Chapter 18

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"Why me, Jethro?" She asked, sobbing into my shoulder and I sighed,

"I can't answer that (F/N)."

"I was fully prepared to die, I wanted him to kill me."

"I wouldn't have been able to move past your death, (F/N)."

"He could've picked any one. And he chose me. Why?"

"I don't know. But it isn't your fault."

"How can't it be?"

"He's messed up in the head. It's him, (F/N), not you."


"You are beautiful, inside and out. He ruined that for you, not for me."

"Jethro, he...He, oh god."

"I know, (F/N). I wanted to kill him."

"Then, how can you still..."

"Still find you attractive?"


"Because this doesn't define you. He'll be rotting in jail and you'll be being amazing as always. I won't let anyone touch you again."

"I feel safe with you, Jethro. Can you stay with me?"

"Of course."

The next two weeks past in much the same manner, (F/N) and I living together, taking care of her injuries. After about a week, I ended up just staying in her room with her and comforting her when she woke up from a nightmare. In the middle of the second week, she didn't wake up screaming anymore, but her nightmares still made her talk in her sleep. Everyday, Leon came and visit, with some of our team as well.

Today, we were at the hospital so that (Y/N) could get the brand fixed and to check on her progress.

"You're healing well, (Y/N). We can schedule the skin graft for you thigh in about one week when we take out those stitches. Also, the cuts on you will be done healing by this weekend. You shouldn't need the bandages anymore. Finally, your ankle in set and it should be done healing in about two to three months." Her doctor informed, making (F/N) sigh and I was relieved. (F/N) scheduled the skin graft and asked,

"When can I go back to work?"

"Well, not until that cast is off."

"C'mon. Not even just desk duty?"

"No, too much stress."


"Don't argue with your doctor, (F/N)." I interjected, making her pout and he doctor laughed, replying,

"Fine, you can visit once or twice a week. But no doing any work. Understood?"

"Yes! I understand!"

"Okay. Well, that's all I have. After you get yourself together, you're free to go." When her doctor left, she turned her doe eyes to me and I sighed,

"Yes, we can go to the Navy Yard to update Leon."

"Yay!" Chuckling, I turned around to let her get dressed and when she was finished, we left. As we got into the building, the security guards were shocked to see us and (F/N) was excited to be back, crutching to the elevator quickly. When we got to the bullpen, Bishop saw us first and jumped up, excitedly,

"Gibbs! (F/N)!" (F/N) smiled and hugged Bishop, replying,

"I've missed you guys!"

"We've missed you, (F/N)." McGee replied, coming over and hugging (F/N). DiNozzo smiled and walked over to me, asking,

"Are you guys back?"

"No, (F/N) just wanted to visit." I replied, watching her interact with McGee and Bishop, animatedly. Looking up, Leon was coming out of MTAC and he looked surprised, rushing down the stairs.

"(F/N), what are you doing here? You aren't cleared for work yet." Leon started, pulling over a chair for her to sit down and helping her over to it, as (F/N) replied,

"I came to visit. Doctor says I can do that." He sighed and looked over to me, for confirmation. Nodding, I grabbed (F/N) crutches and put them next to Bishop's desk, as Leon continued,

"Well, how was your visit with the doctor?"

"Good! I'm healing well. Getting this damn brand fixed next week, cuts should be finished healing by this weekend."

"You're getting rid of my mark?! No! You'll ruin my masterpiece!" Kepler's voice yelled, making (F/N) freeze and I felt myself tense, as I turned to him. He was being dragged into interrogation, Leon stalked off to yell at the agents,

"I told you to take him through the evidence garage!"

"Jethro, can we go?" (F/N) asked, tugging on my sleeve and I nodded, helping her up. As we made our way back to her home, she was quiet and I didn't try to force her to talk, not wanting to upset her more. When we got back, she sat on her couch and kept her face down, as I locked the door behind us. Plopping down next to her, she was forced closer to me and I pulled her closer into my side, gently. This caught her attention and she nuzzled her face into my neck, staying quiet. However, soon enough, I felt something wet drip onto my neck and I pulled away to look at her, but she ducked her head. Lifting her chin, tears were rolling down her cheeks and I felt my hear break a little, as I used my thumb to wipe away some of her tears.

"Jethro, I can still feel his hands on me." (F/N) sobbed, her fingers curled into the fabric of my shirt and I pulled her into a hug, trying to comfort her. She cried for ten minutes before she calmed down enough for me to reassure her,

"He won't ever touch you again."

"I know, but-"

"And eventually his touch will fade. I will be here for you all the way (F/N)."

"...I enjoy your touch, Jethro."

"Behave. Do you feel better?"

"Yeah. Thank you."

"Of course."

Pressing a short kiss to her mouth, she kissed back eagerly and rested her forehead against mine, when I pulled away.

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