Chapter 39

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The next morning, (F/N) stayed at the safe house and Bishop stayed with her, the twins were sleeping when I left.

"Be safe, Jethro." (F/N) whispered, standing on her tip-toes and I leaned down, pressing a kiss to her mouth. When I pulled away, she looked worried and I smiled down at her, whispering,

"I'm gonna nail this guy to the wall. Don't worry, (F/N)." 

"I love you, Jethro." 

"I love you, (F/N). Now, I have to go." She nodded and pressed a kiss to my cheek, lovingly. When I got to the office, McGee stood up and started,

"I've got it boss."

"You linked the lawyer to the shooting?"

"Got an embedded email that Kepler and Anton tried to hide. They emailed back and forth about (F/N). These are the three you want to see." 

"Anton; 'What do you want me to do about her?' Kepler; 'I can't have her. So, neither can he. Kill her.' Anton; 'With pleasure.' He still in interrogation?" 

"Yeah, boss. Waiting on you, quietly." 

"Hmm." Walking to interrogation, I waited for McGee and we went into the room together. Sitting in the corner, McGee sat in front of him and Anton looked over to me, asking,

"You aren't heading my interrogation, Jethro?" 


"We found your emails with Kepler, Anton."  McGee tried to catch his attention, but Anton chuckled and asked,

"Kepler is brilliant, Jethro. He doesn't just have one person doing his work on the outside. He's got a few."

"You admitting to taking a shot at (F/N)?" I asked, softly, trying to keep my head and setting a glare at him, as he replied,

"Well, yeah. You found the rifle didn't you?" 


"Aren't you gone ask me who else is in league with Joseph?" 

"I'm gonna arrest you now." 

"Don't you want to know how I found your address, Jethro?" 


"Not necessary. We have another friend. I believe he volunteered for a protection detail recently." 

The realization hit me and I stood up, quickly.

"Book him, Tim." I rushed out of the room and pulled out my phone, calling Bishop. 

Reader's Point of View

Sitting with the twins, I felt my heart clench and a voice behind me made me jump, 

"You shouldn't have rejected him, (F/N)." Turning around, it was Liam Jones and he had a gun pointed at the twins. Standing up, I glared at him and he chuckled, continuing,

"If he can't have you. No one else can. And marrying Special Agent Gibbs? Well, Joseph was not a happy person." 

"Can't make every psycho happy, unfortunately." I replied, placing myself in front of the gun and looking to the door. 

"No one is coming, Mrs. Gibbs. All the agents are busy. That or passed out, I don't remember how hard I hit them." Clenching my fists, I narrowed my eyes at him and he laughed, 

"Feisty. You really want to risk your children's safety?" 


Jethro's Point of View

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