Chapter 37.

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I strolled away from the Todoroki estate, a weight off my shoulders, and feeling free as a damn bird. I stopped by a nearby street, waiting for Shouto.

"Hey." The stoic boy greeted me.

"Wassup, sorry for breaking up with you so hard. I'm sure you must be devastated." I mocked him, walking along the street. Luckily, U.A. was only 10 minutes from Todoroki's.

"Was that your idea...?" He questioned. We continued our way through the busy streets, trying to resist stopping at a food stall and getting something yummy.

"No. Todorok- sorry, Endeavour, wanted me to do it. He said I had to break up with you in front of your whole family so you could learn a lesson." I said sadly. His dad was a pure, unadulterated asshole. And I felt quite bad for Shouto... knowing asshole fathers.

"That's typical. At least the others were in on it, or that would have been embarrassing." He stopped a stall selling soba. I hadn't gotten my U.A. allowance yet so I was kinda broke... Nevertheless, I sat down on the stool next to him.

"'Sweet prince' was a nice touch Y/N, by the way." I choked on thin air. Shouto ignored how he had just reminded me of the humiliation and placed an order.

"Never mention that again..." I visibly cringed. The stall owner put down two hot bowls in front of us.

"Damn, someone's hungry." I said, going to order just a coke from their little fridge.

"Nope. That's yours." He pushed the bowl towards me.

"You sure?" He nodded, and went to pay for my coke too.

"You don't have to do that!!" I said, trying to stop him. He smirked a little, deviously.

"I don't, but he does." He showed me the card he was using to pay; it looked like it was literally made of gold. On the bottom, a tiny 'MR. TODOROKI ENJI' was inscribed. The card was heavy, felt like one of them metal cards that rich people get. I stared at him, shocked but pleasantly surprised at his rebellion.

"Shouto, why!" I giggled, sipping on my coke courtesy of Mr Todoroki.

"Call it reparations. For my childhood. And how he treated you less-than-favourably in that email." He deadpanned. This kid was fucking hilarious without meaning to be.

"R-reparations?! You're a weird one, Todoroki." I ruffled his hair, taking the card.

"What say we have a little trip? I know I need a few things for my room... If you're up to it." I asked.

"Absolutely. Excellent idea." We finished our food and began heading towards the mall.

"You sure he's not gonna notice the copious amounts of credit card fraud?" I made sure, walking through the large glass doors to the mall.

"There's so much money in there, you could take about 200 thousand and he'd never notice." He affirmed, already heading into Hot Topic.

"You like Hot Topic...?" I looked the boy up and down. He was clearly not the type.

"No, but you seem like the kind of person that does." Ouch. He continued walking in and went to the posters section. We rifled through the huge book of posters attached to wall. I stared at the single, small Eraser Head poster they had in stock for a little too long.

"Oooh, this one or this one?" I pointed at two anime posters, struggling to pick between the two.

"Both. It's on me, remember? Allow me to treat you. And... are you sure you don't want that one too?" He pointed at the Eraser Head poster in question.

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