Chapter 32.

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Looking at myself in the bathroom mirror, I decided to go with that odd "half-up, half-down" thing Y/N showed me. The stubble could be left alone, since I didn't particularly love being clean-shaven. I stared at the man in the mirror, happy with the look. My button-up shirt and trousers lay crisp and creaseless in the closet, waiting for me to wear them. Trying not to disturb the short-haired girl, softly snoring in my bed, I got dressed into my formal wear. My messenger bag was slung over my shoulder as I left the apartment, keys in hand.

The car started, the noise of the engine whirring away. The journey to U.A. wasn't too far, but on this day it did feel that far. Nezu wanted a meeting with the teachers, aiming to discuss strategies going forward in order to protect the children. My brain went into overdrive, constantly overthinking what these strategies could entail.

"Ah! You're all here." Nezu sat at his desk, All Might and myself standing over it.

"Yes." I said blankly, waiting for him to get it over with.

"So." He leant forward in his chair, smiling at the two of us.

"After everything that's happened, I think it's time to implement something I've been wanting to for a long time." He continued. All Might and I simply looked at each other with a raised brow and waited for him to explain further.

"Dormitories!" He exclaimed. My eyes widened slightly in shock and surprise; out of everything I expected, it wasn't this.

And I didn't particularly want her to move out.

"Why?" I asked bluntly.

"We can keep a closer eye on the children, and keep them even safer by having you teachers living there too!" I recoiled a bit at this.

"You want us to move into dorms?" I tried to confirm.

"Only homeroom teachers, and one other. So, I'm inviting you two to live in the 1-A building! Construction is about to begin, so it won't be until about a month, or less if all goes well." He told us.

"Uh- okay. To point out the obvious, the parents won't quite think it's a rational decision to ship their kids off to a school where they couldn't keep them protected in the first place." I addressed the elephant in the room.

"Ah. I need you two to go to every 1-A student's houses together and convince the parents to allow us to keep them." Nezu instructed. I choked on the air a bit.

"To-together?" I said, hiding my horror. Nezu seemed to remember suddenly, why this was an issue.

"Yes. I'm sure it'll work out, Aizawa." He said with a knowing smile.

"Last on the list, Young L/N." All Might said from the passenger seat. I was starting to panic slightly. I couldn't exactly bring him to her family home, since he'd find out she doesn't live there and instead lives with me. In my head, I went through every single possibility, but they all ended with him finding out.

"Aizawa?" He said, noticing I was preoccupied.

"Yes." I replied a little too quick. I was so busy with my thoughts, that I didn't notice we were here. I slammed on the brakes.

"That one...?" All Might said unsure of himself. The house was peeling with paint, a window was taped up with cardboard, and the front lawn was covered in dead greenery. With a sigh, I made up my mind.

"No." I moved the gear stick and pulled off with a jolt.

"Woah- slow down." I took my foot off the gas slightly. My knuckles turned white from gripping the steering wheel so hard.

The Quirkless At U.A. (Student Reader x Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now