Chapter 23

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The next week, we were sitting in the bullpen and (F/N) was working on cold cases, quietly. Looking at the time, I huffed and (F/N) looked over to me, raising a brow. Walking over to her, I kneeled in front of her and asked, softly,

"Wanna go out for lunch?" (F/N) chuckled and rolled her eyes, replying,

"I've still got a lot of paperwork to do. My boss will be on my ass if I don't get it done in time."

"I think you've the ability to charm your boss into forgiving you." I teased, helping her stand and walking with her to the elevator, as she laughed. We went to a little cafe near the Navy Yard and sat outside, talking to her about all sorts of things. 

"(F/N), come stay with me this weekend?" I requested, holding her hand and running my thumb along her knuckles, softly. (F/N) smiled and held my hand, replying,

"I've been spending everyday with you for the past two months, I doubt you'd take no for an answer. You'd just come stay at my place." Chuckling, I shrugged and (F/N) bit her bottom lip, continuing, 

"So, yes. I'll come spend the weekend with you. Are you heading home tonight?"

"I don't know. I have a lot of paperwork too. And I can't charm my boss like you can." I replied, as our food came out and (F/N) shook her head, turning her attention to her lunch. 

When we got back to the Navy Yard, DiNozzo teased,

"You guys were out for awhile." (F/N) rolled her eyes and I slapped the back of his head, replying,

"Back to work."

"Yes, Boss." DiNozzo pouted, leaving us alone and (F/N) looked to me, muttering,

"You'll give him brain damage, Gibbs." 

"Yeah." I scoffed, sitting at my desk to resume my paperwork. An hour later, my phone started ringing and I answered,

"Yeah, Gibbs." 

"There's a dead Marine at the harbor." Dispatch replied, quickly. 

"Okay. We've got it." 

Hanging up, I grabbed my Sig and badge, announcing,

"Dead Marine, let's go. (F/N), call Ducky."

"Okay." She replied, pouting because she wanted to come too. As she picked up her phone, I walked over to her and leaned down, catching her attention. We hadn't gotten a case since we'd been back, so (F/N) lifted her head and asked, quietly,

"What's up?"

"Kiss?" I replied, making her smile and lean forward, happily. When she pulled away, her eyes roamed my face and whispered,

"Be safe." 

"Okay." I replied, pressing one more soft kiss to her lips and going to the elevator, as she told Ducky about the case. 

Reader's Point of View

Watching Jethro leave, I felt my heart clench and explained to Ducky that Jethro needed him at a crime scene. 

"Thanks, Ducky." 

"Of course, my darling. By the way, you sound upset. Is something wrong?" 

"No, I'm okay."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Go on, Jethro needs you." 

"Alright. We'll talk later."

"Okay. Bye, Duck."

"Bye." Hanging up, I turned back to the case I was working on and looked over the autopsy and evidence reports, for about an hour. When they got back, Jethro was barking out orders and when his eyes met mine, he came over, 

"How many cold cases are you working on?"

"About seven. Why?"

"I'm going to give you an assignment for this case. Don't tell Vance."

"Don't tell Vance what?" Leon's voice called, making Jethro sigh and turn, explaining,

"The victim could be connected to some cold cases. Since (F/N) can't do any field work, I'm giving her an assignment." Leon looked at me and sighed, replying,

"Fine. Just no field work." 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Poor me." I interjected, making both men chuckle and walk away, to get back to their own work. Scanning over the file Jethro had just handed to me, I recognized the weapon type used and got up, heading for Abby's lab.

"(F/N)?" Jethro called, but I ignored him and made my way to the elevator, file in hand. As the elevator doors closed, a hand came between them and Jethro slid into the elevator, eyes never leaving me. 

"Wanna share?" He asked, as the elevator started moving and I looked to him, replying,

"I don't wanna share, unless my theory is correct." 

"I'd still like to hear it." 

"The last cold case I looked at had a wound like this." I explained, opening the file and showing him a puncture wound that matched our newest Marine.

"Our dead Marine has that wound." 

"I know, but I wanna get a few expert opinions." 

"Abbs and Duck, I'm guessing."

"Yeah, they'd be able to tell better than me."

"I could've taken it done for you."

"I needed to get up and walk anyway." The elevator doors opened and I placed a hand on his chest, telling him,

"Besides, you have a killer to catch. I'll be right back up." Jethro hesitated, but I smiled and back out, letting the doors close. Going into Abby's lab, I called out,

"Abbs!" She came out of the back and smiled, rushing to hug me. 

"Oh! Careful, Abbs!" When she pulled away, she looked down and apologized,

"I'm sorry!"

"It's alright. I've something for you to look at for me." 

"Okay. Lemme see." 

Showing her the puncture wounds side by side, she took the files and explained,

"Both wounds are jagged, they are extremely similar. Ducky would know better though." 

"I'm heading to visit him next. Try to get me a match on the weapon though?"

"You got it, Miss Boss." 

Chuckling, I went back to the elevator and went down to autopsy. When I got to autopsy, I walked into the room and called,

"Ducky, I've got a question."

"(F/N), I may have an answer." Showing him the old puncture mark, I began to explain my theory and he went over to the body, examining the wound. 

"Yes, I'd say it's the same marks. Basically the same tool." 


"We can't be sure until we get our analysis from Abbigail." 

"Okay. Thanks, Ducky!" 

Going back into the bullpen, I sat down and Jethro looked at me, asking,


"They think it matches, but for confirmation need a little more time." 

"Alright. What do the rest of you got?" As the others we presenting what they found, I felt light headed and I heard Jethro call,

"(F/N)?" Not being able to answer, I put my head down and blacked out. 

Broken Rule (Leroy Jethro Gibbs x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now