CHAPTER 60: With Arms Outstreched

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~Art and love are the same thing, It's the process of seeing yourself in things that are not you~



You know that feeling, when you are reading a book, and you know that it is going to be a tragedy, you can feel the cold and darkness coming, see the net drawing tight around the characters who live and breathe on the pages. But you are tied to the story as if being dragged behind a carriage and you cannot let go or turn the course aside.

I feel now as if the same is happening, only not to characters on a page but to myself and I do not want to sit by while tragedy comes for me. I would turn it aside, only I struggle to discover how that might be done.

Even though I am constantly trying to be better, to fix myself for Ahmad, I couldn't help but wonder if I am just destined to keep getting hurt by him, to be helplessly stuck in a point of time I no longer want to be

Or maybe life is all about trying to get up while you fall a little bit deeper in the pits of hell, each time you try not to.

I pushed away my thoughts and quickly got out of bed, I ran to the mailbox to get the latest edition to my love letters. I quickly opened it, eager to know what my secret admirer wrote about me today

Hey beautiful,

I know you are going through a lot in your new home, But stop trying to fix yourself, you're NOT broken! You are perfectly imperfect and powerful beyond measure.

You are the book that I have always loved to read. You are my flower, you caught my eye and captured my heart. I listened to you, you called out to me with your colors and warmth, held me with your softness and beauty, silently asking only that I let you grow, and let you be, and love you for who you are

Without your colors, my world would always be like night, it would be so much colder, so dark and colorless. I would be living in a black and white picture where all the flowers have closed up

It's sad that you've been confined to a little pond, I would have Invited you into a bottomless ocean of ecstasy, where intimate adventures await. And I'll let you dive with me into the deep sensual seven seas of my soul.

You know that one missing sock after doing the laundry? I think It is the lucky one, After being unhappy for so long, it finally walks away from a frayed, worn-out relationship 😉

Love Anonymous ❤️


When I finished reading the letter, I sighed dreamily and thought, such is life. One mans food is another mans poison

The words that enlighten the soul are more precious than jewels. I realized that my secret admirer breathed life into my soul without laying his bare hands on my skin, my heart didn't have a choice.

He stirred my soul in the most subtle way and the story between us wrote itself. I can't wait to finally meet him one day, for he has become like oxygen and I am dying to breathe.

But on the other hand, Ahmad has made falling out of love with him so easy. For with each passing day, he never fails to give me something new to hate about him. The mere mention of his name makes my mood dive even lower, he doesn't jingle my chimes anymore

Just like Flowers need plenty of water and sunshine to grow. Love, too, needs attention and affection, or else it slowly withers away from neglect. Once love's gone, it's as brittle as a dried-out leaf. You pick it up, only to discover that it's turned to ash beneath your oncecareful touch, gone on a swift wind forever.

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