Chapter 8

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Gibbs' Point of View

I was in the ballroom, waiting on one person to arrive, and Vance was with me. His tux was blue and his mask matched, a blue and white mask, covering his eyes. The FBI all arrived promptly, almost at the same time, Tobias in a grey tux with a silver mask, Tim and Tony both in black tuxes. Tim with a gold mask to match Delilah's dress and Tony with a green mask, for color so he said. 

"Leon, have you heard from (F/N)?" I asked, trying to to sound worried. He looked at me and smiled, replying,

"They should be here any minute now." 


"Put on your mask, Jethro." Tobias teased, making me roll my eyes and to get him to shut up, I put it on. My mask was black and silver, simple and elegant. There were a lot of men and women I didn't recognize, but in the corner of the bar there was a man in a black tux with a similar mask to mine, he was vaguely familiar, but I couldn't place him.

"Wow, you guys look great!" Tim complimented, catching my attention and I saw them. Ellie had on a light blue dress, sliver heels, and silver jewelry. Abby was wearing a purple and gold dress, with gold heels, and black jewelry...Very Abby like. (F/N) was stunning, her dress was black and silver, silver heels, and no jewelry. Her dress was form-fitting and accentuated her curves, beautifully. There was a slit in her dress from her upper thigh, down. 

"Wow, (F/N). You're stunning." I said, without thinking and she blushed, thanking me quietly. Vance smiled at her and they spoke quietly, making that familiar feeling of jealousy flare up again. After more people came in the person in charge came over,

"Hello, everyone. Dancing will begin soon. First up will be the agency directors!" (F/N) and Vance went to the floor and I made my way to the bar, ordering a bourbon. As the night went on, everyone danced and (F/N) made her way to the bar, ordering a bourbon herself. She was next to me, quietly sipping her drink, and I didn't want to scare her off. 

"(F/N)..." I called, softly, catching her attention and shocking her, as I held my hand out. She slid her hand into mine and I pulled her onto the dance floor, silently. Holding her right hand, my left went down to her waist, pulling her closer to me. Her left hand went to my shoulder and she had a pink tint to her cheeks, constantly. 

"Boss, I know you want to talk about what happened." She started, as we moved around the floor effortlessly. 

"I do." I replied, guiding her into the centre of the floor, so that we would have more privacy. 

"I know you have your rules for a reason. Things were tense and in the moment you didn't think-"

"Why do you have this conception that I only see you as part of my team?" 

"Boss, you don't have-"

"I have my rules for a reason, yes. But some people are worth breaking a rule."


"I've had feelings for you for five years. Due to my dumb ass rules, I squashed them. However, seeing you with Vance and hearing that your life is in danger...I can't squish them down any longer. Are you hearing me?"

"Yes..." She whispered, making me ask,

"You don't feel the same?"

"I just don't know if you're serious. Boss, I don't want to be a fling." 


"Excuse me." A voice interrupted me, irritating me and making us stop to look. It was the man from the bar, he had a CIA badge on and his gaze was locked on (F/N), as he asked,

"May I dance with you?" (F/N) seemed frozen to her spot and she snapped out of her state to tell me,

"It's okay. We'll finish talking later." 

Reader's Point of View

As Gibbs walked away, hesitantly, I turned to the man and gulped, knowing those eyes. His left hand went to my hip and pulled me against his chest, roughly. His voice may have been different while speaking to Gibbs, but those eyes don't lie. Placing my hand on his shoulder, I tried to think of a way to signal to someone that Kepler was in front of me, as he spoke in his normal voice,

"Don't bother. Your friends are busy talking to my friends. With the exception of your precious Gibbs." He smiled at me and leaned down, whispering,

"I told you, I'd be seeing you again soon." 

"You kept your word, Joesph." I replied, trying to find Gibbs, but he was gone. Panic began to set in and I caught Kepler's eye as he spoke,

"We're going to be getting out of here soon, love."


"I'll have you to myself soon enough." He repeated, smiling and if I hadn't been aware of who this was, I'd be flattered. Not two minutes later, the lights in the entire room went out. 

Vance's Point of View

When the lights went out, I began to worry about (F/N) and the MC came out the speakers,

"Woahhh. We'll be getting the lights back on any minute now!" Not long after, the lights came back on and I looked around, panicking. 

'Where is she? Where is she?' I thought, trying to find (F/N), but she was gone. Going over to Tobias, Gibbs was over with the same concern,

"(F/N) is gone!" 

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