Chapter 23.

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Katsuki growled at me from the stage. I wasn't gonna go down without a fight, even if it means I get as messed up as Ochaco was. I couldn't lose to this guy. I gripped my trusty yoyos, getting into position. Katsuki got into an extremely similar position, readying his hands.

"Ready? GO!"

Bakugo screamed, charging towards me.

"DIE!!!" A huge explosion came at me, luckily I managed to miss it by lowering myself to the floor. I slid underneath his feet, sending out my yoyos behind me. They grappled his ankles, pulling him over. I was using this move too much, but I didn't know what else to do in such a quick situation where I didn't have time to think.

The second I turned around, his hand was lifted in my direction. The explosion was blinding; knocking me back considerably.

"SHE'S STILL WITHIN BOUNDS!!" I looked behind me; Hizashi was right. I'd missed it by about an inch. I got back up, throwing out my weapons. He blew them away with ease.

I ran towards him, dodging the explosions before me. I jumped over an explosion, and landed on his face with my boot. I rolled out into the landing, and tried to sweep his feet from under him. Instead, he hit me with another powerful blast.

"AGH!" I fell back down, clutching my stomach. The bottom half of my uniform jacket had singed off, exposing it.

He stood above me, ready to attack me as soon as I got up. As crazy as he is, he wasn't about to kick me while I was down. Which is... unexpected coming from him.

"Not... yet..." I quickly threw lefty out, hitting him in the head. I jumped back up, ready to hit him. However, another blast from his hands stopped me. Under the cover of the smokescreen, I snuck around behind him. I leapt out from the cover, about to finish this.

Suddenly, he turned around and made a huge blast at my chest, at point-blank range. Collapsing to the ground, I saw Katsuski in front of me, waiting for me to get up so he can hit me again. He was pretty beat up himself; at least I managed to do a number on him.

I stared at the sky above me. The birds were flying over, and the sun was shining down beautifully. That day, I'd proven I could make something of myself. That even a quirkless can be a hero. That I could do anything I wanted to. Especially with him at my side. It was... a bittersweet moment. I had lost the battle, but not the war. Oh well. There were two more of these, right?

I'll definitely come first next year.

"No matter what happens, I will be proud of you tomorrow."

"Really? Even if I come dead last?"

"Okay, that is highly unlikely to happen."

"Alright, alright. Even if I do really shit?"

"Then that still means you beat many other kids with literal superpowers. I know you don't like being compared to them, but it's true. You're at a huge disadvantage, whether you like it or not. But I know you are miles ahead of those kids, despite it all."

"Thank you for believing in me, Shouta."

I laughed lightly, still gazing at the sky.

"L/N is unable to fight. Bakugo wins the U.A. Sports Festival...!" Midnight tried to sound cheerful, but even I could tell she secretly wanted me to win. The crowd thought this was brutal. The same way they reacted at Ochaco's fight with him. But it wasn't. It was a damn good fight. If they looked at his black eye for a second, they'd realise.

That I was just as capable as him.

Almost immediately, we had to climb onto the podiums.

"L/N... are you alright?" Midoriya asked, helping me up.

The Quirkless At U.A. (Student Reader x Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now