Chapter 14.

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My name is Y/N L/N, and I am an independent motherfucking woman. Now, I had faced many trials and tribulations throughout my life. Moving to a foreign land where I didn't know the language, having to repeat school and be older than all of my classmates, abusive parents, being born quirkless while trying to become a hero; and now? I was faced with homelessness, and the one person I had ever trusted had left me because he was scared of letting people get close to him.

He went by the name Aizawa Shouta. He had taught me how to fight, and how to trust. However, he threw all of that out the damn window when I decided to save him from certain death. So, I had no reason to trust anymore.

Aizawa Shouta made me soft. And I weren't fucking having it anymore. Maybe he made me soft because I didn't need to be so aggressive and defensive with him around, but now I was alone once again. If I could do that shit for 19 long years, I could do it again. Without him. I didn't need him.

I had been discharged from the hospital, armed only with my school uniform, my one yoyo, and my trusty backpack and boots. I marched my way to school from the hospital, formulating how I would live from now on.

'Sleep at the school. There's showers, I'll find somewhere to sleep. I'll just be super early to homeroom in the morning as a consequence. I just need to stay put until the morning once the alarms come on.'

I walked to my locker, switching out my shoes. One new problem I was faced with, was one of the dicks from 1-B: Monoma.

"Hey hey, you're the quirkless girl from A class right? Heard you saved your teacher from dying... Surprising considering how weak you are." He laughed in my face. I continued to go through my locker, ignoring him.

"Oh, and I also know he told you to fuck off and never speak to him again as soon as you saved him! How sad, L/N!" He spat.

"You got a fucking problem? Leave me alone, pissant. Unless you really want me to shove your arm up your own fucking arsehole." I growled at the boy, slamming the locker behind his head, leaving a dent in it.

"Awwww, I did hear you used to be a delinquent until Aizawa Sensei softened you up... have you reverted to your old ways already?" The asshole continued to cackle as I walked away, trying not to boil over with rage.

I was raging at the world. At my parents. At Aizawa. At God, for never giving me a break; or giving me a fucking glimmer of hope, and ripping it away from me.

I slammed open the door to homeroom ignoring everyone's eyes and sat in my seat, the chair scraping from the force.

"What's got you so angry today, hag-"

"Don't even FUCKING try me unless you want to die today, Bakugo." I interrupted him, not even looking at him.


For once, Bakugo said nothing in response and realised I was being serious.

Aizawa walked up, covered head to toe in bandages. He was clearly back way too soon. Not that I cared.

As soon as homeroom ended, of course, he called me to the front. Instead, I ignored his call and walked outside to fill my water bottle. I waited a minute till after the bell rang to go back in, in case he was still there. Re-entering, I realised it was time for maths class. My least favourite.


The bell for lunch rang, as kids scrambled to get to the cafeteria. I slowly gathered my things and started to leave; until a bandaged arm slammed the door in front of me. He somehow got in once everyone left without me even noticing...

The Quirkless At U.A. (Student Reader x Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now