Chapter 13

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**Warning: Sexual Assault(more mentioning it, I'm not writing it out)**

Reader's Point of View

Day Four began, but I wasn't jerked into the air. I was brought out of my sleep by Kepler pressing a finger to one of my wounds. He was shirtless today and I finally saw it, the reason why he was the way he was. He had scars identical to the ones he carved into my skin on himself.

"You like them?" Kepler asked, smirking at the face that he caught me staring.

"My mother gave them to me, I was her masterpiece. I have some on my back too. You remind me of her, personality wise. The other woman looked like her, which is why they only got the art work. You're special, no one else has ever gotten my wings." When he turned, I saw what he was planning on saving for last. The scars looked like angel wings all together, on the inside were swirling patterns, zigzags, like abstract art.

'That is going to be painful.' I thought, turning my head away from him and he turned my face back to him growling,

"You bite me this time and I'll kill Gibbs." I felt the fear well up in me and he asked,

"Understand?" Hesitating, I thought about Jethro and closed my eyes, nodding. Kepler forced another kiss onto me and shifted his weighed onto me, his hands forcing my thighs apart. His gips was so hard that bruises would form there and I'd never be able to get rid of the feeling of his hands. When I heard him unzip his pants, the tears started coming and they didn't stop. Not even after he was finished.

'I would rather die than live through this.' I thought, as I was yanked up into the air and my back was now facing the camera, as he got ready to do my back. He shredded my bra and I wanted nothing more than to cover myself. Kepler brought in an array of knifes to do his wing onto me.

With every slice of the knife, I felt the blood dripping at my waist and the outline of the wings were going to hurt the least. The whole of the wings took the better part of three hours and I was dizzy.

Kepler wasn't done with me, yet. He flipped me back around and whispered,

"You are perfection. I want to taste the perfection, now." Whimpering, I closed my eyes and he threw the knifes off the table he brought in, forcing my bad leg onto the table. His pants came down again and I had to turn my face away, as he had another round with me. However, he wasn't happy and forced my face to him, shoving his tongue down my throat.

All day the tears were nonstop.

Gibbs' Point of View

I had to leave the bullpen when Kepler turned (F/N) back around or when Fornell came in with Johnson, I'd never be able to keep my cool. Calling Fornell,


"How far are you?"

"On the elevator now."

Hanging up, I met them by the elevator and asked,

"How fucking far-"

"Next state over, Jethro. I brought him here."

"Not without punching him though."

"What can I say? He shot at me."

"He must be a terrible shot."

"He grazed me, I'm fine."


"My arm."

Looking over, I did see a tear in his suit and a bandage under the tear. Chuckling, he brought Johnson into interrogation and I was on the other side of the glass. Leon and I decided to both take a crack at him, me going second because I needed to be calm. Leon walked into the observation and kicked the technician out, turning off the cameras and microphones. When the door closed, I turned to Leon and asked,


"We've been given permission by the FBI to get the truth out of him by any means necessary."

"Any means?"


Nodding, I looked at Johnson and he looked a little flustered due to the fact that the camera light was now off.

"Hey, Jethro?" Leon called, making me look at him.

"Thanks for not smashing the flatscreen with that baseball bat of yours."

"Took a lot of self control."

"I know. I smashed it. Couldn't look at it or listen to it anymore."

"Did the connection sever?"

"No, McGee still has it."


"It transferred to your desk computer."

Sighing, I left the observation and headed into the interrogation, with Leon.

"Director...Gibbs." Micheal greeted, trying to hide his stress and failing miserably.

"I want a lawyer." He continued, making me laugh.

"Yeah, as of now. You have no rights. SECDEF has decided to announce you and your team as terrorists." Leon informed him, sitting down and I leaned into his space, growling,

"This is how this will go. You're going to tell us about Joesph Kepler. Even if I have to pull it out of you. I'll drag you to GITMO myself."

"You took evidence out of the case. Left things out and allied with a psychopath and murderer." Leon interjected, setting his glare at him and continuing,

"You aren't getting out of this one."

"I-I...He'll kill us." Micheal confided, shaking and I whispered,

"If (F/N) dies, I'll kill you and then him."

"Can I make a deal?"

"I don't deal with terrorists."

"We aren't terrorists! He killed the rest of our family!"

"Our family?" Leon asked, sitting up and Micheal floundered, hesitating.

"You're related to him? Your whole team?" I asked, standing up and he huffed, replying,

"Just me. He put in moles after I got my position. After he killed his mother's side of the family, he was coming after his father's side. I'm his fucking cousin!"


"His mother abused him, used him as a human canvas. She wasn't well! His father was my uncle. My mother was his aunt!"

"Mother's maiden name?"


"What was his mother's maiden name?!?"

"Miller! Ava Miller Kepler! Please, don't send me to GITMO!"



"I'll talk to SECDEF. Okay, Jethro?"

"Fine. Only after we get (F/N) back."

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