Chapter 10.

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Content Warning: Mentions of self-harm, slight physical abuse.

"I'm home," I shut the door behind me. My mother glared at me whilst cooking dinner, and my father scoffed before beginning his tirade.

"You fucking kidding me? You said you'd be home at 6. Its 6:45."

To be fair, I was pretty late. But what was about to come after was not a proportional reaction by any means.

"Yeah, I injured my teacher and we had to go to the medical room. I'm sorry for not letting you know." I bowed my head slightly.

"Not good enough. And that shit you pulled yesterday? I ain't fuckin' fixing it. You can either pay for the damages or keep the damn hole."

Once again; fair enough.

"Okay. I'll keep the hole there. I'm sorry." I apologised, my head still lowered.

"I don't think you learned your lesson THOUGH-" He sent a knee to my stomach. I fell to the floor clutching my abdomen.

"Wh-what the fuck?" I spat out. Breath stinking of alcohol, he grabbed me by the collar and said,

"Go to your FUCKING room and don't come out until you go to school tomorrow. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?" He let go of my shirt, and I took that as my signal to go.

Tail between my legs, I ran upstairs and bolted into my room. The lock was completely broken off. Opening my drawer, I took out a new lock and quickly installed it, hoping that it would protect me from the demon that was below me.

My shoulder stung from my dirty habit reopening during training. I ignored it and instead chose to cry into my pillow for the rest of the night. Sobbing was a common theme throughout my days in the past... well, 19 years. But I was used to it. I continuously convinced myself that it was just a bit longer, never knowing when 'a bit longer' would end.


*BEEP BEEP BEEP BEE-* The alarm clock's incessant noise was interrupted by me slamming a hand atop of it.

"Ughh..." I groaned in pain. The injuries from yesterday's training and my punishment for being late home last night left a dull ache throughout my body. That ain't happening again.

I forced myself out of the warm comfort of my bed, and had a look in the mirror. Apart from my face, which looked surprisingly well-rested, I was covered in cuts and bruises. I looked like shit, basically.

I tried not to think about my parents, whilst popping painkillers in my mouth to get me through the day. Unfortunately, the smell of them sizzling of bacon brought me back to them. I slipped on my uniform and hurried to get out the door.

Solemnly, I left the house, trying to keep my thoughts to the fact that my teacher was bringing me food every day. Yeah, this was my standard for excitement. Eating food. Although, it was homecooked food from someone who definitely knows what he's doing.

My mouth watered the rest of the way to school.


Bakugo and Mineta had for some reason, decided today was the day they'd get on my damn nerves during homeroom.

"Mmm..." Grape boy stared at me whilst drooling. Without a word, I shot out my yoyo at his head, knocking him clean out with a satisfying 'thunk'. That was one issue dealt with. Aizawa slept soundly in his sleeping bag, unaware of the assault that had just taken place in his classroom.

"Hag." Bakugo growled from next to me. I closed my book and turned to face him.

"What do you need, my dear Katsuki?" I asked him innocently.

The Quirkless At U.A. (Student Reader x Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now