~The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams~
There was a lot of pressure from my family on me ever since I got engaged to my future wife to bring her over for a formal introduction, which I eventually did. But unfortunately, most of them were not around. She didn't even get to meet my mother, which was the main point of the meeting.
They also wanted me to choose a nice place to spend our honeymoon after the wedding, but I thought it would be best if I did it with my fiancé Yasmeen.
When Yasmeen offered to help me organize our honeymoon, I was so happy. She came up with perfect options and we decided on one.
So to give credit where its due, I must admit that my Yasmeen is good at putting together a romantic getaway. Maybe that's why she offered to help
Or maybe she also secretly knew that if she left the task to me, our trip would likely end up in disarray. Either that or we would "accidentally" find ourselves on a five-day fishing excursion. Just kidding. Even I don't enjoy fishing enough to put Yasmeen through that on her honeymoon.
Little by little, my sister "Habiba" managed to convince me to change the plans I have made with Yasmeen because she has heard of a perfect honeymoon place in Grand Cayman. A friend of hers happen to spend her honey moon there and it was magical.
And that's how I moved our honeymoon from Maldives to grand cayman. I couldn't tell Yasmeen until a day to our wedding.
After the wedding, they brought my bride to our family house with a huge crowd mainly consisting of her family and well wishers.
As they entered the house, Their arrival was marked by that popular nasal sound made by the elderly women in a family whenever there is a blissful union between a man a woman. Or during the conveyance of the bride, or the minute they are informed that the knot is tied, or whenever they see the groom or the bride approaching after the wedding Fatiha.
I approached my bride immediately with my friends trailing behind me. My friends were whistling and the bridesmaids were singing a farewell song for Yasmeen while the music played. The place was so lively.
We snapped countless of pictures, though Yasmeen has been crying all the way there. I wasn't offended because it would be odd if she doesn't shed any tears. Besides, we all know it's tradition. She has to cry no matter how happy she might be.
Her face that I was so eager to see is covered with her bridal veil, It was not visible in almost all of the pictures we snapped.
After our photo session with Yasmeen, the elders snatched her away and took her to my mother's room for a formal introduction and entrusting my mother with the task of keeping Yasmeen safe and making sure she is being cared for
They also wanted to make sure they leave Yasmeen in good hands, to someone who would treat her like a daughter, someone who would look out for her, someone with genuine concern for her, someone who would correct her when she's wrong, guide her, and be there for her when she needs them.
While waiting for all the formalities to be done with, Introductions were made by Yasmeen's sister. I got to know all of her friends and a few family members that are closest to her.
Our song, the song I paid a popular African artiste to compose for us for our special day kept playing, A few people started dancing to it and enjoying themselves while others were engaged in conversations getting to know each other. It's fun all the way, happiness is in the air.
I spotted a girl with the sweetest voice among Yasmeen's friends sorrounded by my friends, they seem so interested and obviously into whatever she was saying. I got curious and started walking towards her.
The elderly women came into the sitting room just in time to stop me from engaging myself in a pointless conversation with yasmeen's friend. By the look on their faces, it seems they are satisfied with what they see and they are ready to leave Yasmeen under our care.
Here comes the hardest part, saying goodbye to Yasmeen. Her friends and her only sister had to be dragged out of the house as Yasmeen cried even harder begging them not to leave her alone.
I was so eager to see Yasmeen that her relatives barely even left our compound when I made my way to where she is being seated. My mother spotted me and stopped me right in my tracks because she doesn't want me to disturb Yasmeen and that she thinks it would be best if she gets some proper rest before we leave for our honeymoon.
Nevertheless, She promised that my sister habiba would be at yasmeen's service and wouldn't leave her side no matter what. But after a few minutes, habiba came back to us. According to her, Yasmeen looks uncomfortable with her around.
I couldn't take it anymore, I went to my wife to make sure she's okey. As I sat beside her, I looked at her under the light of the lamp and she literally took my breath away.
I lift up her face and saw the tears in her eyes, i wipe them off her beautiful face and pulled her into a warm embrace.
After a while, I looked into her eyes and I bid her goodnight. "Good night my love, may you fall asleep in the arms of a dream, so beautiful, you'll cry when you awake" I said and I went back to my family leaving her all by herself.
I ended up spending the night at my mothers room while we talked about a lot of things. I woke up very early, because our flight is taking off from a city that is three hours away from where we are and got ready for the journey.
Hoping to impress my wife of exactly fifteen hours, I entrusted my sister again with the task of finding the best place to spend a night before catching our flight to our honeymoon destination in the morning.
Habiba later informed me that, she chose a sweet little bed and breakfast that was close enough to the airport so that we wouldn't have a terribly long drive to the Airport, but far enough that we wouldn't have to worry about pranksters.
She said it is called the "quaint exotic" with a "seven course breakfast." Perfect, I thought.
The just married decoration was still glued to my car, We drove down the street and Yasmeen told me to stop the car when she found a dumpster to throw it all in, she scraped it off the best she could.
After spending several hours at the wheel, we finally located "quant exotic" at about 11:00pm. I pulled over up front and we made our way inside. It's a very old building with old furniture and fittings.
The only light was a small lantern hanging above the entryway, so we warily climbed the stairs and knocked.
An elderly lady opened the door, squinted, and informed us that the guest entrance was around the back. We made our way through the dark and somehow managed to locate the door.
We were greeted by the same woman, who had found an apron and mustered up a smile since we had last seen her. She welcomed us and showed us to our room.
"Don't forget, breakfast starts at 7:00am sharp," she announced.
"Umm, this is our wedding night, and we are exhausted from a busy day and long hours of driving" Yasmeen told her gently. "Do you think we could come down a little later?"
"Certainly," she replied, "lets plan on 7:15." It wasn't the type of response that invited a counter offer.
Thankful for the generous extra 15 minutes, Yasmeen said and we commenced inspecting our room. We found ourselves in a demon-possessed doll room.
This is Ahmad to the world Lovelies 😁
The Floor is open for suggestions 👌🏻
And feel free to let me know what you think😉Thanks For Reading 🙏
Love You All ❤️
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