Part 2: Chapter 13.

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"Shiiiit..." I wiggled the automatic doors of U.A. Heights, trying to pry them open.

"Locked." I gave up.

"Course it's fucking locked, we're like 5 hours past curfew." Katsuki stated the obvious.

"Thank you, Shitlock Holmes." I resisted the urge to deck him.

"Guess we're climbing." Todoroki looked up at the fire escape stairs, with us joining him in staring.

I threw up my yoyo, using it to winch myself up.

"Grab on Katsuki, if you use your quirk you'll wake everyone up." I outstretched my hand. He obliged, allowing me to pull him up. Todoroki followed, making stairs of ice, and melting them as soon as he was up.

"Can't leave any evidence." He reasoned, the flames from his right dying down.

We quietly made our way up the stairs, and crept into the elevator.

"Fuck." I whispered, patting around my pockets frantically.

"Oh God, what now?" Katsuki said, in exasperation.

"I left my keycard in my room..." I slowly looked up to meet the eyes of my concerned partners in crime.

"You must be joking..." Todoroki said straight-faced.

"I have to climb out from the 5th floor." I groaned.

Katsuki pressed the 5th floor button, looking ready to pass out.

"You not getting off at the 4th floor?" I nodded to Todoroki.

"I'll help you get back first." Katsuki grimaced.

"Sheesh, get a room you two." He mumbled.

"Swear down, Katsuki I will shove your fist so far up your ass-"

"Hey. Are we going?" The half-redhead gestured to the open lift door. Katsuki and I awkwardly made eye contact before walking out in silence.

Todoroki helped me out of the small crawl-space window, our hair flopping in the wind from 5 floors off the ground.

"Okay. Have a good night. Or- morning I suppose." Shouto tried to walk off, before my angry friend wacked him in the back of the head.

"We have to help her up, dumbass. That platform for the upper fire escape is too high, and she can't use the yoyo. It'll wake tweedle-dee and tweedled-dumber up there." He pointed upwards, to where Aizawa and All Might are sleeping.

"Yup. Of course, the escape had to be on their damn side of the building. The window is about 10 feet from one of their rooms." I affirmed.

"Hm. I can't make any ice, because it'll be too heavy on the metal here... might make noise." He agreed. I sighed, quickly coming to a conclusion.

"Alright. Katsu, crouch down." He looked at me, befuddled.


"I'm gonna climb on your shoulders." I grabbed his shoulders and pushed him down.

"Hey, wait-" I wrapped my thighs around the poor 15-year-old boy's neck, holding onto his head and sitting on his shoulders.

"You good? Todoroki, you standby and catch me if I fall off cause of the wind or some shit."

"Got it." Todoroki nodded.

"You ready?" I looked down at Katsu.

"I- uh- but- well-" He stammered; looking down, his face was beet red. I realised the connotations of what I was doing to him.

The Quirkless At U.A. (Student Reader x Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now