CHAPTER 98: Parting Ways

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~Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending. Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end~



Sometimes things start turning out better than we have imagined, life gives many surprises. Journey towards the goal becomes sweeter with such small surprises and victories. During difficult phases of my life, these little surprises in the form of love notes and messages from anonymous became the pillar of my strength.

Anonymous made me smile on days that laughter seemed impossible. He made me see hope in things I didn't know existed. That was when he truly became my savior, he just didn't know it. Hell, neither did I.

As for Ahmad, I watched him dig a deep grave and his family helped him bury himself inside it. And now I'm carrying his memory like a half forgotten wish.

It was as if he is just one page in the book of my life. And it's such a relief knowing that I will revise that page someday and I will erase it completely. That page had weathered love and loss. Now, I said to myself, it is time to write on it a new story.

Confusion lays in the heart of those that know the truth, but still insist on living with the lies. I thought, as I swiped through Ahmad's direct messages on Instagram claiming that he misses me and that he still loves me

Though he feels offended and humiliated because I refuse to give him another chance. He wanted me to accept him again without query. He feels there is nothing wrong with their character. They like causing pain to others, but then feel aggravated when you cause the same kind of pain to them

Not only a few times, but every time he did not give in to his urge to come to me, he resented the moment that came in its place. Even if the moment was beautiful and was something he valued, and made him who he was. He could not help but also long for that other life in which he lived with me, even if he only abused me

It just seemed as if he was marking time while life rocketed past. He was still living in that illusion, that someday I will come back to my senses and run back to him

The hardest thing I did after Ahmad was to reveal my naked soul to the world, and to anonymous. However, in doing so brings healing, growth, strength, and powerful inspiration

After the divorce, Anonymous promised to meet me after my waiting period. But the waiting period made me wonder if at all he is real or just a subject of my lonely imagination

I missed his messages, I felt his absence, it was like waking up one day with no teeth in your mouth. you wouldn't need to run to the mirror to know they were gone

I felt like I was forbidden to remember him while I was in waiting, and terrified to forget. It is a hard line to walk.

Time is a funny and fickle thing. Sometimes there was never enough of it, and other times it stretched out endlessly. Just like now, during my waiting period

My brother Bilal informed Ahmad's waliy that I will be packing my things from the house soon. But Ahmad was really pissed when he was told. Furious, he gave my brother a call

"Nobody is touching yasmeen's stuff, it all stays in my house. I will let her get it when I am ready, or whenever I feel like it" Ahmad said bitterly, as soon as Bilal picked his call

"But it's not your stuff, you didn't use your own money to buy it. You don't have the right" Bilal told him

"I believe I do, because we were once married. And this is my house, nobody touches anything. Not until I buy a new set of furniture" Ahmad replied

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