Chapter 37

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Three months later, I was off and Jethro got called into work, leaving me alone with the twins. They were walking by now and using their own little language, snippets of words here and there. 

"Mommy!...Daddy!" Ann called, looking at me and pouting, making me sigh. Jackson was playing with one of their toys and was being quiet, per usual. Ann looked like she was about to start crying and I kneeled next to her, replying,

"Dada is at work. He'll be home tonight. I promise." She looked at me and that answer didn't seem to appease her. Holding my pinky finger out to her, she wrapped her little one around mine and went back to playing. It was this new thing when Jethro and I got home, we'd spend as much time with the kids as possible and when it was their bed time, we'd spend a couple hours working on Jethro's boat. Working on the boat always ended with Jethro towering over me. 

Today was a little different, very different. I was sitting in the living room, watching the kids play. Jethro's open door policy with the team, basically, ended when we had kids. So, when I heard someone walking to the front door and no one knocking, I grabbed the twins. Putting them in their rooms, I whispered,

"I'll be back. Ann be quiet." They both just looked at me and I walked back downstairs, grabbing my SIG on the way. I could hear someone moving around downstairs and as I cleared the living room, someone from the kitchen grabbed my wrist. Looking around the corner, I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Reeves. 

"What the hell are you doing, Reeves?!" I exclaimed, holstering my SIG and crossing my arms.

"Gibbs sent me. Apparently, some gut named Kepler has a new friend on the outside. He's worried." Hearing that name almost sent me into cardiac arrest. Sinking down on the couch, I felt my scars start to sting. 

"You said Kepler?" I asked, quietly, making him worry and nod, replying,

"Yeah...Said Abby found an email the other day when Gibbs asked her to keep tabs on Kepler. He had a bad feeling." 

"And he didn't tell me?" 

"(F/N)...I don't think he-"

"I gotta go for a walk." 

"You can't!"

"I can't, Reeves? Don't start with me. I'm going. Stay here with the twins."



"...Please be careful."

"I'll be fine. Just keep my babies safe." 

Going back upstairs, I brought them downstairs and when they were distracted, I pulled on my coat. Leaving, I walked to a park near the house and sat on the swings, holding back tears. 

Two hours later, I was headed back to the house and Jethro's truck pulled over, screeching to a stop. 

"(F/N)!" Jethro called, running out of his truck and I huffed, ignoring him. As I went to walk around him, he grabbed my arm and continued,


"Kepler! Really? You didn't think I needed to know about that?!" I shouted, close to tears and Jethro sighed, letting go of my arm.

"(F/N), it could have been nothing. I didn't want-"

"Didn't want to what, Jethro? Let me know that that psychopath has another connection to get to me!"

"Sometimes I'm wrong, (F/N)! What if it was nothing? Worrying you over nothing is not something I wanna do." 

"You should have told me! I had the right to know, Jethro! We have kids, now! What if something would've- Mmph!" Jethro cut me off, hand going to the back of my neck, and pulling me into a desperate kiss. Kissing back had became second nature, so after a moment. I tried to push him away, but he backed up and pressed me against his truck, hands going to my hips. When he pulled away, he tugged on my bottom lip and I glared at him, silently. Leaning back down, Jethro pressed a soft kiss to my mouth and when he pulled away, he whispered,

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