Chapter 36

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The day we went to the courthouse, Jethro was ecstatic and we talked about the twins on the way there. 

"So, I missed their birthday."

"You were kidnapped and being tortured in Paraguay. I think they'll understand." 

"Well, I know I wasn't there. It bothers me. We should do something for them." 

"Like a party? For two fourteen month old toddlers?" 

"C'mon, (F/N). They're my kids, our kids. We're off this weekend. I say we buy two of those little cakes, I make us some fireplace steaks, get them to bed early, and have some adult time. Ya know?" 

I sighed, rolling my eyes, and pointed a glare at him, as he chuckled. When we got to the courthouse, Leon and Ducky were already there and wearing some nice suits, making me feel underdressed. I was wearing black slacks, a white button down, and black flats. Jethro was wearing a blue button down, black slacks, shoes, and jacket. Jethro placed his hand on the small of my back and we made our way to a judge's office, someone Jethro is good friends with. 

"Ah! Jethro when you called, I thought you were punking me. This her?" 

"Yeah, Jed. This is (F/N). Future Mrs. Gibbs, if you stop making fun of me." Jethro responded, smiling and I chuckled, holding out my hand,

"(F/N) (L/N), nice to meet you." 

"And you. Jethro has told me all good things. Twins? Really?"

"Yeah, well. They have those shocking blue eyes. Jackson is just like his dad. Has the Gibbs' glare down already."

"Not to mention he's a Momma's boy, just like his father." Jethro interjected, making everyone laugh. 

"Ann is the polar opposite. Talkative, laughs easily. And is a Daddy's girl, so don't let him fool ya."

"Yeah, well. Sounds about right...Knowing, Jethro."  

"Well, yeah. I'm a simple man. Can we do this now?" 

"Yep. Have all of the paperwork drawn up and you have the two witnesses. So, I just need you and (F/N) to sign here and here." Doing just that, I slipped on the engagement ring Jethro bought for me before Paraguay and Jethro leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. 

"And your two witnesses, sign here and here." Ducky and Leon both signed where needed and Jed fixed the papers, saying,

"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs. Piece of advice, Gunny?" 


"Hold onto this one."

"I plan to. Thanks, Jed."

"Of course. Lunch soon?" 

"Yep. Okay if I bring the family?"

"Of course. Love to meet the tiny Gibbses." 

After we left, Leon and Ducky came pick out the cakes with us and insisted on coming to the house, making Jethro sigh. All he wanted was a simple day alone with his little family. However, he should have known better, knowing our family. 

"Ah, hell. Who told them?" Jethro grumbled, seeing everyone's cars outside our house and I sighed, replying,

"Who do you think?"


"...One hour. At most. Then, fireplace stakes and adult time." 

"Well, I'm okay with that. But you know how our team is." 

"Hm." Getting out of the car, we got into the house and brought our groceries with us. 

"Surprise!" Everyone shouted, making Jethro sigh and grumble,

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