn't leave much to the imagination. She was wearing a tight muscle shirt and some short shorts. Regaining my composure, I asked,

"So, you're staying here?"

"Clearly, seeing as you're stalking me now." She tried to joke, but I could hear the annoyance in her voice at my presence.

"Why couldn't you ask to stay with me?"

"It's more complicated than...Ugh!"

"Then, explain it to me!" I growled out, standing up and getting close to her face than I intended.

"It's not your concern, Gibbs! It's fine, I can handle it!"

"You've been driven out of your own home! That concerns me greatly!"

"Can't you just let it go!"

"No! One of my team is keeping things from me! Lying to me! I have to know what's going on!"

"I'm being stalked by a fucking psychopath!"

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