Chapter 32

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About two months later, we were in the hospital together. The twins had an appointment and I was getting my stitches out, within the same hour. I made Taft change my time so that I would be there with (F/N) and despite her protests, here we were. Both Ann and Jackson were being quiet and the doctor commented,

"They're extremely quiet." 

"Hm. Stubborn and quiet, like their father. Trust me." (F/N) replied, glaring at me and I lowered my head, smiling softly. 

"I have a feeling, your wife here, isn't wrong about that." That word had been brought up a lot in the last few days and it never failed to make me smile. A couple weeks back we stopped correcting people and just let them think we were married, (F/N) moving her promise ring to her left hand. 

"Well, everything is fine. They're both healthy." A knock on the door caught our attention and Taft came in, asking,

"Am I early?" 

"No, right on time. They're all yours." The twins' doctor answered, leaving us alone and Taft looked at (F/N), smiling,

"It's good to see you, again, Agent (L/N). Let's go to my neck of the woods." 

"Sure thing, Doc." I replied, grabbing Ann's car seat and (F/N) grabbed Jackson's, nudging me gently.

"It's good to see you too, Doctor Taft." When we got to a room on Taft's floor, I put Ann's seat on one of the chairs in the room, untucked my shirt and began unbuttoning it, ready to get this over with. After I sat down, Taft took off the bandaging and saw how well it was healed, he spoke to himself,

"This is remarkably well healed."

"I had a good home nurse."

"Yes, I can see that. Good job, (F/N)."

"I know my way around treatments." (F/N) spoke, trying to keep the twins occupied and she was leaning over Jackson's seat, quickly. My focus slipped from Taft to (F/N), quickly, and I felt myself  leaning towards her, unconsciously. 

"Gibbs, you gotta take off your pants." Taft's voice pulled me from my thoughts and I sighed, unbuckling my belt. That sound caught (F/N)'s attention and she turned, watching subtly. Standing up, I dropped my pants. Quite possibly the most embarrassing thing ever and (F/N)'s eyes went to my knee, immediately. Huffing, I winced as Taft pulled my stitches and he sighed,

"Sorry, Gibbs. Your knee is more sensitive." 

"Sounds like some backwards bull-"

"Hey. Watch your mouth, Jethro." (F/N) interjected, sending a glare my way and I smiled, softly.

"Sorry, (F/N)." I replied, trying not to flinch as Taft finished and when we were done, I pulled up my pants first. Before I could put my shirt back on, Taft was looking over the scar tissue and giving me advice, advice that I didn't really hear.

"Are you even listening to me, Gibbs? Seriously. This is real, you need to take it easy." Taft fussed, making me turn my glare to him and he rolled his eyes, finishing,

"Yeah, yeah. You can go. No stress."

"When can I go back to work, Doc?"

"No time soon. Get work out of your head and no basement boat building either." Turning to (F/N), she was so obviously looking away from me and I huffed, grumbling,

"Fine, fine. No building my boat. I got it. Ready (F/N)?" Buttoning up my shirt, she turned to me and I paused when she smiled, replying,

"Yeah. Ready when you are." Finishing up, I turned to Taft and shook his hand, joking,

"See you soon." (F/N) chuckled and shook her head, rolling her eyes. Walking over to her, I placed a hand on her waist and grabbed Jackson's car seat from her, opening the door. When we got home, we fed the twins and when he put them down for a nap, I wrapped my arms around (F/N)'s waist. Kissing her neck, I pulled her flush against my chest and she huffed, whispering,

"You know we can't have sex for ten more months." 

"Give or take a few months." 

"Give a few months."

"C'mon, (F/N). It's been months since we've...Ya know." 

"Yes, trust me. I know. Very well just how long it's been." 

"Hm. So, they're napping...Ya know." 

"Mhm. The answer is no." 

"Not cool." (F/N) chuckled, softly, pulling away from me and I followed closely behind, into our room. She sat on the edge of the bed and I sat next to her, kissing the side of her face. (F/N) turned her face to me and kissed me, hard. Place a hand on the back of her neck, I kissed back and (F/N) moved to my lap, lacing her fingers through my hair. 

"So much for no sex." I teased, kissing down her neck and she huffed, replying,

"No that still applies." She untucked my button down and began unbuttoning it as I pulled back to look at her face. Starting, but never finishing,

"Then, what-" 

"Doesn't mean I can't help you." I was confused until she slid off my lap and kneeled in front of me, between my legs. Swallowing, I tilted my head and (F/N) worked on my belt, quickly. 

An hour later, we were laying in bed. (F/N) was in my button down from earlier and I was in a pair of sweats, changing after (F/N) "helped" me. I had an arm around her and her head was resting on my chest, gently touching the skin there. 

"You feeling okay, Jethro?"

"I'm better, now. That'll be increased even more, when you let me return the favor." 

"Not for a couple months, Jethro."

"Hm. Guess I'll have to figure something out." 

(F/N) chuckled and one of the twins started crying, making her state,

"That's my cue." 

"Hm." As she got up, I couldn't help myself and gave her ass a firm slap, making her yelp,


"Go on. I'm watchin', sweetheart." Her face tinted red and she walked away, an extreme sway to her hips. When she was out of the room, I looked over to my phone and then to her phone next to it. An idea came to mind and I grabbed my phone, calling McGee. 

"Hey, Boss! How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. McGee, I've got an assignment for you." 

"Okay. Is it about (F/N)?"

"Yes and no."


"McGee, a smart phone. What would you suggest?" 

"For you?"

"Yes, McGee. The pictures and videos (F/N) and I can take and send. I want to make sure I can get and take them." 

"Sure thing, Boss. I can get you something." 

"Thank, McGee."

"Give (F/N) and the twins my best." 

"Yeah." Closing my phone, I sat up and groaned before getting up. When I crossed to the other room, (F/N) was feeding both Ann and Jackson. She had gotten really good at handling both of them at once. Watching her, I felt my heart swell and she glanced back at me, asking,

"You gonna come help?"

"You're doing such a good job by yourself though."

"Come on, Jethro. Quicker we get this done, quicker we can get some amount of sleep." 

"Sounds like a plan to me." 

Crossing the room to her, I took Jackson and, as promised, when they were back asleep we headed to our room to do the same.

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