Chapter 3.

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Ah, results day. Couldn't get any more damn stressful than that. I had spent the day playing video games, and zipping through the city trying to get my mind off whatever was to come. Either my parents yelling at me for getting in for "no reason" because I am "worthless", or yelling at me for even trying in the first place.

I landed on the rooftop, out of breath from all the running. Wiping the sweat from my brow, I made my way into the house so I could distract myself from the eventual hell that was nearing.

"Y/N, MAIL!" My father bellowed from downstairs. My heart skipped a beat; it was finally here. I quickly changed out of my cargo pants and tank top and got into a t-shirt and sweat pants, before throwing my sweaty clothes into the laundry basket. Sighing, I trudged down the stairs to see my father's unimpressed face, waiting for me, letter in hand.

"Took ya damn long enough." He thrust the letter into my hands and walked off. I held the piece of paper in trembling hands, freaking the fuck out in case I did fail. I think I did a lot better in the written exam rather than the physical exam; if I had to guess, I'd say I'm on the borderline between a pass and a fail on the physical, and a solid pass on the written. But was it enough?

Was I enough?

I pondered my worth momentarily. Oh well.
Running back upstairs, trying not to trip on my own feet, my heart beat faster than ever. I slammed open the door and leaped into the tatty old desk chair, my death-grip still strangling the innocent letter. After staring for a moment, I came back to reality and hastily opened the letter. A strange, metallic disc popped out and I dropped it in my confusion; to my surprise, a hologram popped up in front of me. The figure of All Might himself stood before me, making me jump back in shock.

"I AM HERE! IN THE FORM OF A HOLOGRAM!" I stared back, more confused than ever. When the hell did All Might become affiliated with U.A.?

"If you are wondering why I am here, then you'll be interested to know I am becoming a teacher at U.A.!" I gawked at him, wondering why the hell the Number 1 Hero would want to become a teacher of all things?

"Now back to you, Young L/N. You scored a 98% on the written exam, which is apparently a record for U.A.!" He exclaimed. I didn't think I had done THAT good, Jesus.

"However, you scored 21 on the practical. You needed 22 to pass." Disappointment filled my heart. I was sort of expecting it, but there was a small part of me that was holding out hope. Tears threatened to fall, but I bit my lip and dealt with it like a damn adult. Everything started to fall apart around me. I had worked so hard, spending my night times swinging through the city, perfecting my technique, and even sparring. Ok, I was beating up my classmates for trying to insult me, but basically the same thing.

"But do not fret, Young L/N! For you have racked up... 10 rescue points!"

'...HUH?' I thought.

"We were made aware that you had attempted to rush in to save a girl- all whilst your fellow candidates ran away. Even though a different candidate saved her before you could, this deed could not go unrecognised! Therefore, you have been awarded rescue points, putting you over the threshold to pass! Welcome to U.A., Young L/N! This is your hero academia!"

My mind was in a state of absolute shock. I think I literally blew a fuse.

"Please find class details in your envelope. That's all from me, Young L/N! See you soon!" The hologram disappeared, leaving me sitting there, completely blank.

'I got in? I did it? I'm in? Me? The Hero Course?' Once these thoughts were processed, intense joy flowed through me.

"Hah... Oh my God..." I smiled to myself, slapping a hand over my mouth to stop myself from giggling. My back fell onto my bed, leaving me to stare at the ceiling. Once again, the tears threatened to fall, but I allowed them. These tears were different than the ones I've had my whole life; they were warm, happy, relieving. I sobbed into my pillow, all the whilst smiling. Noticing the letter on the floor, I picked it up to see the rest of its contents.

'Hm... Class 1-A? The top class? Jesus...' Turns out, acing the written exam helps a bit. Enclosed was also a timetable for lessons.

'English? Oh God nooooo...' I groaned mentally. English was a useless subject, being from England and all. You'd never guess it, but I am in fact fluent in English. However, due to education laws, I have to be in lessons for a certain amount of hours a day, so no school has ever let me skip it. Although, I can say that I somehow top the class every time, and I have better English than the teacher. Shame about my chavvy South English accent though; none of the students ever understand me when I read aloud, unless I put on my best Yankee accent.

"DINNER!" My father yelled. I tucked away the letter and its contents safely, and went downstairs, knowing I would have to tell those two what happened.


I picked at the rice on my plate, looking away from my parents nervously.

"So?" My father question. I quirked a brow at him.

"We know what that letter was. Go on then." He told me. I mentally sighed and prepared myself.

"I got in. I'm joining the Hero course, Class 1-A. My uniform should be getting here soon." I said as nonchalantly as possible. My parents stared at me, mouths agape. My mother wore a look of numbness and disgust, whilst my father donned a face of anger and confusion.

"The hell you mean? They let shit kids like you in now? If they let you in, the rest must be just as worse. Don't you go thinking I'll be paying for this stupid shit either." He said.

"It's a public school. You ain't gotta pay for nothing." I exclaimed, frustration becoming evident in my voice. He glared at me, and I glared back of course.

"I DON'T CARE. This is a waste of everyone's fuckin' time. Why not get a normal job that shit quirkless people like you get? Go to janitor school or something, not U.A., where you're wasting the taxpayer's dollar on your little 'dream'." He said in an angry tone. His eyes were practically bulging out their damn sockets.

"Or get a job at the convenience store and maybe pay some damn rent. We do everything for you, you know? We put a roof over your head, we feed you, and this is how you repay us? By wasting your life on NOTHING?" My mother finally spoke up. I couldn't help but scoff. My father gripped my wrist and yanked me out of my chair.

"You DARE speak to your mother that way? You are NOTHING to us, YOU FUCKIN' HEAR ME? YOU ARE A WASTE OF SPACE HERE. Now get the HELL out of my sight!" He slammed my wrist down, landing on a fork, quite painfully may I add, and proceeded to throw a glass at my head. I ducked and shattering was heard against the wall above me. Broken glass fell into my hair, shoulders, and neck, cutting me up in their path.

I panted, scared of what the fuck just happened. But I wasn't shocked, no; this sort of thing happens all the time. I was just... upset. We never have good days. But sometimes there'd be a day where they didn't yell; well, didn't speak to me, but that was better than yelling. There was a day where the sun would fuckin' shine, and I'd have that small glimmer of hope in my heart that they'd changed; that they loved me, they were my parents after all, they had to love me, right? But that shattered, every time, like the glass that my father threw.

Every time.

Every time.

Every time.

I looked up at my parents with the same blank, dead expression that my mother had up until a moment ago. They looked back, anger and disappointment in their look.

And I walked away.



Wassup, double upload! Just having a shit ton of fun writing this lmao. So here's another part I guess lmao.

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