Part 2: Chapter 9.

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I sipped on my chocolate milk, sitting cross-legged on the hospital bed. Turns out I was physically fine, yet they insisted on keeping me for a couple of hours. The door creaked slowly, revealing my slightly different-looking companion.

"Hey." Shouta entered the room, his usual demeanour clear on his face. He was slightly injured from the raid, but nothing more than a few scratches.

However, what terrifies me the most, is where the hell was he before I went back with Eri? Was he dead?

"You okay?" He waved a hand in front of my face.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry." The man clad in black sat down at the chair next to the bed, removing his gloves and putting them in his pocket. I furrowed my eyebrows and sighed.

"So... care to explain what the hell happened?"

I went through the details of my story, being drugged up with quirk serum, travelling back in time due to quirk overusage, etc.

"Jesus... I can't believe it took so long to recognise you." He ran a hand through his short locks.

"Nevermind that... I think I've fucked up." I admitted to him. He raised a brow, not knowing what the hell I was on about.

"Like, before I went back, your hair was long. Down past your shoulders a little. Your scar was on the other side, and you never wore gloves. Oh, and your sleeves were all torn up at the ends for some reason. You're different. I'm glad you actually take care of yourself now, but I'm worried I've changed more than that." He broke out in a small smile.

"Oboro liked my hair long like this. But a week or so after we met, you told me to grow it out even longer. This is the longest it has ever been." I choked on air a little at his mention of the boy.

"You... have never talked about him before. What changed...?"

"Uh, you're sort of the reason we got together, now that I think about it." A thousand daggers drove through my heart with those words.

Aside from that, was he was alive...?

"Calm down. I can see your face. He died when we were 16, in a villain attack. But before, he said after talking to you he had this 'weird courage' and confessed to me." I tried to hold back a sigh of relief, as selfish as that sounds.

"Oh. Listen, could you just catch me up on... you and I?" I treaded lightly, considering this dude might just be my teacher in this timeline.

Luckily, he affirmed that our relationship was pretty much the same. Except that the fact that he and Oboro had gotten together when they were kids meant a few things; one being he coped with his death a lot better. Since they'd gotten out their feelings, he didn't have to hold in his unsaid words for 15 odd years. It meant that Hizashi could comfort him. Before, he never opened up to him about it, because Hizashi couldn't possibly understand. This time, he knew.

All I'd done was let him heal just a bit better. He was still the same, old, grumpy Aizawa Shouta I knew and loved at the end of the day.

"What was I like before?" He wanted to know.

"Let's not talk about that. You know what, I'll give you two words. Unresolved trauma." I smirked.

From what I'd found out, nothing much had changed. Maybe a couple, small things- Aizawa's cat was now female, he had a second cat named Sushi, and Mic's sunglasses were now blue. Whilst I had altered some small insignificant things in this world, the possibility that I had changed some other, significant thing that I'd never know horrified me the most.

But I'll never know, right?

No point in mulling over the unknown. Focus on the present.

"Okay." He sighed with a smile, slowly getting up.

"Let's get out of here."


The moon shone on the U.A. Heights Alliance building. Most likely, it currently housed a dozen-and-a-half sleeping students. Thus, Aizawa and I entered quietly.

Only to see the entirety of 1-A gathered in the common room, all shocked and relieved of my arrival.

"Y/N!!! THANK GOD YOU'RE SAFE!" Uraraka cried into my shoulder, attacking me with a bear hug.

"Oh- hello." I mumbled.

She eventually released me, allowing me to greet everyone else.

"Wassup?" I said to Bakugo, trying to hold back a smirk. I missed him so goddamn much.

"I- just-" He struggled to find the words, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well done on not getting yourself killed." He retorted. He was in front of the rest of the class, so obviously he felt the need to put the usual act on. Rather than envelope me in a silent hug like how he usually does when I have a near-death experience.

"Thanks." I giggled a little, patting him on the back.

After many tearful reunions, Shouta and I made our way upstairs. The lift doors closed, and sure enough, my smile faded.

"Wanna talk about it?" My counterpart asked. With a sigh and a heavy heart, I nodded my head.

I invited the black-haired man into my room, both of which I'd sorely missed. As soon as the door was closed, he wrapped me in a warm embrace.

"I missed you." I whispered into his chest.

"I missed you too, Y/N." He returned.

We both sat down at my table, him pouring me tea.

"Dude... I have a quirk." I said, still in disbelief.

"And how do you feel about that?" He set the cups down on the table.

"I mean... I worked so hard to get to where I am, and now it's just been handed to me on a silver platter. Although, I guess those experiences made me stronger. If I hadn't put in that work, I wouldn't be here now. I could really help people with this power, you know? I can help people, yet I still hate this thing I have. Am I making sense??" I smiled nervously.

"Yes. I understand what you mean." He took a sip from the steaming receptacle.

"And Mirio... I can't believe it." I put a hand over my mouth, trying to process it.

"We have an idea for him, once Eri is settled in and gains some control over her power." He responded. I nodded solemnly, still looking away.

"I'm not even sure if I want to use this power. It's physically painful, and difficult, and I have to be in the same room as a quartz clock to even use the damn thing." I whispered. He suddenly looked up, remembering something.

"One moment." He left my dorm room, presumably off to his own. After only a minute of waiting, he returned with a slim box in his hand. As soon as he entered, I felt myself change.

"In case you ever decide you want to use it." I opened the box to see a black watch, with white hands. It was simple, and gorgeous.

"Thank you." I put it on, already feeling it giving me some weird power. I tried it out, causing him to appear where he was 6 seconds ago. He stood at the doorway, quickly realising what I had done. He laughed lightly, and I knew I was gonna be okay.



Y/N is back home safe and sound, and is now struggling with the prospect of her new quirk.

What will she decide?!



The Quirkless At U.A. (Student Reader x Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now