Chapter 34

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About a month later, I was headed back to work and a sitter was at the house, taking in all of my instructions,

"The formula is on the counter, bottles too, baby water is in the fridge. Jackson doesn't really laugh or anything, like his father. So, don't worry about him. Ann is much more "chatty" if she's quiet, check her. Normally, she only quiet when she's napping. They like to watch Disney Junior. Call if-"

"(F/N), (F/N), (F/N). They're gonna be fine. C'mon. We got work." Jethro interjected, smiling at the sitter and she chuckled, nodding. 

"I've got it, Agents. I'll let you know if anything happens." When we got to Jethro's truck, she locked the door and I remembered something, 

"Oh, Jethro!"

"(F/N), she's going to be fine." He interrupted, grabbing my wrist and opening the passenger side door, making me huff. When we got to the office, I headed straight to Leon's office and as I went to head upstairs, Jethro asked,

"Lunch today?" Smiling, I paused at the base of the stairs and turned back to him, pressing a soft kiss to his mouth. Pulling away, I scanned his face and replied, 

"Sounds perfect, handsome." Nodding, he went to the bullpen and sat as his desk, ever-present coffee in his right hand. Going up to Leon's office, I knocked and when he told me to come in, I poked my head in. 


"Leon, I've missed your glorious face" 

"Well, you've kept me busy. Between planning that favor today and keeping Gibbs out of trouble."

"You've missed me too. Don't lie." 

"Course I missed you. Does he know?"

"Maybe. Keeps calling me wifey. He doesn't miss a beat that man." 

"I mean you've been dating for nearly two years, now. Have two beautiful children together. Surprised this hasn't happened sooner." 

"Well, maybe, I'll be able to surprise him this time." 

"I think you will. Well, welcome back to work, Agent (L/N). Go on, your team needs you. Tell hubby I said hi." 

"Of course, Director." Leaving his office, I walked back down to the bullpen and started on the paperwork I left. At around noon, Jethro crossed over to my desk and I looked up at him, raising a brow.

"Ready?" He asked. Smiling, I put my pen down and stood up, grabbing my jacket. Unlocking my desk, I grabbed my badge and sidearm as Jethro grabbed his coat, badge and sidearm. 

"Got an idea for lunch?" 

"Yeah, how does the Adam's House Grille sound?"

"What? You need a reservation there."

"We have one. At about 1:00." 


"I've got a surprise for you, Jethro." 

When we got seated, Jethro and I ordered, talking quietly. Finishing lunch, Jethro held my hand on the table and when we stopped talking, just looking at each other. I felt my face heat up and I reached into my pocket, starting,

"Jethro...I planned this with Leon. He helped me with this reservation. I love you."

"I love you too, (F/N)." Jethro replied, bringing my knuckles to his lips and I smiled, pulling out a man's wedding band. 

"Jethro, will you-"

"Marry me, (F/N)?" Jethro interjected, taking the wedding band and slipping it onto his left hand ring finger, waiting on my answer. 

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