Part 2: Chapter 20. + An explanation.

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Now, this was indeed a sticky situation. Aizawa tried to remind me throughout the day that the police were after my father- so much so that he didn't notice that I didn't eat my dinner and was simply pushing it around.

But I knew that the police couldn't do anything. He had gone for my mother, and it was my turn next. He was gearing up to attack U.A.- who knows, maybe he was in cahoots with the League. And as always, it was definitely up to me to stop it-

"Hey. You with us?" I was snapped out of my thoughts to see Shinsou nudging me. He was dressed in his sports uniform, along with Shouta in his normal hero uniform. The air was ever-so-slightly crisp, the sun warmly shining through my eyelids- no matter how hard I squinted.

"Yeah, sorry." I bit my cheek in embarrassment.

"As I was saying-" He pulled out a capture weapon from his bag- however, it was thinner, and a brilliant white, in contrast to the grey one Aizawa had. I assumed it was like that from years of use, but he insisted he asked for it in that colour.

"I'm going to teach you how to use this." Shinsou's mouth was slightly agape as he took it, running it through his hands.

"Put it around your neck." He instructed. Shinsou obliged, admiring how it looked.

"Now, I am going to teach you some of the basics. L/N may be able to help, as her weapons are slightly similar, I think." He remarked.

He started by trying to tell him how to grapple onto a nearby pipe with it.

"No, you need to kind of throw it then tug. Hard." I demonstrated with the yoyo, it wrapping around perfectly.

"Easy for you to say," He chuckled, "They're two different things." I cocked my head slightly.

"Hm." I walked over to Aizawa.

"Let me try that." The two looked at me in bewilderment. Aizawa let out a slight laugh, before removing his scarf.

"Sure. Just so you know, it took me 6 years to master that thing." I draped it over my head, noting its callous roughness on my neck, grabbing one end. Walking over to where Shinsou was, I threw one end out, before tugging it as it neared the pipe. It snapped and wrapped around the pipe- almost perfectly. I released it, whipping it back towards me. The pair both had looks of unadultered shock.

"...They are exactly the same thing as my old yoyos, Shinsou, although it's a little heavy. Throw it, then tug it."

"How-? It took me months to get it to do that on the first try..." Aizawa questioned, furrowing his brow.

"I told you! Because the yoyo and scarf are essentially the same thing. Now, try it again Shinsou." He ignored the previous moment of confusion and listened to me. This time, it almost wrapped around the pipe, but not quite.

"Good! That's progress!" I smiled warmly. I made my way back to Shouta.

"...I'm impressed." He let me know.

"Ha. Thanks." I smirked. After about an hour or so of painfully watching him try to use the scarf, Shinsou had to go. But hey, he was actually making progress towards the end. Can't fault the kid for that.

"Sorry guys. Got to go to a family thing." He rolled his eyes before packing his things up and leaving.

"Hm... We still have another hour." Aizawa pondered.

"Well, I have an idea." He shot me a questioning look, beckoning me to continue.

"So, the yoyo and scarf work on the same principles, right? Although the yoyo is much more complicated..." I trailed off at the end with a smug look, earning an eye roll. I took out my own weapons, handing them to Shouta.

"Give it a go!" Apprehensively, he slipped the buttons over his fingers, allowing them to rest on his palm. He tentatively applied light pressure to each button with his fingertips, so delicately as if he were to break it with any more effort. The yoyos looked tiny in his hand. He dropped it, allowing it to reel back in with the buttons.

"How long did it take you to master this then?" He wanted to know, as he fiddled with them.

"God, 3 or 4 years until it was perfected? Then when I got the upgrade it took a couple weeks if I'm honest."

"You're a quicker learner than I." He threw the yoyo at the pipe, earning a clang before it dropped to the floor; I had to stifle a chuckle. He tried again, and the yoyo deftly wrapped around the pipe.

"They're too light. I don't like it. It feels like I'm going to break them." He lets out a slight chuckle, turning the yoyo over in his hand.

"I guess you're used to something with a little more heft..." I rubbed the scarf between my fingers- it was roughed up and felt almost gritty.

And of course, we were interrupted by the alarm going off on Aizawa's phone.

"And saved by the bell" I muttered, packing away my things. Besides, as much as I loved these fleeting moments where I could forget- I had bigger things to prepare for.


I'm so sorry. Life just kinda gets in the way, you know? I started writing this when I was 19, and I'm 21 now, coming up on 22, studying for my degree, which is pretty wild to think. I feel like I at least owe an explanation. Maybe I have some kind of heightened sense of self-importance to think I was missed too much? But either way. When I was in the height of writing this, I was very very unwell. I was going through a lot at home (as I'm sure you can tell through my writing), and even after I left I was still dealing with the effects of it, as is also demonstrated through my writing. For about 2 years after leaving home I was still quite bad, and this book has been an absolute lifesaver for me. Even if I can't fully explain what my life is like to those around me, I can explain it through writing I can explain it to complete strangers. I promise, I read every single comment still. A few lately have truly pushed me to continue- one wonderful individual saying they'd even buy a real book from me! I still get about 50 notifications from Wattpad a day on my phone. People saying how much this helped them. People saying how much they could relate. And that is so bittersweetly amazing. The level of writing kind of died off when I started to feel better. Now don't get me wrong, mental illness and trauma doesn't ever truly go away, but it certainly gets a hell of a lot easier. I still think about the things that happened to me on a regular basis, but it's just a lot easier to deal with it now. I'm renting a beautiful apartment with my partner of almost 4 years now- this is the second apartment we have rented, the second place in my life I can truly call home. This place more so than the last one. I think what I'm trying to tell you, is that this book got me through so much, but I don't need it as a catharsis anymore. And I'm not trying to brag, not at all- but I'm just so happy and grateful in my life that I get to live somewhere safe, with someone I love and trust. I have everything I could ever want right now. And of course, I still have my bad days, weeks- but I have a wonderful support system. I promise you, it gets better. But I am sorry that I neglected this. I'm going to try to bring this book to a close very soon. It's something I've been afraid to do for years now, but I think I'm at a place in my life where it is time to end this. It feels okay to end this now. I refused to end this because it was my lifeline, my experiences, my thoughts- but I feel okay to do it now. I think it would also be symbolic for me to have Y/N finally have this showdown with her dad- and to actually finish this, of course. Thank you so much for coming along on this wild ride. I do have another story I am thinking about- it already has two chapters on ao3 I think. Less trauma-ridden.

TLDR; I didn't write because I didn't need to. But I'm going to try and wrap this book up for you.

Hit me up on discord if you have any questions. wyattS#3408

Thank you so much. I hope I'll be back soon.


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