Chapter 9.

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CONTENT WARNING: GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS OF SELF-HARM, MENTIONS OF SUICIDE. Please do not read this chapter if you do not feel safe doing so.

"You know they all hate you, right? Ochaco, Aizawa, your parents. They all feel the same." The voice laughed from above.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU? LEAVE ME ALONE, PLEASE," I screamed, clutching my ears.

"I'm you, Y/N. Except I am aware of how people feel about you. Nobody cares, Y/N. What makes you think they do? Your teacher being nice? That's his job. He doesn't care. He simply must care. If he had left you there and something happened, he would get the blame. He was saving his own ass, not yours."

"JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I screeched, unable to block it out. Nobody would care, or bat a single fucking eyelid if you killed yourself right now."

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I cried.


"AH-" I woke from the nightmare, panting. That feeling quickly settled deep within me. I continued to gasp for air.

"Ah..." I sobbed quietly.

'Why... am I here? He really wouldn't care, would he? Nobody fucking would. One more quirkless scum gone off the face of the Earth.' I was bursting at the seams with overpowering feelings of sadness and dread- and only one thing fixed that. Even for 5 minutes.

"Gah..." I silently whimpered, choking back the tears. It was at times like this that I was glad that I had a blade in my phone case. Not that it ever did me any good in the long run.

I tip-toed to the bathroom, trying not to creak even one floorboard. Aizawa's door was slightly open, lights turned off. Kuro could be heard purring next to him.

Opening the door slowly, I walked in and shut it behind me, turning on the light. I pulled out the blade and dragged it across my shoulder countless times.

The sobbing finally stopped.

And the complete and utter numbness set in. I shivered and shook, totally empty inside. A knock on the door startled me.

"Hey. L/N. Are you okay?" Aizawa softly questioned from outside; not the least bit angry I had awoken him, despite his desperate need for sleep.

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine. Just needed the toilet, sorry for waking you." I tried to get out in the least trembly voice possible, wiping away my tears, dabbing my shoulder with toilet roll.

"I heard crying. Please don't lie to me." He said, sitting down against the door.

"Well- yes. Okay. You caught me. I'm sorry that woke you up." I apologised yet again.

"But why, was what I was trying to imply." He continued.

"Just- my parents. I'm sad about arguing. That's all. I'm fine, promise." I reassured the worried man. There was silence for a moment.

"Are you sure that's all? You can tell me. I promise I do care." He tried to convince me.

"You don't even know me."

"I don't know you as much as I'd like to. And I already know you more than every other student in my class. Even if I don't know you very well yet, I want to, sin- since you're my student, and an older one at that. You're probably feeling alienated from the others. And I do care. I promise." He assured.

'He doesn't.'

"I'm fine, Aizawa. Go back to bed." I hugged myself tightly, wishing the bleeding would stop already. It was slowing down, at the very least.

The Quirkless At U.A. (Student Reader x Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now