Chapter 31

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About a week later, we were headed home and Taft stopped us, saying,

"No work, Gibbs."

"Don't plan on it, Doc." 

When we got home, Jethro started unpacking our baby bags and I brought Ann and Jackson up to their shared room, for now. Setting them down, I made sure the baby monitor was on before letting them sleep and when I got back downstairs, Jethro met me in the living room,

"How're you feeling?"

"I'm fine. Go rest, I'll be up to do the same in a few minutes." 

"I'm fine, baby. What're you-"

"Jethro, go. I'll be up in a few." 

"...Okay. The baby monitor on?"

"Yeah. Turned the one in our room on too." 


Before he we upstairs, he leaned down and pressed a lingering kiss to my mouth, softly. When he disappeared upstairs, slowly, and I grabbed my bag before walking down to the basement, running my hand along the rib of Jethro's boat. Taking a bottle of bourbon out, I rested it on the counter and looked around, seeing a new picture of us on the wall. It was the ultrasound of our two little ones and Jethro put a little smiley face on the right-hand corner. Going back upstairs, I paused in the kitchen and pulled out my phone, calling Leon.

"(F/N)! How are you feeling?!" 

"I'm okay, Leon. I have a favor to ask."

"Of course anything."

When I got back upstairs, I could hear Jethro talking in the babies' room and when I walked in there, he was rocking Jackson. 

"I thought you were going rest." I whispered, catching his attention and making him chuckle, softly. 

"Couldn't help myself." He replied, looking down and standing up to place Jackson down. When he turned to me, his arms wrapped around my waist and leaned down, pressing a kiss to my mouth. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against my own and whispered,

"We made tiny humans." 

"Yes and, unsurprisingly, they have those baby blues."

"Could change." 

"I hope not. Got a feeling that Jackson is gonna be the spitting image of his father. I'm gonna have to chase away the girls." 

"You've got a badge and gun. That ain't gonna be hard." 

"I don't know. Some women like the challenge." 

"I'm a challenge."

"Mhm. Can we go rest now?" 

"Now that you're here. Sure." 

Going lay down, Jethro groaned and turned to me, immediately. He rested his head on my chest and I laced my fingers through his hair, reprimanding,

"You'll pull your stitches if you stretch like that."

"I haven't held you in the better part of three months, I'll be fine."

"And Taft will have your head or rather mine." 

"No he won't."

Rolling my eyes, I pushed him off me, gently, and switched our positions. Resting my head on his chest, I moved my hand to his shoulder and Jethro chuckled, teasing,

"You're really worried?"

"You got shot, Jethro. Of course I'm worried." 

"I'm fine." 

"Yeah, yeah. You're fine. Every time you say that, I don't believe you." 

"No surprise there." 

Just as I was about to fall asleep, I could hear crying coming from the baby monitor.  

"I got it."

"No, you rest. I can handle it." 


"No buts. Stay. Rest. I'll be back." 


Getting out of bed, I walked across the hall and when I entered the room, Ann had stopped crying. Her and Jackson were just cooing, back and forth. 

"You two really just wanted to talk?" I asked, leaning over Ann's crib and she looked up at me, startling blue eyes looking up at me. Picking her up, I moved over to Jackson's crib and he too was looking up at me, making me sigh, 

"You're both gonna be trouble." 

"Like their mother." Jethro teased, making me turn and glare at him, fussing,

"You should be resting." 

"Couldn't resist. Plus, you only have one pair of arms. I'll bring him to our room. Just gimme a sec." 

He walked out of the room, untucking his polo and going to our room, coming back quickly. When he picked Jackson up, the little boy cooed and Jethro rested him against his chest, looking to me expectantly. Following him through to the other room, he laid down and when I did the same, he looked over to me smirking. 


"Maybe you should, ya know, take your shirt off too. Skin to skin contact is good for bonding." 

"For daddy, whom didn't carry the baby or rather babies for nine months." 

"Aw. C'mon, (F/N). You look good without a shirt on." 

"Shut up, Jethro." 

Jethro's Point of View

We didn't stay up for long after grabbing the babies, but when I woke up, Jackson was still asleep on my chest. Looking over at (F/N), I felt my heart stop for a moment. She was asleep, Ann was on her chest and (F/N)'s hand was resting on Ann's back, gently. Reaching over, I grabbed (F/N)'s phone and took a picture of her, quickly. 

"Ya know, it's not polite to take a picture of a lady when she isn't ready." (F/N) mumbled, sleepily, not opening her eyes and I smiled, replying,

"You're always beautiful to me, (F/N)." This statement made her open her eyes and when our eyes met, she smiled softly. She placed her other hand, gently, on the back of Ann's head and sat up, whispering,

"They should be getting hungry soon. Go put him in his crib and go take a shower. I'll join you after."


"Pinkie promise, baby." 


Getting up, I went put Jackson in his crib and (F/N) sat in the rocking chair, getting ready to feed Ann. Walking out, I started a shower and began to strip. About an hour later, (F/N) came into our bathroom and undressed, quickly. When she got into the shower, I felt her gaze on my stitches and wrapping my arms around her waist, mumbling,

"I'm fine. I get them out in about seven weeks." 

"Do they hurt?" She asked, fingers barely touching the skin on my chest and eyes never leaving them. Resting my hands on her hips, I ran my thumb along her hip bone, gently, and replied,



"...They hurt...a lot." 

"Jethro, go on. I'll be there to redress you in about twenty minutes. Go on." 

"Can't I enjoy a shower with my wifey?" 

"No, go. Take your meds. I'm coming." Not replying, I got out of the shower and grabbed a towel. Before (F/N) could close the curtain, I held it open and she raised a brow, silently. Leaning towards her, I pressed a firm kiss to her mouth and pulled away, whispering,

"I love you." 

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