Chapter 4

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Vance's Point of View

As we were waiting for our food, I began to inform (F/N),

"Gibbs has been asking about you and Kepler." (F/N) took a sip of her water and when she put it down, she sighed,

"He's concerned. I haven't said anything to him. But you know how he is." Nodding, I chuckled and told her,

"I think he wanted to kill me on the elevator." She laughed and shook her head, replying,

"I don't know. He's been weird recently."

"Seriously, he's jealous. Can't you see that?" I asked, as the waiter brought us our food and flirted with (F/N) subtly,

"I picked this one out for you specially, beautiful." The comment didn't phase (F/N), she didn't even blush. She smiled and thanked him quietly, which seemed to make him upset.

"Maybe if you gave other men a chance, you could get over the one man you've been pining over." I fussed, lightly, but she wasn't listening due to the fact that her gaze was elsewhere. Looking behind me, I didn't see anyone, but she leaned towards me and asked,

"Can we go?"

"But we haven't even-"

"Leon, I'll explain in your office. We can take the food to go." She interrupted, the color drained from her face and I waved our waiter over, replying,

"Alright. Alright." When the waiter came to the table, he asked,

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. Can we get some to go boxes?" I replied, handing him my card to pay as the same time.

"Sure. Also, I don't need a tip, but could I have your number?" The waiter asked (F/N), but she couldn't respond due to her condition at the moment. As the man remain to wait, he became more agitated.

"Look, I'm not looking for a relationship. Can we just get some boxes so that we can go?" (F/N) finally replied, standing up and he huffed, turning around.

When we got back to the office, (F/N) went through to my office silently. As I was walking through, Gibbs was looking at (F/N) and he caught my eye, standing up. Looking away from him, I moved to my office faster and I could hear Gibbs following behind me.

When I got into my office, I went to open my mouth to warn (F/N) that Gibbs was coming, but she started,

"He was there!" This statement made me freeze and before I could reply, Gibbs asked,

"Who was where?" (F/N)'s eyes went to him and I saw her flounder for a moment, before I replied,

"Out, Gibbs."

"What? N-"

"Out! Out. Out. Out." I interrupted, getting him out and when I closed the door, I heard him huff. Turning back to (F/N), I sat her down and kneeled in front of her, asking,

"Kepler was there?" She nodded and I continued,

"You're sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure! I would recognize him from a mile away." She hissed back, shooting a glare at me. Rubbing her arms, I tried to comfort her and ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Knowing who it was, I looked to her and she nodded, composing herself.

"Come in." I called, standing up and going to our food. Gibbs came in and asked,

"Can I be put in the loop now?" (F/N) smiled at him and stood up, starting,

"There's nothing to know." Gibbs looked shocked and he floundered for a moment before, arguing,

"My ass there's nothing to know! You looked like you saw a ghost when you came back! What is going on?!"(F/N) placed a hand on his bicep and she tried to assure him,

"It's nothing, Boss. Please don't worry about it."

Reader's Point of View

Trying to calm Gibbs down, I smiled and kept the raging emotions that I was feeling to myself. Looking into his blue eyes, I almost leaned towards him. Almost. Pulling away from him, I composed myself and asked,

"Can I finish my lunch with Vance? I'll be down in like twenty minutes." Gibbs nodded and looked to Vance, before leaving us alone. As soon as the door closed, I turn to our food and got it out, mumbling,

"Don't give me that look."

"You just lied to him." Vance reasoned, before continuing,

"He's going to keep pushing until he finds out. You know that, right?"

"Hopefully, I'll catch Kepler before he can." I replied, handing him his box and smiling.

Three hours later, I was getting ready to go and Ellie asked,

"Excited, (F/N)?" Smiling, I nodded and Gibbs commented,

"Don't spend too much or stay out too late. I want you guys here at six tomorrow morning." Ellie groaned and pouted, but nodded. I smiled and caught his eyes, replying,

"Yes, Boss."

As Ellie, Abby, and I got to the mall, Abby asked,

"Are you guys excited for the gala?"

"I don't know. I heard it's masquerade themed this year." Ellie commented, turning to me and I agreed,

"Yeah. I'm not good with masks and makeup." Abby pouted and crossed her arms, huffing,

"You guys are no fun!"

After three hours of shopping, we all had dresses picked out and Ellie agreed to take mine with her, seeing as we were going to get ready at her apartment. When I got back to the Navy Yard, Gibbs was still there and I huffed, getting ready to come up with a reason that I'm back.

Getting out of my car, I picked up my phone and called Vance,

"(F/N), is everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. You still at work?"

"Yeah, I've still got two hours left. Why? Are you back?"

"Yes and Gibbs is still here. Why?"

"He's been poking around the Kepler case. He called Fornell." I sighed and hoped that Tobias didn't divulge anything, as I asked,

"Did Tobias bend to his will?"

"I don't think so. Gibbs looked pissed when he hung up the phone." Chuckling, I got onto the elevator and informed him,

"Well, I'm on the elevator. We'll debrief when I get to your office. Yeah?"

"Of course." Vance replied, hanging up and as the elevator doors opened, there stood Gibbs. Eyes fiery and expression dark.

"Gibbs." I greeted curtly, going to walk out of the elevator, but Gibbs grabbed by wrist, asking,


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