~ Every now and then, it's good to pause in our pursuit and just be happy~
After spending hundreds of hours, thousands of dollars, and sometimes blood, sweat, and tears making your dream wedding happen, The light at the end of the tunnel is a carefree, relaxed honeymoon where you can decompress with your brand new spouse. Except that, sometimes it doesn't work out like that.
I have been told that the groom usually makes the plans, presumably because the bride is busy with the all-consuming task of planning a wedding.
Ahmad told me not to worry, He would plan a perfect honeymoon for us. I really enjoy planning trips, so I offered to help him.
After a thorough research, We finally decided on a week-long honeymoon trip to the Maldives as both of us love the beaches. It was the most beautiful destination that ticked off all the criteria from our honeymoon travel wish list.
We chose Sheraton Maldives Full Moon Resort and Spa. Located on a private island, the mesmerizing beauty of the Maldives made it the perfect location for our romantic getaway.
Ahmad didn't want a big wedding, he plans on investing the big wedding money in our honeymoon rather than blasting it on an event that would only last a few hours. I was quite impressed, because this shows that Ahmad is indeed a wise man and is capable of doing what's best for us. Having a man that knows his priorities and knows how to set them straight is priceless.
Unfortunately, Ahamad informed me about his sudden change of plans a day to our wedding. He told me that his sister habiba who has been helping him with his wedding arrangements has found the most perfect and suitable location for our honeymoon. She said we would love it.
I was a bit disappointed because all my plans have been ruined. And the worst part is, he said he didn't know where his sister has moved our honeymoon to. But She said it's a surprise and she knows we are going to love it.
I didn't let my disappointment ruin my day for me. I prayed and hoped that everything works out perfectly.
Time passed quickly and the day of my marriage arrived. My gown was so beautiful but heavy, and heavy gold ornaments dangled from my neck, hands and ears.
After the wedding Nikah which took place at my house, the groom and his friends joined the rest of the family for a reception and the regular photo session.
It was a gorgeous, sunny, warm March day, perfect for standing outside for hours after to take lots of pictures. After group pictures during the wedding reception, We went off with the photographer for some private couple photoshoot in a fancy studio. He kept telling us to embrace "tenderly" and we joked about the cheesiness of it all!
After my nikah and the marriage procession was complete, I was taken to Ahmad's family house. I was accompanied by a huge crowd of not less than a hundred people and fifty vehicles later in the evening. From there, my husband is expected to pick me up and take me to our matrimonial home where we will spend our first night before heading off to our honeymoon.
I wasn't surprised a bit to find not just our car decorated, but a bit destroyed! With a big JUST MARRIED barner glued to countless number of balloons.
I had noticed my siblings sneaking off during the reception, and I knew it was going to happen. They made it difficult to even get inside the car, as it was stuffed with balloons and oreo's stuck all over the outside.
So many wonderful friends who were a part of our dating journey attended my wedding. It brought tears to my eyes to see all of them, they got it. They knew our journey like no one else. I got to hug each of them before they left after the conveyance of bride, though a lot of tears have been shed.
I was exhausted, All I wanted to do is to get rid of my clothes and jewellery and sleep but Ahmad is no where to be found. It was 1am when my sister-in-law took me to her bedroom and informed me that i am going to spend the night at the family house which I wasn't prepared for. I had nothing to wear for the night.
I was sitting at the edge of an unknown huge bed, unlike the smaller one which I slept on back home when everything started sinking in.
I realized that I will not be Yasmeen Umar anymore. I will be Yasmeen Ahmad. I wouldn't be seeing my mother, my brothers and sister every day. There will no longer be my mom or my sister to make my breakfast.
It all seemed so intimidating and strange. I started crying again, I wanted to go back home, back to the comfortable life I've come to love.
I heard a slight knock on the door that was left slightly ajar and my skin crawled. I looked up to find Ahmad making his way to sit by my side, he lift up my face and saw the tears in my eyes.
I wanted to tell him how much I loved him and how much I wanted to hug him, though I can't deny the fact I am terribly missing my family.
As if sensing my intentions, he came closer to me. He wiped my tears and wrapped his arms around me. He kissed me so softly on my forehead, I felt jittery.
I felt safe and less lonely in his arms, his actions were reassuring. Happiness is holding someone in your arms and knowing you hold the whole world.
But to my dismay, Ahmad left the room shortly afterwards. "Ummy" his mother needed him to do something for her. I didn't see him until the next morning.
Yasmeen Unveiled 🎊🎉
This is Yasmeen To The World 😁
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