Chapter 33.

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"So this is it, huh?" I looked around the apartment that I called home, taking in the sights one last time.

"It really flew by. This guy'll miss you, you know. You'll have to visit him in my room when you can." He picked up Kuro, and petted him lovingly.

"I will." I said sadly. I picked up my backpack and slung it around my shoulder; my stuff was already sent to U.A, so I didn't have to worry about that at least.

"Thank you." I bowed, arms by my sides.

"Stand up, stop being stupid." I raised my head to see him blushing and avoiding looking at me.

"Thank you for taking in a disrespectful, rude, homeless student into your own home. And for giving me a new start here, away from my parents. I'm not sure what would have happened without you. So, thank you. For everything." I smiled sweetly, and took him into a hug. He froze for a moment before embracing me back.

"It was my pleasure. Come on, let's go. Sorry you have to walk like usual. But this will be the last time." He took his own bag and keys, walking out the door. I glanced behind me, already sad at leaving this place. It held the happiest, most loving memories of my life.

"I can tell you're sad. Don't be. I still own the place, we can come back during the summer and/or holidays. Alright?" The black-haired man waited for me to leave.

"Okay." I sighed, and finally left. He locked the door behind me, as I pulled out my own key from my pocket. I gazed at it for a moment, the gold twinkling against the sunlight. I handed it back to him, and made my last walk to U.A.

"See you soon, Aizawa." I plugged in my headphones, waving to the man stepping into the car.

I passed the buildings, my thoughts encased in memories of my first home. Not just a house, a home. The first place I felt safe, loved, cared for. The first place on this godforsaken Earth I could call home.

The U.A dorm building was huge. Hard to believe it was only for 3 adults and 20 kids. Walking to the entrance, all of my classmates were gathered near the gates. It was... odd seeing my classmates for the first time since the whole kidnapping sitch. Midoriya's arms were covered in scars, and I felt so fucking bad.

"Y/N!" Ochaco hugged me, tears welling up in her eyes.

"I'm so glad you're okay... I was so happy when we found out you got rescued. I'm sorry I couldn't help." She pulled back, looking pleased that I was in one piece.

"Don't worry about it. I'm here now, aren't I?" I reassured her.

"Good to see you, L/N." Iida greeted me robotically. Kirishima, Midoriya, Todoroki, and Yaoyorozu started to come over.

"Good to see you too. Thank you again for saving us, guys. I can't believe you did that." I smiled, thanking them for their bravery.

"We just did what any hero would do." Todoroki said stoically.

"Well, thank you." I bowed my head slightly, before noticing Katsuki standing by himself.

"Gimme a sec." I approached the blonde boy, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey. How you doing since... everything?" I asked cautiously.

"Fine. You looked more shaken up than me, how are you doing?" He asked. His words were kind, but his tone was angry as always.

"I'm fine now, thanks. It was a bit shit at first. I'm still sorry about letting them-"

"It wasn't your fault. Not your responsibility. How many times do I gotta tell yo-" He interrupted, before Aizawa and All Might came over and cut him out himself.

The Quirkless At U.A. (Student Reader x Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now