Chapter 26

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When the weekend came, (F/N) and I were packing up her apartment, quickly. As I was wrapping up pictures, I stopped on one of us that I didn't know she had. It was from the formal we went to before she was kidnapped, when we were dancing. There were several photographers taking pictures, but this was from a phone. Turning to (F/N), she chuckled and took the picture from me, saying,

"I've been meaning to change that one out." 

"Oh, yeah? For which one?" I asked, wrapping an arm around her waist and resting my chin on her shoulder, as she laughed. 

"I could show you, if you'd let me go." 

"Promise to come back?"

"Can't get rid of me that easily, Gunny." 

"So, I've noticed. You can show me the picture later. I have a better idea." 

"Am I gonna like it?" 

"I would hope so." 

Reader's Point of View

"I would hope so." Jethro whispered, his hand going down to the front of my jeans and unbuckling my belt, making me grab his wrist.

"Jethro! The team will be here in two hours." I fussed, as he pressed a kiss to my neck and replied,

"Won't need two hours." His hand moved down and I felt my face flush.

About an hour later, Jethro's chest was pressed to my back and I looked at the time, groaning. 

"Thanks to that distraction, we've still got a lot of stuff to pack." I fussed, making him chuckle and run his hand down my side, replying,

"I feel like it was worth it." 

"Well, worth it or not. Let's get dressed. Finish up." 

"C'mon, (F/N). Five more minutes."

"Oh, no. Nope, five minutes turns into an hour." When I sat up, Jethro pouted and I sighed, running a hand through his hair. 

"Let's make a deal?" 

"I'm listening."

"Let's finish up here and after the welcoming party, that I know is waiting at home for us...We can christen our house." 

"All night?"



After we got dressed, we packed up my books and the rest of my pictures, some games I have. Jethro even let me take my flatscreen and DVD player. By the time the team got to the apartment, the only thing left to do was put everything into the moving van and pack up my clothes. So, as Jethro and I emptied my closest and dresser, the team moved the boxes to the van. Tony was doing more delegating than working, Tim was talking with Ellie about Comic-Con, and Leon was working efficiently. 

On the way home, Jethro was happy and everyone noticed. When we got home, there was a small party. The team, of course, Jared and Kayla, Tobias and Emily, Ducky and Palmer. There was a huge cake, lots of food, soda, beer, and bourbon. 

Gibbs' Point of View

"Jethro, you haven't looked this happy in years." Tobias teased, making me roll my eyes and point my glare in his direction, before turning my attention back to (F/N). She was talking with Leon and Ellie, quietly, her expression giving away the mood of their conversation. When she looked over to me, she smiled and I smiled back, muttering to Tobias,

"You're right, Tobias."


"I haven't been this happy in years."

"Don't let this one go, Jethro."

"I don't plan to, trust me." 

Looking over at him, he smiled and nodded, walking over to Emily and Leon's kids. Fornell and Emily were the first to leave, followed by Vance and his kids, then McGee and Jimmy left, along with Bishop. Tony, Abby, and Ducky were the last to leave. Looking around for (F/N), I saw that all of her stuff was put away and her picture were hung up, with the exception of the one from the gala. 

"(F/N)?" I called, standing at the landing of the stairs and when I heard her call back,

"Up here, Jethro!" Going upstairs, I went into our room and (F/N) was holding a picture of us from the day we went eat with Vance and the team. The picture that Vance took before we left. My right hand was resting on her waist, the right one was on the chair which was out of shot,  I was looking down at her, and she was looking up at me. The way the sun was framing us made the us glow in the picture, it was interesting to see really. You could see the top part of her cast and the bandaging that she had to wear was visible if you looked hard enough. 

"This the picture you wanted to replace the other one with?" I asked, quietly, stepping up behind her and wrapping an arm around her waist, pulling her flush against me. (F/N) leaned away from me and smiled, replying,

"Yeah, but looking at them both now. I don't wanna pick one over the other." 

"So, don't." I whispered, gaze flickering down to her lips and back up to her eyes, quickly. 

"What does that mean?" She asked, her breath fanning across my face and I chuckled, pressing a kiss to her mouth. When I pulled away, I ran a hand down her front and replied,

"Keep them both up. We'll get another frame." 


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