Part 2: Chapter 25.

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The mechanical sound of train doors opening wake me from my nap. Groggily, I look out the window to see my stop- Hosu City. Concrete skyscrapers are far as the eye could see, illuminated billboards provide a coloured glow to the streets. I quickly grab my bag from under my feet before stepping onto the platform.

We'd lived in Hosu a few years prior- in the midst of bouncing from city to city whenever my father got fired for gross misconduct. Hosu was only about 2 years before moving to Musutafu, so at least most of my surroundings were still familiar, although not totally fresh in my mind.

"Ah. They finally condemned the place. No fucking surprise there." I mutter to myself, taking in the looming apartment block standing above me, surrounded in caution tape and crumbling brick. I push open the communal door- the stairs are rotting away, with weeds growing through the floorboards. Cautiously, I place my foot on the step, applying light pressure. It creaks deeply underneath my boot. One foot after the other till I'm there.

"And most likely, they were too broke to change the locks." Jingling sounds echo throughout the halls as I fumble through my old set of keys- landlord only gave us one set, so I had to make a copy of them. And maybe not return them.

The key turns in the lock with ease. My breath hitches: almost as if I wasn't expecting- or wanting the lock to turn.

"Oh." I look around, seeing that they hadn't rented the place out since we had left.

Memories of a broken home emanate from equally as broken glass, and wishes of something that could never last forever scream at me, through an old family picture from when I was three.

I had to decide something very important in my adult life. That I couldn't spend the rest of my days wishing for this childhood that could never be. Wishing I could have turned out different somehow. Nature versus nurture, where somehow both won.

Black mould grew in the corners of the living room, gradually spreading down the walls of peeling wallpapers. Random papers were sprawled out across the floor, ignoring any order they once had.

Ignoring the smell of damp, I pushed open the door to my old bedroom. Posters were halfway hanging off, and the rest of the room was mostly barren- save for a few blankets slightly ripped in the corner. Sighing, I set my bag down with a thump.

Time to get to work.


"How long's it been now?" Sero calls from the sofa, not looking away from the screen.

"Uh..." Tokoyami quickly glances at the clock before turning back to the game.

"Almost 2 hours." He continues.

"Seriously?" The screen loudly declares 'GAME!' as the round finishes.

"Bakugou, can you go to L/N's room and grab the Doritos off her bed? She said we could have 'em." Sero throws the keycard for her room at him before he can react.

"...Fine." He grumbles, taking the card from the ground.

The blonde flips the card around in his hand, tapping it against the console on the lift to gain access to the upper floors.

He enters her room, slowly turning the handle.

But of course, there were no delicious corn-chips on the bed, but rather a note, already in the hands of a certain black-haired teacher.

They make eye contact, before Bakugou walks over, reading the note himself.

"...Oh for fuck's sakes."


I stood around the corner of the alley, waiting for my target to finish up some slightly shady dealings. Turns out, it's not so hard to find quirk-enhancers around these parts. The cool metal of a flick knife slightly stings my fingers as I flip it around impatiently in my hand, and the smell of cigarette smoke warms my nose. I brush my hair out of my face with the dull side of the blade before silently approaching the man, as his customers walk away.

"Not a fucking word." I twist his arms behind his back with one hand, whilst holding the knife to his throat with the other. He snorts.

"You kidding? You sound about 14." He responds. Now, I know you think I turned it up to 100 real quick, but no chance he was giving me what I needed the easy way.

"Does it fucking look like I'm kidding?" I press the knife slightly into his neck- a drop of blood rolls down.

"Ow, shit- whaddya want?!"

"That guy who's been on the TV- the one who killed all those people in Musutafu. Did he buy from you? Where is he?" I demand into his ear.

"He put in a huge order- probably enough to kill the dude. It was so much I said I'd have to deliver it to him."

"Oh good, we're getting somewhere." I say with sarcasm.

"Now where are you delivering it to?"

"This- this abandoned warehouse on XXX Road. Now can I go already?!" I release him, giving him a quick kick up the ass for good measure. He stumbles away, not even turning back.

I dust my hands, taking in a quick inventory of my surroundings. Darkness- no working streetlights. Nobody saw.

'Haha, imagine if Iida saw me do that. He'd lose his shit.' I thought to myself.

They've probably all realised I'm gone by now.



Sorry this took so long! Wattpad was giving me a hard time.



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