Part 2: Chapter 1.

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Lacing up my neon-green and white sneakers, I was a little anxious, to say the least. We were finally going back to school, and no one apart from Katsuki and my teachers knew about where I've been. I had to pretend I had gone home for the holidays, but obviously I hadn't. I spent my break kicking it in a hospital, which wasn't too bad. A blast, actually.

That was sarcasm. I hated it.

Honestly, I was still struggling. But my new therapist wasn't too bad- compared to the last one, at least. Massive racist. Made for real awkward sessions. But this new one- Yamamoto, was quite helpful actually. She's been helping me work through my trauma and stuff, and these urges.

As a girl who hated labels all her life, I was now stuck with a cacophony of them. You spend your whole life being called 'quirkless', and finally manage to turn that label into something good, and ya get slapped with a whole bunch more.



Traumatised. Turns out, a lot of my life is trauma.

So, stuff like that. But I was starting to accept them, not let them define me. They were just parts of me, that kinda sucked. However, I was getting through it. This was just one shitty chapter of my life story. Well, feels more like 52 chapters to be honest, with all my shit.

But that wasn't something to think about now.

I grabbed my bag, slinging it over my shoulder and heading out the door. My first breakfast back here.

"Good morning, L/N!" The blonde, scraggly hero greeted me with a smile, sitting at the table with breakfast. He had already visited me a couple times in the hospital, so it wasn't like this was my first time seeing him since it happened. Now, I had been very thankful for his casualness. The absolute last thing I wanted was someone reminding me.

"Morning, Toshi." I greeted him. I stuffed some toast in my mouth, and used the fridge as a reflection to quickly tie up my short hair. My fingers brushed through my bangs carefully, allowing them to sit just atop my brow.

"Are you not having anything else?" He asked me.

"Nah. I'm feeling a little nauseous." I answered the tall man honestly. Taking a seat at the table, I pulled out my Sertraline packet and took my pill, washing it down with a cup of tea Toshinori had set down in front of me.

"Excited to head back to school?" He wanted to know. I took another sip, thinking for a moment.

"Yeah. It'll be good to get back into normality. I kinda need it. And I miss everyone's dumb faces." I admitted, looking down at the steaming cup.

"Especially young Bakugo, I presume?" He said with a smile.

Katsuki visited me once while I was away. He wanted to come a lot more, but I had insisted he didn't. I couldn't let him see me like that, and put him through that shit again. Although, according to Yamamoto it wasn't my fault, so I shouldn't feel bad about it. But I still did.

He, in his young 15-year-old mind, somehow thought everything was his fault. He didn't quite say that outright- but in his own, weird Katsuki way he did. It was odd; he cared, but would hate to admit it. But, he was one of the things grounding me at the moment. His angry, odd demeanour forever remaining the same. I knew he wouldn't coddle me, or walk eggshells around me. That's why he was my friend.

"Yes, actually. I miss his dumb ass. I just wanna hear him berate me for something dumb again, or hear him yelling at poor Midoriya, as cruel as that sounds. Just witness normal stuff, you know?" I said, knowing I sounded weird.

The Quirkless At U.A. (Student Reader x Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now