Chapter 45.

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"Sit down. How the hell did you get in here?" I questioned the man. He promptly sat back down on my bed, looking at me sadly.

"I explained to the security that we are family, and they checked my ID and let me up." He explained to me. I scoffed, already pissed off at him.

"Were family. We stopped being family once you found out I was quirkless." I spat.

"I- that was a long time ago, but I was in a bad place-" He stammered, tripping over his words.

"I don't give a FUCK if you were in a bad place, for 16 years apparently. It doesn't excuse a single damn thing you did to me. I am the WRONG person to try and fish for sympathy from." I interrupted his shitty reasoning, crossing my arms and leaning against the door.

"I know, but I was treated badly as a child too, you don't know how hard it was for me-" I slammed the wall with my fist. This shocked him a little.

"There it is again! 'But' this, 'but' that! I don't fucking care! If that happened to you, then you would KNOW to treat me better than your parents did! Yet you still treated me like the dirt beneath your damn feet! So, YOU clearly know how hard it was for ME!" I started to yell, making him put a finger to his lips, as if to shush me.

"Please be quiet... I just want you to come back home... I want to make things better."

Sorrow ran through me for maybe a second, before I quickly snapped back to reality and who he really was.

He stood up once again, walking towards me. I was drowning in his crocodile tears, and there was nothing I could do. He was the one thing that loomed over my head, my thoughts, my life.

"Stay back." I threatened him, my voice shaking. He noticed.

"You're a child, Y/N. You don't know any better. You need to come home now, where you belong, because I can't keep hurting your mother like this. Do you know how sad she looks?! Because you're not there to help me?!"

He had turned to beating my mother, in lieu of myself.

That pained me. But, there was nothing I could do. He wanted me to return to that house in order to become his punching bag.

That was a sacrifice and burden that was not my responsibility to take on from her. She treated me fucking badly too. Therefore, this pain would take hold of my heart forever, instead. I couldn't save her and destroy myself in the process.

My chest still tightened when he approached me. I thought I had come so far, yet I was delusional. How could I possibly think it was over? That this fear was gone? My back was against the wall in this situation. Well, the door.

My hand reached for the handle. Not a second later, the sound of the manual lock turning prevented my escape. His quirk; metal manipulation.

"Come on. Help your mother out. Help your father out. Please."

Never once had I refused this man, knowing the consequences. But we all have to start somewhere.


"Why do you have to do this? Why do you have to be so disobedient? Why did I have to have such a disobedient daughter? Why did I get you?" His expression was becoming one of anger.

"I'm not your fucking daughter anymore."

He levitated the lamp from off my desk, and pressed it against my neck with his quirk, holding his hand out. Choking wasn't fun, to say the least.

"You will always be an Evans. There is nothing you can do about that. I gave you my damn name, and that's what you will carry for the rest of your shitty life."

The Quirkless At U.A. (Student Reader x Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now