Part 2: Chapter 3.

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Spotting the green-haired boy from across the room, I was ready to put myself out there and ask him what he was gonna do for work placements.

"Izuku?" I approached him at his desk during homeroom.

"Oh, L/N. What's up?" He asked, with a smile on his freckled face.

"I was just wondering, who're you doing your work placement with?" His face dropped momentarily, before relaxing.

"Sorry, you just reminded me of Toga for a second..." He smiled nervously. Poor kid.

"Oops. Sorry, totally me. Anyways?" I questioned hopefully.

"Oh! Hopefully Sir Nighteye." The realisation kicked in for me.

"Ahhh right, because he was All Might's sidekick. Do you think you could get me in on that...?"

"Yeah, of course! Come see me and Mirio after school." He responded affirmatively, much to my luck.

"Oh God, that weirdo that beat all of us up the other day?" I remarked jokingly. This guy from third year had come into our class, along with a couple of others, and beat us all up in training. That was certainly a fun day.

"He's a nice guy really..." He whimpered somewhat. I trusted the boy's judgement, giving him a pat on the back.

"I'm sure he is. I'll stay back after last homeroom then, and we'll wait for him. Sound good?" He nodded. I was surprised that he didn't ask why I wanted to get in on his placement, but he probably assumed that I was having trouble after the last time. How sympathetic.


My therapist's office was kinda bland. Not really like they show you in the movies; huge armchair, desk, big ass lounge with a sofa- nah. Just- two chairs. Well, she did just get a beanbag in to be fair. A table on the side with a clock, timing our 50 painful minutes together, a bookcase lined with odd spiritual things; crystals, incense sticks, meditation guides- all sat untouched. Luckily, Yamamoto didn't bother me with that stuff. Apparently, she does spiritual shit with some other clients. Mad, right? But for the rest of the room, it wasn't huge. Bedroom sized, mostly plain. Good stuff.

"So. How've you been?" She questioned, a warm smile worn on her face. Yamamoto was an English woman; married her Japanese husband 19 years ago. This actually made my life a lot easier. Pouring out my thoughts and real feelings was a lot easier in my native language.

"Good, school's been pretty interesting. Started talking bout work placements, shi- sorry, stuff like that." The blonde-haired woman giggled at my use of profanity.

"I see. I meant more about how your first couple of days back made you feel?" She inquired. I thought about it for a moment, and realised I didn't feel too strongly about it.

"It's been absolutely, and completely, normal. And that's a good thing." I made sure to add, leaning back in my chair.

"Why's that a good thing specifically?"

"Well... After everything I've been through, I just want; nay, CRAVE normalcy." I said, with a mockingly dramatic tone. She laughed, and waited for me to continue.

"It's just; when you've been on this rollercoaster of hell, you just wanna... settle down a bit, y'know? I wanna get back t'bein a kid for once. Even if I'm not really a kid anymore- I wanna get back to student life. I need the traumatic events to come at a less alarming rate and less packed together. AKA, some normalcy." She nodded, writing god-knows-what into her notepad.

"That's good to hear, my love. How's your support system been?" Yamamoto referred to Katsuki and Aizawa.

"Katsu... has been normal. Which is what I need from him in particular. I know that if I need him to listen, then he will. And I know that if he sees I'm off, he'll ask about it. But he's been completely normal. Poor kid's been put through a lot with me..." She raised an eyebrow, and I knew what she was going to say.

"You can't blame yourself for that. You can't blame yourself for being ill. I can assure you, that he's glad he was there for you." She replied.

"I guess you have a point. But he's been good."

"And the teacher-boyfriend?" The kind woman smirked. I felt myself turn red a bit, before dodging eye contact with her. When she first figured out I was dating my teacher, she was a little concerned. But we talked through it, and she concluded that I was safe.

"He's been great. Always asking if I'm okay. And that's what I need from him. I know I can't blame myself, but I'm just thankful that after everything he's seen that he's still here for me. And that he never gave up." I smiled softly twiddling my fingers.

"It's good to be thankful."


Getting home from therapy was a strange thing. I was left with all of these tools and things to work on, and perspectives to think about. CBT is quite hard to describe, actually.

But one of these tools was music actually. Well, releasing shitty feelings through some kind of medium. For some it's art, going to the gym, or writing even. So I picked up my guitar, plugged in my pedals, amp, and headphones, and played whatever came to mind. If I was angry, then I'd play some metal shit- so on and so on. It was honestly a good way to get all the stuff out that I'd kept bottled up. Sometimes, it was enough even to just thrash my pick against the strings in a rage. Although, that did result in a few string replacements. I even ended up playing with Jirou and a few others, just fucking jamming.

"I can't believe I didn't know you played, L/N!" Jirou exclaimed, putting away her bass guitar.

"I mean I used to, then- a family member gifted me this guy." I gestured to the gorgeous guitar.

"Your family must be loaded... A Les Paul..." My classmate admired it.

"Pfft, something like that. He works like three jobs, actually." I put my own guitar away in the case.

After thanking Jirou for being so fucking cool, I headed off to bed.

"Found someone to play that with?" None other than Hizashi sat in our kitchen, looking at the guitar bag slung over my shoulder.

"Hey! Yeah, Jirou actually. What brings you here? I can take you to Aizawa's room if you wan-"

"I'm not here for him." He mumbled slightly. He was acting a little too serious for my liking.

"Oh. What's up?" I asked cautiously. He fidgeted a little before finally speaking up again.

"Let's talk in your room."



I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPLOADING LAST WEEK!! But I'm gonna try to be more on the ball now! It's a short one for today, but I'm super sorry.

Nevertheless, as always, hope you enjoy!

My apologies,


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